12 research outputs found

    Music club

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    Funk, L. Hudební klub Factory. Ostrava: Vysoká škola Báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra pozemního stavitelství, 2018, vedoucí diplomové práce: Ing. Pavel Vlček Ph.D. Obsahem diplomové práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace pro provádění stavby hudebního klubu. Objekt je rozdělen na halovou část určenou pro konání hudebních akcí a část rozdělenou po výšce haly na 2 podlaží, sloužící jako zázemí pro zaměstnance, majitele a VIP hosty. Budova je nepodsklepená s plochou střechou. Jedná se o skeletový konstrukční prefabrikovaný systém zhotovený firmou Prefa Brno. Obvodový plášť je zděný. Součástí tohoto dokumentu je projektová dokumentace pro stavební povolení, tepelně technického posouzení obvodových konstrukcí a energetického štítku obálky budovy podle ČSN 73 0540-2 (2011) a statické posouzení schodišťového ramene.Funk, L. Music Club Factory. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Constructions, 2018, Supervisor of diploma thesis: Ing. Pavel Vlček Ph.D Content of the diploma thesis is preparation of project documentation of music club. Object is divided into hall part determined for organizing music actions and a part divided into two floors along the height of the hall, determined as a base of employees, owner and VIP guests. The building has no level below the grand and has flat roof. It is skeletal construction prefabricated systém completed by Prefa Brno company. The chat of the building is made of bricks. The part of this document is heat-technical assessment of the circuit constructions and label the envelope of the building according to CSN 73 0540-2 (2011) and static assesstment of stair arm.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Návrh metodiky nedestruktivního výzkumu vesnic zaniklých po roce 1945

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    The aim of this article has been to create and subsequently test an optimal methodology of a non–destructive survey of sites deserted after 1945, which consists of a formalized description of recovered relicts and their recording including the use of GPS. The use of this method on the deserted village of Bažantov there was revealed a number of previously unknown findings. They are for example the unified typology of deserted houses and outbuildings, the location of original roads and those created during the process of desertion and the differentiation that took place during the post–depositional transformations of the structures

    Archaeological research of deserted recreational cottage in Krkonoše

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    There is a deserted recreational cottage called „Jelení louky“ near the town of Pec pod Sněžkou in the Krkonoše. This cottage is special because it has been left almost untouched and in a well-preserved state. The cottage was built in the first half of the 19th century and was abandoned in 1998. This spring, an archaeologist from the Department of Archaeology at the University of West Bohemia conducted archaeological research on the site. The research focused on the formation processes of archaeological record and on the cottage’s life.There is a deserted recreational cottage called „Jelení louky“ near the town of Pec pod Sněžkou in the Krkonoše. This cottage is special because it has been left almost untouched and in a well-preserved state. The cottage was built in the first half of the 19th century and was abandoned in 1998. This spring, an archaeologist from the Department of Archaeology at the University of West Bohemia conducted archaeological research on the site. The research focused on the formation processes of archaeological record and on the cottage’s life

    Captive villages behind the iron curtain – possibilities of archaeological recognition of the Cold War

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    The past twenty-five years have seen the development of a sub-discipline in archaeology labelled “20th Century Conflict Archaeology” around the world. The sub-discipline is focused on the remains of the military, civil, political and religious conflicts of the last century. Traces of these events are examined using an interdisciplinary approach because many different sources have been left behind to serve the researchers of this field, each of which carries unique information hardly detectable from another point of view. While the First and Second World Wars have attracted the lion’s share of attention, in recent years the efforts of researchers have turned to the Cold War and to the most famous symbol of the era—the so-called Iron Curtain, a fence of barbed wire separating the Eastern and the Western blocs. The most famous part of the curtain is the Berlin Wall. Nevertheless, research of this topic in Czech academia remains marginalized. The aim of this paper is to present how these issues are studied abroad and outline opportunities to study this in the Czech Republic. Our examples are the Iron Curtain itself and the village of Maříž, in whose history the events of the last century left an indelible mark.The past twenty-five years have seen the development of a sub-discipline in archaeology labelled “20th Century Conflict Archaeology” around the world. The sub-discipline is focused on the remains of the military, civil, political and religious conflicts of the last century. Traces of these events are examined using an interdisciplinary approach because many different sources have been left behind to serve the researchers of this field, each of which carries unique information hardly detectable from another point of view. While the First and Second World Wars have attracted the lion’s share of attention, in recent years the efforts of researchers have turned to the Cold War and to the most famous symbol of the era—the so-called Iron Curtain, a fence of barbed wire separating the Eastern and the Western blocs. The most famous part of the curtain is the Berlin Wall. Nevertheless, research of this topic in Czech academia remains marginalized. The aim of this paper is to present how these issues are studied abroad and outline opportunities to study this in the Czech Republic. Our examples are the Iron Curtain itself and the village of Maříž, in whose history the events of the last century left an indelible mark

