230 research outputs found

    Breve caracterização da flora da Ilha Graciosa

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    XI Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Graciosa 2004.Uma breve caracterização da flora vascular espontânea da ilha Graciosa é feita a partir da análise do seu catálogo de plantas vasculares (Pereira et al. 2004). A flora vascular Graciosense compreende no momento 437 espécies, 283 géneros e 98 famílias. O número de espécies introduzidas representa 67,3% do total de espécies presentes, enquanto a percentagem de espécies nativas se cifra apenas pelos 22,2%. A distribuição das espécies nos grandes grupos taxonómicos (Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledoneae e Monocotyledoneae) difere com significado estatístico entre as espécies nativas e introduzidas. A contribuição das espécies introduzidas é maior a nível das dicotiledóneas e menor a nível dos pteridófitos quando comparada com a distribuição das espécies nativas.ABSTRACT: A short characterization of the spontaneous vascular flora of Graciosa Island is made from the analysis of it’s checklist of vascular plants (Pereira et al. 2004). At the moment 437 species, 283 genus and 98 families are recorded. The number of introduced species represents 67.3% of the total species while the native species correspond only to 22,2 % of the vascular flora. The species distribution on the main taxonomic groups (Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledoneae e Monocotyledoneae) is significantly different between native and introduced species. The contribution of introduced species is superior in the Dicotyledoneae and inferior in the Pteridophyta when compared with the native species

    Testemunhos de couraças ferruginosas quaternárias no sudoeste de Portugal (nota preliminar)

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    Volume de Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Carlos TeixeiraNesta nota assinala-se a presença de fragmentos de couraças sílico-ferruginosas, conglomerático-brechóides, no Sudoeste de Portugal (região de Vila do Bispo-Aljezur). Expõe-se muito sucintamente o estado actual dos conhecimentos e comparam-se, dos pontos de vista macroscópico, químico e mineralógico, amostras destes fragmentos com amostras de «zorra» e de couraças já estudadas provenientes de Angola, S. Tomé e Príncipe. Como factor importante que servirá de futuro como referência de datação, assinala-se a presença de um raspador sobre lasca, no seio de fragmento de couraça colhido na área de Torre de Aspa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shells of the limpet Patella aspera as habitat for epibionts

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    World Congress of Malacology, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 21-28 de julho.Although limpets can control the abund ance and distribution of algae and other organisms, their shells can offer a refuge for the establishment of diverse assemblage that would otherwise be excluded. In this study, we make a preliminary analysis of the epibiota growing on shells of the limpet Patella aspern. Individuals of P. aspera were collected in all islands of the Azores and the biota on their shells was identified and quantified to species leveli. A total of 144 species was identified. The composition of the epibiota assemblage varied among islands and among locations within islands. There was also significant variation in epibiota richness at the scale of locations, but not at the scale of islands. A positive and highly significant correlation was also found between epibiota richness and shell length. This study adds to the literature by showing that the shells of P. aspern, an over-exploited species in the Azores, support a very rich community of algae and invertebrates and that this is controlled by processes operating at multiple spatial scales ranging from metres (among individuals) to 100's of kilometers (among islands)

