3,566 research outputs found

    Influence of disordered porous media in the anomalous properties of a simple water model

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    The thermodynamic, dynamic and structural behavior of a water-like system confined in a matrix is analyzed for increasing confining geometries. The liquid is modeled by a two dimensional associating lattice gas model that exhibits density and diffusion anomalies, in similarity to the anomalies present in liquid water. The matrix is a triangular lattice in which fixed obstacles impose restrictions to the occupation of the particles. We show that obstacules shortens all lines, including the phase coexistence, the critical and the anomalous lines. The inclusion of a very dense matrix not only suppress the anomalies but also the liquid-liquid critical point

    Analysis of Hardware Sorting Units in Processor Design

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    Sorting is often computationally intensive and can cause the application in which it is used to run slowly. To date, the quickest software sorting implementations for an N element sorting problem runs at O(nlogn). Current techniques, beyond developing better algorithms, used to accelerate sorting include the use of multiple processors or moving the sorting operation to a GPU. The use of multiple processors or a GPU can lead to increased energy consumption and heat produced by the device as compared to a single-core GPU-less implementation. To address these problems, specialized instructions and hardware units can be added to the processors to accelerate the sorting operation directly. This thesis studies and records the performance implications from implementing a sorting accelerator into a modern RISC-V processor pipeline. This thesis also explores the additional energy and area costs of implementing such hardware units in the processor

    Ab initio simulations of Cu binding sites in the N-terminal region of PrP

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    The prion protein (PrP) binds Cu2+ ions in the octarepeat domain of the N-terminal tail up to full occupancy at pH=7.4. Recent experiments show that the HGGG octarepeat subdomain is responsible for holding the metal bound in a square planar coordination. By using first principle ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the Car-Parrinello type, the Cu coordination mode to the binding sites of the PrP octarepeat region is investigated. Simulations are carried out for a number of structured binding sites. Results for the complexes Cu(HGGGW)+(wat), Cu(HGGG) and the 2[Cu(HGGG)] dimer are presented. While the presence of a Trp residue and a H2O molecule does not seem to affect the nature of the Cu coordination, high stability of the bond between Cu and the amide Nitrogens of deprotonated Gly's is confirmed in the case of the Cu(HGGG) system. For the more interesting 2[Cu(HGGG)] dimer a dynamically entangled arrangement of the two monomers, with intertwined N-Cu bonds, emerges. This observation is consistent with the highly packed structure seen in experiments at full Cu occupancy.Comment: 4 pages, conference proceedin

    Is depression a real risk factor for acute myocardial infarction mortality? A retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Depression has been associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular events and a higher mortality in patients with one or more comorbidities. This study investigated whether continuative use of antidepressants (ADs), considered as a proxy of a state of depression, prior to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is associated with a higher mortality afterwards. The outcome to assess was mortality by AD use. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the Veneto Region on hospital discharge records with a primary diagnosis of AMI in 2002-2015. Subsequent deaths were ascertained from mortality records. Drug purchases were used to identify AD users. A descriptive analysis was conducted on patients' demographics and clinical data. Survival after discharge was assessed with a Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox's multiple regression model. Results: Among 3985 hospital discharge records considered, 349 (8.8%) patients were classified as AD users'. The mean AMI-related hospitalization rate was 164.8/100,000 population/year, and declined significantly from 204.9 in 2002 to 130.0 in 2015, but only for AD users (-40.4%). The mean overall follow-up was 4.64.1years. Overall, 523 patients (13.1%) died within 30days of their AMI. The remainder survived a mean 5.3 +/- 4.0years. After adjusting for potential confounders, use of antidepressants was independently associated with mortality (adj OR=1.75, 95% CI: 1.40-2.19). Conclusions: Our findings show that AD users hospitalized for AMI have a worse prognosis in terms of mortality. The use of routinely-available records can prove an efficient way to monitor trends in the state of health of specific subpopulations, enabling the early identification of AMI survivors with a history of antidepressant use

    A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Al Wakra, State Of Qatar

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    In the past two decades, sustainability has been a significant concern when planning cities. As a consequence of development occurring in cities, its essence to people is discounted. An example of this is Doha, Qatar’s capital, which has undergone massive urban developments because of the post-WWII discovery and production of oil and gas. Doha’s urban fabric has been transformed from a rational, people-based, and environmentally adapted design into zoning and transportation dependent planning. However, in the past few years, Doha has started to adopt sustainability-driven urban planning policies. For example, development of the new city Lusail has legislation and design regulations directed towards sustainable planning. Therefore, this research study is focused on the urban planning of a neighbourhood in Al Wakra, Qatar. The focus is on its relationship to the old city layout and the possible implementation of sustainability principles in present-day development in the area. The study also develops strategies and design that utilize sustainability principles. The study process includes a literature review, data collection, detailed site analysis, and exploration of present and historic plans for Al Wakra. Additionally, various alternatives that follow specific strategies are generated to identify a desirable approach for the neighbourhood. Furthermore, the strategies highlight actions needed to implement the development concept. As a result, the study generates an ideal approach for the further development of Al Wakra. Furthermore, the findings can act as a reference for similar developments with a comparable climate, surroundings, environment, size, and population

    Properties and occurrence rates of KeplerKepler exoplanet candidates as a function of host star metallicity from the DR25 catalog

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    Correlations between the occurrence rate of exoplanets and their host star properties provide important clues about the planet formation processes. We studied the dependence of the observed properties of exoplanets (radius, mass, and orbital period) as a function of their host star metallicity. We analyzed the planetary radii and orbital periods of over 2800 KeplerKepler candidates from the latest KeplerKepler data release DR25 (Q1-Q17) with revised planetary radii based on GaiaGaia~DR2 as a function of host star metallicity (from the Q1-Q17 (DR25) stellar and planet catalog). With a much larger sample and improved radius measurements, we are able to reconfirm previous results in the literature. We show that the average metallicity of the host star increases as the radius of the planet increases. We demonstrate this by first calculating the average host star metallicity for different radius bins and then supplementing these results by calculating the occurrence rate as a function of planetary radius and host star metallicity. We find a similar trend between host star metallicity and planet mass: the average host star metallicity increases with increasing planet mass. This trend, however, reverses for masses >4.0 MJ> 4.0\, M_\mathrm{J}: host star metallicity drops with increasing planetary mass. We further examined the correlation between the host star metallicity and the orbital period of the planet. We find that for planets with orbital periods less than 10 days, the average metallicity of the host star is higher than that for planets with periods greater than 10 days.Comment: 14 pages, 13 Figures, Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Coulomb oscillations in three-layer graphene nanostructures

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    We present transport measurements on a tunable three-layer graphene single electron transistor (SET). The device consists of an etched three-layer graphene flake with two narrow constrictions separating the island from source and drain contacts. Three lateral graphene gates are used to electrostatically tune the device. An individual three-layer graphene constriction has been investigated separately showing a transport gap near the charge neutrality point. The graphene tunneling barriers show a strongly nonmonotonic coupling as function of gate voltage indicating the presence of localized states in the constrictions. We show Coulomb oscillations and Coulomb diamond measurements proving the functionality of the graphene SET. A charging energy of ≈0.6\approx 0.6 meV is extracted.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Caspase-independent programmed cell death triggers Ca2PO4 deposition in an in vitro model of nephrocalcinosis

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    We provide evidence of caspase-independent cell death triggering the calcification process in GDNF-silenced HK-2 cells
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