342 research outputs found

    Apparatus for real-time acoustic imaging of Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    We have designed and built an apparatus for real-time acoustic imaging of convective flow patterns in optically opaque fluids. This apparatus takes advantage of recent advances in two-dimensional ultrasound transducer array technology; it employs a modified version of a commercially available ultrasound camera, similar to those employed in non-destructive testing of solids. Images of convection patterns are generated by observing the lateral variation of the temperature dependent speed of sound via refraction of acoustic plane waves passing vertically through the fluid layer. The apparatus has been validated by observing convection rolls in both silicone oil and ferrofluid.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to the Review of Scientific Instrument

    Numerical and experimental investigations of a microwave interferometer for the negative ion source SPIDER

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    The electron density close to the extraction grids and the co-extracted electrons represent a crucial issue when operating negative ion sources for fusion reactors. An excessive electron density in the plasma expansion region can indeed inhibit the negative ion production and introduce potentially harmful electrons in the accelerator. Among the set of plasma and beam diagnostics proposed for SPIDER upgrade, a heterodyne microwave (mw) interferometer at 100 GHz is being explored as a possibility to measure electron density in the plasma extraction region. The major issue in applying this technique in SPIDER is the poor accessibility of the probing microwave beam through the source metal walls and the long distance of 4 m at which mw modules should be located outside the vacuum vessel. Numerical investigations in a full-scale geometry showed that the power transmitted through the plasma source apertures was sufficient for the microwave module sensitivity. An experimental proof-of-principle of the setup was then performed. The microwave system was tested on an experimental full-scale test-bench mimicking SPIDER viewports accessibility constraints, including the presence of a SPIDER-like plasma. The outcome of first tests revealed that, despite the geometrical constraints, in certain conditions, the electron density measurements are possible. The main issue arises from decoupling the one-pass signal from spurious multipaths generated by mw beam reflections, requiring signal cross correlation analysis. These preliminary tests demonstrate that despite the 4 m distance between the mw modules and the presence of metal walls, plasma density measurement is possible when the 80-mm diameter ports are available. In this contribution, we discuss the numerical simulations, the preliminary experimental tests and suggest design upgrades of the interferometric setup to enhance signal transmission

    Transport equation describing fractional LĂ©vy motion of suprathermal ions in TORPEX

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    Suprathermal ions, created by fusion reactions or by additional heating, will play an important role in burning plasmas such as the ones in ITER or DEMO. Basic plasma experiments, with easy access for diagnostics and well-controlled plasma scenarios, are particularly suitable to investigate the transport of suprathermal ions in plasma waves and turbulence. Experimental measurements and numerical simulations have revealed that the transport of fast ions in the presence of electrostatic turbulence in the basic plasma toroidal experiment TORPEX is generally non-classical. Namely, the mean-squared radial displacement of the ions does not scale linearly with time, but 〈r2(t)ă€‰âˆŒtÎł , with Îł ïżœ= 1 generally, Îł>1 corresponding to superdiffusion and Îł<1 to subdiffusion. A generalization of the classical model of diffusion, the so-called fractional L ́ evy motion, which encompasses power-law (L ́ evy) statistics for the displacements and correlated temporal increments, leads to non-classical dynamics such as that observed in the experiments. On a macroscopic scale, this results in fractional differential operators, which are used to model non-Gaussian, non-local anomalous transport in a growing number of applied fields, including plasma physics. In this paper, we show that asymmetric fractional L ́ evy motion can be described by a diffusion equation using spacefractional differential operator with skewness. Numerical simulations of tracers in TORPEX turbulence are performed. The time evolution of the radial particle position distribution is shown to be described by solutions of the fractional diffusion equation corresponding to asymmetric fractional L ́ evy motion in sub- and superdiffusive cases

    Nanofat 2.0: experimental evidence for a fat grafting rich in mesenchymal stem cells.

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    Different strategies have been developed in the last decade to obtain fat grafts as rich as possible of mesenchymal stem cells, so exploiting their regenerative potential. Recently, a new kind of fat grafting, called "nanofat", has been obtained after several steps of fat emulsification and filtration. The final liquid suspension, virtually devoid of mature adipocytes, would improve tissue repair because of the presence of adipose mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs). However, since it is probable that many ASCs may be lost in the numerous phases of this procedure, we describe here a novel version of fat grafting, which we call "nanofat 2.0", likely richer in ASCs, obtained avoiding the final phases of the nanofat protocol. The viability, the density and proliferation rate of ASCs in nanofat 2.0 sample were compared with samples of nanofat and simple lipoaspirate. Although the density of ASCs was initially higher in lipoaspirate sample, the higher proliferation rate of cells in nanofat 2.0 virtually filled the gap within 8 days. By contrast, the density of ASCs in nanofat sample was the poorest at any time. Results show that nanofat 2.0 emulsion is considerably rich in stem cells, featuring a marked proliferation capability