    Catálogo das plantas vasculares da Ilha Graciosa

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    XI Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Graciosa 2004.Foi construído um catálogo das plantas vasculares espontâneas para a ilha Graciosa com base nas obras de síntese de TRELEASE (1897), PALHINHA (1966), FRANCO (1971, 1984), FRANCO et AFONSO (1994, 1998, 2003), HANSEN et SUNDING (1993), HANNO (2002) e nos relatórios das expedições efectuadas à ilha Graciosa (1988, 1982/84 e 2004) por elementos do Departamento de Biologia da Universidade dos Açores. Nesta compilação utilizou-se a nomenclatura aceite pela ‘Flora Europaea’ para mais facilmente referenciar os taxa citados, tendo sido acrescentados 10 novos registos para a ilha Graciosa, 3 dos quais correspondem a endemismos açorianos: Azorina vidalii (H.C.Watson) Feer, Scabiosa nitens Roem. & Schult. e Senecio malvifolius (L’Hér.) DC. O presente catálogo regista 437 espécies distribuídas por 98 famílias.ABSTRACT: A checklist of spontaneous vascular plants on Graciosa Island is presented based on the published accounts of TRELEASE (1897), PALHINHA (1966), FRANCO (1971, 1984), FRANCO et AFONSO (1994, 1998, 2003), HANSEN et SUNDING (1993), HANNO (2002) and in the expedition reports to that Island made by the Biology Department of Azores University (1988, 1982/84 e 2004). For convenience we used the names with the status ‘accepted’ according the ‘Flora Europaea’ reference work. In this checklist 10 new island records were made, 3 of them correspond to Azorean endemics: Azorina vidalii (H.C.Watson) Feer, Scabiosa nitens Roem. & Schult. and Senecio malvifolius (L’Hér.) DC. The present checklist update for Graciosa Island results in 438 species belonging to 98 families

    Catálogo das plantas vasculares da Ilha Graciosa

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    XI Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Graciosa 2004.Foi construído um catálogo das plantas vasculares espontâneas para a ilha Graciosa com base nas obras de síntese de TRELEASE (1897), PALHINHA (1966), FRANCO (1971, 1984), FRANCO et AFONSO (1994, 1998, 2003), HANSEN et SUNDING (1993), HANNO (2002) e nos relatórios das expedições efectuadas à ilha Graciosa (1988, 1982/84 e 2004) por elementos do Departamento de Biologia da Universidade dos Açores. Nesta compilação utilizou-se a nomenclatura aceite pela ‘Flora Europaea’ para mais facilmente referenciar os taxa citados, tendo sido acrescentados 10 novos registos para a ilha Graciosa, 3 dos quais correspondem a endemismos açorianos: Azorina vidalii (H.C.Watson) Feer, Scabiosa nitens Roem. & Schult. e Senecio malvifolius (L’Hér.) DC. O presente catálogo regista 437 espécies distribuídas por 98 famílias.ABSTRACT: A checklist of spontaneous vascular plants on Graciosa Island is presented based on the published accounts of TRELEASE (1897), PALHINHA (1966), FRANCO (1971, 1984), FRANCO et AFONSO (1994, 1998, 2003), HANSEN et SUNDING (1993), HANNO (2002) and in the expedition reports to that Island made by the Biology Department of Azores University (1988, 1982/84 e 2004). For convenience we used the names with the status ‘accepted’ according the ‘Flora Europaea’ reference work. In this checklist 10 new island records were made, 3 of them correspond to Azorean endemics: Azorina vidalii (H.C.Watson) Feer, Scabiosa nitens Roem. & Schult. and Senecio malvifolius (L’Hér.) DC. The present checklist update for Graciosa Island results in 438 species belonging to 98 families

    Shell variation in Patellid limpets: scales of spatial variability

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    World Congress of Malacology, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 21-28 de julho.Species o f the genera Patella generally display a high degree of shell variation, which is thought to be an adaptation to environmental conditions. The present work examines the variation in the morphometry of the two patellid limpets present in the Azores (Patella candei and P. aspera) at multiple spatial scales. Individuals of both patellid species were collected on two sites in each of the nine islands of the Azores. All individuals were measured to estimate base ellipticity, base eccentricity, conicity and cone eccentricity. Shell variation in P. candei was consistent among groups of islands (eastern, central, western) but there was significant variation in shell morphometry at the scales of islands and sites. Components of variation showed that a substantial proportion of variation was associated with the scale of individuais. Shell variation in P. aspera was consistent at the scale of island groups and islands but there was significant variation among sites. Analysis of the components of variability showed that variability in shell morphometrv was mostly associated with differences among individuais. Overall, these results suggest that variation in shell morphometry in the two patellid is not influenced by large scale processes as would be expected given that P. candei and P. aspera both have a pelagic Iarvae. In addition, this study suggests that shell variation in these species is likely to be a result of an adaptation to local conditions (e.g. microhabitats)