    Vesnice zaniklé po roce 1945

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    Deserted settlement after 1945 as an archaeological source

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    Práce se věnuje zaniklému osídlení po roce 1945 a možnostem a limitům jeho zkoumání pomocí archeologických metod. Jejím hlavním cílem je poznání událostí, které ovlivnily zánik vesnic v západních Čechách. Součástí práce je i soupis všech zaniklých vesnic v této oblasti.Katedra archeologieObhájenoDissertation deals deserted settlement after 1945 and the possibilities and limits of its research by archaeological methods. main objective is to understand the events was destroyed villages in western Bohemia.The work also includes an inventory of all deserted villages in this area

    Technological Progress in the Implementation of the Foundations of the Specified Object

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    Funk, L. Technologický postup při provádění základových konstrukcí bytového objektu. Ostrava: Vysoká škola Báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra pozemního stavitelství, 2017, vedoucí bakalářské práce: Ing. Hana Ševčíková Ph.D. Obsahem bakalářské práce je technologický postup při provádění základových konstrukcí bytového objektu. Objekt je složen ze tří nadzemních a jednoho podzemního podlaží. Základové pásy budou provedeny z prostého betonu, základová deska bude vyztužena KARI sítí. První část bakalářské práce obsahuje projektovou dokumentaci pro stavební povolení, druhá část obsahuje technologický postup provádění základových konstrukcí, třetí část obsahuje zařízení staveniště, položkový rozpočet a časový harmonogram. Cílem bakalářské práce je návrh dostatečně únosné, spolehlivé základové konstrukce.Funk, L. Technological progress in the implementation of the foundations of the apartment object. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Constructions, 2017, Supervisor of bachelor thesis: Ing. Hana Ševčíková Ph.D. Content of the bachelor thesis is technological process in the implementation of the foundations of the apartment object. Object has three levels above the grand and one level below the grand. Foundation strips will be realized of a plain concrete, foundation desk will be reinforced with KARI net. First part of the bachelor thesis contains project documentation for a building permit, second part contains technological process in the implementation of the foundations, third part contains the equipment of the building site, the itemized budget and the project schedule. The objektive of the bachelor thesis is a design of sufficiently bareable, reliable foundation construction.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Návrh metodiky nedestruktivního výzkumu vesnic zaniklých po roce 1945

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    The aim of this article has been to create and subsequently test an optimal methodology of a non–destructive survey of sites deserted after 1945, which consists of a formalized description of recovered relicts and their recording including the use of GPS. The use of this method on the deserted village of Bažantov there was revealed a number of previously unknown findings. They are for example the unified typology of deserted houses and outbuildings, the location of original roads and those created during the process of desertion and the differentiation that took place during the post–depositional transformations of the structures

    Archaeological research of deserted recreational cottage in Krkonoše

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    There is a deserted recreational cottage called „Jelení louky“ near the town of Pec pod Sněžkou in the Krkonoše. This cottage is special because it has been left almost untouched and in a well-preserved state. The cottage was built in the first half of the 19th century and was abandoned in 1998. This spring, an archaeologist from the Department of Archaeology at the University of West Bohemia conducted archaeological research on the site. The research focused on the formation processes of archaeological record and on the cottage’s life

    Archeologický průzkum pusté rekreační chaty v Krkonoších

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    There is a deserted recreational cottage called „Jelení louky“ near the town of Pec pod Sněžkou in the Krkonoše. This cottage is special because it has been left almost untouched and in a well-preserved state. The cottage was built in the first half of the 19th century and was abandoned in 1998. This spring, an archaeologist from the Department of Archaeology at the University of West Bohemia conducted archaeological research on the site. The research focused on the formation processes of archaeological record and on the cottage’s life.</span