14 research outputs found
Snake population venomics and antivenomics of bothrops atrox: paedomorphism along its transamazonian dispersal and implications of geographic venom variability of snakebite mangement
Comunicaciones a congreso
Double-Leaf Infill Masonry Walls Cyclic In-Plane Behaviour: Experimental and Numerical Investigation
Molecular characterisation of a NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 from Schistosoma mansoni and inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain function by testosterone
Status report of the Schenberg gravitational wave antenna
Here we present a status report of the Schenberg antenna. In the past three years it has gone to a radical upgrading operation, in which we have been installing a 1K pot dilution refrigerator, cabling and amplifiers for nine transducer circuits, designing a new suspension and vibration isolation system for the microstrip antennas, and developing a full set of new transducers, microstrip antennas, and oscillators. We are also studying an innovative approach, which could transform Schenberg into a broadband gravitational wave detector