    Prevalence of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis in an Australian adult population: A community-based study

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    Purpose: Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis is the most common clinical manifestation of an infection with the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Up to 50 % of the human population is estimated to be infected with T. gondii; however, the epidemiology of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis has not been widely reported. We sought to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis in Australia using data that were collected as part of the Busselton Healthy Ageing Study. Design: oss-sectional, community-based, prospective cohort study. Participants: 5020 Australian adults (2264 men and 2756 women; age range, 45–69 years, and median age, 58 years). Methods : Retinal color photographs, centered on the optic disc and macula, were captured using a digital retinal camera after the dilation of the pupils. Three uveitis-subspecialized ophthalmologists assessed each pigmented retinal lesion, and complete concordance of opinion was required to assign a toxoplasmic etiology. Serum T. gondii immunoglobulin (Ig)G levels were measured for those participants with retinal lesions judged to be toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Main Outcome Measures : Prevalence of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Results: Eight participants (0.16 %) had retinal lesions that were considered to have the characteristic appearance of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, plus detectable serum T. gondii IgG, consistent with the diagnosis of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. On the assumption that 23.81 % of retinal lesions occur at the posterior pole, as reported in a community-based survey conducted in Brazil (Sci Rep. 2021;11:3420), the prevalence of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis was estimated to be 0.67 % or 1 per 149 persons. Conclusions: Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis is common in Australian adults. Efforts to quantify and address risk factors for human infection with T. gondii are justified

    Prostatic arterial supply: demonstration by multirow detector Angio CT and Catheter Angiography

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    Abstract Objectives To evaluate the prostatic arterial supply with multidetector Angio CT and Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA). Methods DSA was performed in 21 male patients (7 of these also underwent Pelvic Angio CT); a further 4 patients only underwent Angio CT. Prostatic arteries were classified according to their origin, direction, number of pedicles, termination and anastomoses with surrounding arteries in 50 pelvic sides. Results The most frequent origin was the internal pudendal artery (n = 28; 56%) with the common gluteal-pudendal trunk the next commonest (n = 14; 28%). Less frequent origins were the obturator artery (n = 6; 12%) or the inferior gluteal artery (n = 2; 4%). Two separate vascular pedicles were found in 12 pelvic sides (24%). There were anastomoses with the termination of the internal pudendal artery in 24% of cases (n = 12), with the contra-lateral prostatic arteries in 6 cases (12%), and to the superior vesical artery in 4 cases (8%). Conclusions Defining prostatic artery origin and direction is paramount to allow selective catheterisation. Angio CT is very useful as a pre-intervention tool. The number of independent vascular pedicles and the presence of anastomoses with surrounding arteries should be taken into account when planning prostatic arterial embolisation

    Evaluation of the Potential of Brazilian Propolis against UV-Induced Oxidative Stress

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    This study investigated the potential use of topically and orally administered propolis extracts to prevent UV irradiation-induced oxidative stress in skin. The results illustrated that green propolis extract (GPE) contained greater amounts of polyphenols, coumaric acid, drupanin, baccharin and artepillin C than did brown propolis extract (BPE). GPE showed higher antioxidant activity than BPE when the IC50 (concentration that caused 50% inhibition) values were compared. Interesting, the oral treatment of hairless mice demonstrated a recovery of 30.0% for GPE and 22.8% for BPE with respect to UV irradiation-induced GSH depletion. The topical pretreatment of animals with both propolis extract solutions recovered around 14.0% of the depleted GSH. However, the employed treatments did not inhibit the increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity caused by irradiation. These findings indicate that despite differences in composition and antioxidant properties, GPE and BPE both successfully prevent UV-induced GSH depletion in vivo and are both promising antioxidant systems against oxidative stress in skin. Based on these findings, complementary studies should be performed to enhance our understanding of the protective effects of propolis extracts in skin