469 research outputs found

    Mechanisms and pathways of Toxoplasma gondii transepithelial migration

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous parasite and a prevalent food-borne parasitic pathogen. Infection of the host occurs principally through oral consumption of contaminated food and water with the gastrointestinal tract being the primary route for entry into the host. To promote infection, T. gondii has evolved highly specialized strategies for rapid traversal of the single cell thick intestinal epithelial barrier. Parasite transmigration via the paracellular pathway between adjacent cells enables parasite dissemination to secondary sites of infection where chronic infection of muscle and brain tissue is established. It has recently been proposed that parasite interactions with the integral tight junction (TJ) protein occludin influences parasite transmigration of the intestinal epithelium. We review here the emerging mechanisms of T. gondii transmigration of the small intestinal epithelium alongside the developing role played in modulating the wider TJ-associated proteome to rewire host cell regulatory systems for the benefit of the parasite

    The role of physical frailty independent components on increased disabilities in institutionalized older women

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the independent components of physical frailty that most influence disability indicators in institutionalized older women. A cross-sectional study with 319 participants (81.96±7.89 years old) was performed. Disability was assessed through dynamic and static balance tests, activities of daily life and falls risk screen. Fried physical frailty protocol was used to access physical frailty. The frail subgroup displayed the weakest results for all disability indicators (p < 0.05). Regression analysis showed that in the two models tested, low physical activity levels and slowness were the physical frailty independent components that better associated with the disability indicators. More studies with larger samples will help to better understand the independent relationship of each physical frailty component with disability outcomes and assist to design a co-adjuvant treatment to reverse physical frailty

    Participation, knowledge production, and evaluative research: participation by different actors in a mental health study

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    This article reflects on the interrelations between participation, knowledge production, and public policy evaluation in light of issues from our own experience with evaluative research on a municipal network of Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) in Brazil. The article discusses the coordination of the complex process and the potentials and limits of partnerships for conducting qualitative evaluative studies in mental health with participation by different social actors. The authors conclude that qualitative evaluative research aligned with the perspective of including different points of view representing various segments is the best approach for understanding the numerous spin-offs from the implementation of services linked to the Brazilian psychiatric reform movement, given the inherent specificities of the mental health field.No presente texto apresentamos considerações sobre pesquisa avaliativa qualitativa e participativa com base em investigação desta natureza realizada junto a uma rede municipal de Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) ligados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A coordenação do complexo processo, bem como as potencialidades e limites do estabelecimento de parcerias para a realização de trabalhos de investigação avaliativa qualitativa em saúde mental, com a inclusão de diferentes atores sociais, são aqui discutidas. Concluímos que a pesquisa avaliativa qualitativa aliada à perspectiva de inclusão de distintos pontos de vista dos vários segmentos envolvidos é a que melhor se adequa à compreensão dos muitos desdobramentos oriundos da implementação de serviços ligados ao movimento de reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, dado as especificidades inerentes ao campo da saúde mental.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Estadual de Campinas FCMUNIFESPSciEL

    Anatomical and Physiological Basis of Continuous Spike-Wave of Sleep Syndrome after Early Thalamic Lesions

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    OBJECTIVE: Early neonatal thalamic lesions account for about 14% of continuous spike-wave of sleep (CSWS) syndrome, representing the most common etiology in this epileptic encephalopathy in children, and promise useful insights into the pathophysiology of the disease. METHODS: We describe nine patients with unilateral neonatal thalamic lesions which progressed to CSWS. Longitudinal whole-night and high-density electroencephalograms (EEGs) were performed, as well as detailed imaging and clinical evaluation. Visual evoked potentials were used to probe cortical excitability. RESULTS: Thalamic volume loss ranged from 19% to 94%, predominantly on medial and dorsal nuclei and sparing the ventral thalamus. Lesions produced white matter loss and ventricle enlargement on the same hemisphere, which in four patients was associated with selective loss of thalamic-cortical fibers. Cortical thickness quantification failed to reveal hemispheric asymmetries. Impact on EEG rhythms was mild, with a volume-loss-related decrease in alpha power and preservation of sleep spindles. The sleep continuous spiking was lateralized to the hemisphere with the lesion. Visual cortex stimulation in five patients with posterior cortex spiking revealed an abnormal frequency-dependent excitability at 10-20Hz on the side of the lesion. SIGNIFICANCE: Unilateral selective thalamic-cortical disconnection is a common feature in our patients and is associated with both a focal pattern of CSWS and a pathological type of frequency-dependent excitability (peak: 10-20Hz). We propose that this excitability represents an abnormal synaptic plasticity previously described as the augmenting response. This synaptic plasticity has been described as absent in the corticocortical interactions in healthy experimental animals, emerging after ablation of the thalamus and producing a frequency-dependent potentiation with a peak at 10-20Hz. Because this response is potentiated by sleep states of reduced brainstem activation and by appropriate stimulating rhythms, such as sleep spindles, the simultaneous occurrence of these two factors in nonrapid-eye-movement sleep is proposed as an explanation for CSWS in our patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This report is a retrospective study of the epidemiology of scorpion sting cases recorded from 2007 to 2013 in the State of Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected from the Injury Notification Information System database of the Health Department of Ceará. A total of 11,134 cases were studied and distributed across all the months of the studied period and they occurred mainly in urban areas. Victims were predominantly 20-29 years-old women. Most victims were bitten on the hand; and received medical assistance within 1-3 hours after being bitten. Cases were mostly classified as mild and progressed to cure. Scorpion envenomation in Ceará is an environmental public health problem that needs to be monitored and controlled throughout the year