9 research outputs found
Film-Based Resources in Asynchronous Online Learning
Juxtaposed with other teaching and learning media, film-based resources in English Language teaching are succinctly beneficial to support students to learn English skills. Films facilitate students to learn English integrally, not in an isolated way. Responding to today’s trend in which the teaching and learning process is converted from offline to an online system, it is crucial to ease students to be independent learners. This paper is aimed to justify how filmbased resources can support student’s learning independence in asynchronous online learning. Specifically, the writer focuses on reviewing this issue from the Stern’s framework of teachers’ beliefs in language teaching to analyze how films can be part of the important elements in designing language teaching materials, and how asynchronous instructional method becomes a suitable decision that teachers make regarding the process of online teaching and learning. In reference to the theoretical justification, it is concluded that film-based resources conceptually facilitate student’s learning independence in asynchronous online learning. Meanwhile, regarding today’s trend in which some language teachings are converted into online learning, the asynchronous instructional method is a suitable decision that teachers can make
Sosialisasi Hasil Riset Perkembangan Bahasa Inggris Santri di Pesantren Berbasis Pendekatan Dynamic Usage Based (DUB)
 This service program has two basic objectives. The first objective is to disseminate the results of ongoing research that has been carried out at partner Islamic boarding schools from 2014 to 2020 regarding the development of the English language of students. Overall, the findings of studies that have been carried out show that learners make almost all progress in the first six months and then they tend to be stable and stagnant in the forms and expressions of the English they use, which can be considered as a fossilized system that is the hallmark of pidginization. During their interactions, the non-target-like (NTL) output they produce is rarely corrected, perhaps because the learner does not know that the forms are not like the target language. It is also clear that students in pesantren have only limited exposure to input from authentic L2 or from more proficient people because the input they receive is mostly from their peers. In addition, the types of instruction they receive from their teachers are generally lexical based. These factors can cause the development of learners to stagnate. The very extensive role of peer interaction has also led to the process of pidginization or fossilization of students' English. The results of this continuous research become the basis for evaluating the English language learning program at partner pesantren which has been running for 30 years without any significant changes in program design. The second objective is to plan new English learning programs and teaching materials based on the research results
Viewed from the theoretical and practical point of view, students’ self-perceptions on reading comprehension aspects can be used as a reference for pedagogical practices which can overcome the problems in understanding reading English texts. Referring to the importance of knowing the aspects of English learners in reading, this study identifies and analyzes the self-perceptions of English learners in reading. As the main data, scores on the self-perception scale in reading were collected from a self-perception survey using the Reader Self-Perception Scale (RSPS) questionnaire. The main data in the form of four aspects of self-perception, namely progress (P), observational comparison (OC), social feedback (SF), and physiological state (PS) were analyzed qualitatively to determine the level of each aspect/dimension of self-perception studied. This study found that the progress aspect was in a low category, while the other three aspects, namely observational comparison, social feedback, and physiological state were in the medium category. Based on these results, it is hoped that the level of reading self-perception of English language learners in higher education in this context can be improved, one of which is the presence of pedagogical and psychological support that can give a positive effect on self-efficacy assessments in reading
Pelatihan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Dasar bagi Guru dan Karyawan SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto
Program IbM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris tingkat dasar bagi guru dan karyawan SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, kemampuan bahasa Inggris peserta tidak terlalu beragam, yaitu berada pada tingkat pra-pemula (sebelum tingkat dasar). Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan secara terstruktur dalam jangka waktu 4 bulan. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan pelatihan dan evaluasi hasil, penulis menyimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) pemahaman tata bahasa guru dan karyawan SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto meningkat secara cukup signifkan. Salah satu fokus materi dalam pelatihan ini adalah pembelajaran tata bahasa secara terintegrasi ke dalam kegiatan berbicara. Peserta pelatihan dapat memahami tata bahasa dengan lebih mudah dan aplikatif; dan (2) kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris guru dan karyawan SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto meningkat secara cukup signifikan. Peserta lebih termotivasi untuk secara aktif dalam menggunakan ekspresi dalam bahasa Inggris di lingkungan kerjanya. Selain itu, kepercayaan diri dan akurasi pengucapan kosa kata bahasa Inggris peserta juga meningkat secara cukup signifikan. Pengabdian ini dilakukan pada konteks guru dan karyawan di sebuah sekolah yang memiliki sister school di luar negeri, sehingga kebermanfaatannya lebih signifikan untuk sekolah terkait. Di masa yang akan datang, pengabdian semacam ini dapat diperluas konteksnya untuk mendapatkan luaran yang lebih komprehensif
TOEFL test of English as a foreign language self preparation course
viii, 352 hlm.: 30 c
TOEFL ,Self Preparation Course 'Smart Way to reach The Highest Score'
viii, 352hlm ; 27c
This study aims to investigate the impact of team-based learning practice in the Teaching Campus program on the participating students' self-efficacy and the school mentor teachers' professionalism. A mixed methods approach was employed in this research. A total of 44 students (comprising 22 students who participated in the Teaching Campus program and 22 students who did not take the program) and seven teachers in partner schools were involved in the study. A questionnaire survey to assess students self-efficacy was administered. Interviews with teachers were also conducted to evaluate how much the program affected their professionalism during the activity. The responses obtained from questionnaires were analyzed using the inferential statistical tool of T-test, whereas the qualitative data elicited from interviews were analyzed using a thematic procedure. The ex-post facto design comparing self-efficacy of the two groups has shown that there is a significant difference, where the students who took part in the Teaching Campus program are superior over those who did not. In addition, the teachers who co-worked with the students in their schools have stated that they benefited from the scheme. These results have strong implications for the 'Freedom to Learn - Freedom Campus' policy in current Indonesia's higher education system, more specifically the 'Teaching Campus' program, which includes team-based learning as an essential component. Betterment in its implementation is encouraged to make, according to results of this study