    Studying the impact of ocean eddies on the ecosystem of the Prince Edward Islands: DEIMEC ll

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    The Dynamics of Eddy Impacts on Marion’s Ecosystem Study (DEIMEC) programme was begun in 2002 with the aim of understanding the importance of the oceanic, upstream environment to the ecosystem of the Prince Edward Islands. This island group consists of two small volcanic islands and provides many opportunities for studying ecological and evolutionary processes, for monitoring ecological changes in relation to global climate change and for conserving a unique component of the planet’s biological diversity

    Conceptual design of the DEMO neutral beam injectors: Main developments and R&D achievements

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    The objectives of the nuclear fusion power plant DEMO, to be built after the ITER experimental reactor, are usually understood to lie somewhere between those of ITER and a 'first of a kind' commercial plant. Hence, in DEMO the issues related to efficiency and RAMI (reliability, availability, maintainability and inspectability) are among the most important drivers for the design, as the cost of the electricity produced by this power plant will strongly depend on these aspects. In the framework of the EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive within the Power Plant Physics and Development activities, a conceptual design of the neutral beam injector (NBI) for the DEMO fusion reactor has been developed by Consorzio RFX in collaboration with other European research institutes. In order to improve efficiency and RAMI aspects, several innovative solutions have been introduced in comparison to the ITER NBI, mainly regarding the beam source, neutralizer and vacuum pumping systems

    Electromagnetic turbulent structures: A ubiquitous feature of the edge region of toroidal plasma configurations

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    Electromagnetic features of turbulent filaments, emerging from a turbulent plasma background, have been studied in four different magnetic configurations: the stellarator TJ-II, the Reversed Field Pinch RFX-mod, a device that can be operated also as a ohmic tokamak, and the Simple Magnetized Torus, TORPEX. By applying an analogous diagnostic concept in all cases, direct measurements of both field-aligned current density and vorticity were performed inside the filament. The inter-machine comparison reveals a clear dependence of the filament vorticity upon the local time-averaged E x B flow shear. Furthermore, a wide range of local beta was explored allowing concluding that this parameter plays a fundamental role in the appearance of filament electromagnetic features

    Legionella pneumophila serogroup 3 pneumonia in a patient with low-grade 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Nosocomial legionellosis has generally been described in immunodepressed patients, but <it>Legionella pneumophila </it>serogroup 3 has rarely been identified as the causative agent.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of nosocomial <it>L. pneumophila </it>serogroup 3 pneumonia in a 70-year-old Caucasian man with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Diagnosis was carried out by culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The results of a urinary antigen test were negative. A hospital environmental investigation revealed that the hospital water system was highly colonized by <it>L. pneumophila </it>serogroups 3, 4, and 8. The hospital team involved in the prevention of infections was informed, long-term control measures to reduce the environmental bacterial load were adopted, and clinical monitoring of legionellosis occurrence in high-risk patients was performed. No further cases of <it>Legionella </it>pneumonia have been observed so far.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this report, we describe a case of legionellosis caused by <it>L. pneumophila </it>serogroup 3, which is not usually a causative agent of nosocomial infection. Our research confirms the importance of carrying out cultures of respiratory secretions to diagnose legionellosis and highlights the limited value of the urinary antigen test for hospital infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. It also indicates that, to reduce the bacterial load and prevent nosocomial legionellosis, appropriate control measures should be implemented with systematic monitoring of hospital water systems.</p

    Displacement of polarons by vibrational modes in doped conjugated polymers

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    Organic pi-conjugated polymers are deemed to be soft materials with strong electron-phonon coupling, which results in the formation of polarons, i.e., charge carriers dressed by self-localized distortion of the nuclei. Universal signatures for polarons are optical resonances below the band gap and intense vibrational modes (IVMs), both found in the infrared (IR) spectral region. Here, we study p-doped conjugated homo-and copolymers by combining first-principles modelling and optical spectroscopy from the far-IR to the visible. Polaronic IVMs are found to feature absorption intensities comparable to purely electronic transitions and, most remarkably, show only loose resemblance to the Raman or IR-active modes of the neutral polymer. The IVM frequency is dramatically scaled down (up to 50%) compared to the backbone carbon-stretching modes in the pristine polymers. The very large intensity of IVMs is associated with displacement of the excess positive charge along the backbone driven by specific vibrational modes. We propose a quantitative picture for the identification of these polaron shifting modes that solely based on structural information, directly correlates with their IR intensity. This finding finally discloses the elusive microscopic mechanism behind the huge IR intensity of IVMs in doped polymeric semiconductors
