722 research outputs found

    The Use of Multivariate Analysis in Tropical Grass and Legume Seed Production in Cuban Regions

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    Seed production is an important activity in developing countries where pastures are the main source for animal feeding (Febles et al. 2003). Another outstanding aspect is the mathematical analysis used when a large number of species, varieties and ecotypes are used in the same study. The objective of this paper was to examine the use of multivariate analysis in studies on the effects of edaphoclimatic factors on seed production from tropical grasses and legumes

    José R. Funes a Juan Facundo Quiroga

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    Envía plan de estudios de la Universidad Mayor elaborado por el Deán Gregorio Fune

    Oncogenic transformation of mesenchymal stem cells decreases Nrf2 expression favoring in vivo tumor growth and poorer survival

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    BACKGROUND: The transcription factor Nrf2 is a key regulator of the cellular antioxidant response, and its activation by chemoprotective agents has been proposed as a potential strategy to prevent cancer. However, activating mutations in the Nrf2 pathway have been found to promote tumorigenesis in certain models. Therefore, the role of Nrf2 in cancer remains contentious. METHODS: We employed a well-characterized model of stepwise human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transformation and breast cancer cell lines to investigate oxidative stress and the role of Nrf2 during tumorigenesis. The Nrf2 pathway was studied by microarray analyses, qRT-PCR, and western-blotting. To assess the contribution of Nrf2 to transformation, we established tumor xenografts with transformed MSC expressing Nrf2 (n = 6 mice per group). Expression and survival data for Nrf2 in different cancers were obtained from GEO and TCGA databases. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: We found an accumulation of reactive oxygen species during MSC transformation that correlated with the transcriptional down-regulation of antioxidants and Nrf2-downstream genes. Nrf2 was repressed in transformed MSC and in breast cancer cells via oncogene-induced activation of the RAS/RAF/ERK pathway. Furthermore, restoration of Nrf2 function in transformed cells decreased reactive oxygen species and impaired in vivo tumor growth (P = 0.001) by mechanisms that included sensitization to apoptosis, and a decreased hypoxic/angiogenic response through HIF-1α destabilization and VEGFA repression. Microarray analyses showed down-regulation of Nrf2 in a panel of human tumors and, strikingly, low Nrf2 expression correlated with poorer survival in patients with melanoma (P = 0.0341), kidney (P = 0.0203) and prostate (P = 0.00279) cancers. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that oncogene-induced Nrf2 repression is an adaptive response for certain cancers to acquire a pro-oxidant state that favors cell survival and in vivo tumor growth

    The Bulge-Disk Orthogonal Decoupling in Galaxies: NGC 4698

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    The R-band isophotal map of the Sa galaxy NGC 4698 shows that the inner region of the bulge structure is elongated perpendicularly to the major axis of the disk, this is also true for the outer parts of the bulge if a parametric photometric decomposition is adopted. At the same time the stellar component is characterized by an inner velocity gradient and a central zero-velocity plateau along the minor and major axis of the disk respectively. This remarkable geometric and kinematic decoupling suggests that a second event occurred in the formation history of this galaxy.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, with 4 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Factores ecológicos y sociales que explican la resiliencia al cambio climático de los sistemas agrícolas en el municipio La Palma, Pinar del Río, Cuba

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    Pinar del Río’s agricultural systems exhibit a high diversity and heterogeneity, due to its ecological characteristics and its own socio-cultural identity. Frequent hurricanes, prolonged drought, as well as socio-political aspects, make some of the food production systems highly vulnerable. There is an urgent need to identify adaptation strategies and responses to such events and setbacks that provoke unsustainability. This study aimed at the identification of innovative agroecological practices that confer resilience to agricultural systems in facing both hurricanes and droughts. A group of farms was selected and identified according to predefined criteria. Interviews and structured surveys were conducted in each farm as well as participative workshops were organized including all local actors directly related with agriculture (farmers, university professors, students, agriculturalists, government agents) and community inhabitants. Resistance and recovery practices used by the community to face drought and hurricanes were gleaned, a Venn diagram was utilized to understand their implementation capacity at the local level. Among the practices used to enhance resiliency in farms can be mentioned: reforestation, increase of functional biodiversity, artisanal food conservation, local germplasm banks, soil conservation and improvement, access to local markets and minimal dependence of synthetic external products. It was found that more than 80% of the practices were located in the first level of application possibility. Forest cover increase and market access were mentioned as the more complex practices to be implemented, due to limited seed availability and woody staplings as well as economic regulations. Energetic independence was perceived as a priority strategy for both, hurricanes and droughts. Community cooperation and integration appeared as a conductive thread of execution and dissemination of innovative agroecological practices, as well as, intra-community social assistance. It can be concluded that knowledge, capacity and resources availability to confront external perturbations exists in the studied communities, despite low institutional support; complemented by a strong community cohesion which allows for the dissemination of new resilience strategies.Los sistemas agrícolas de Pinar del Río exhiben una alta diversidad y heterogeneidad producto de sus características ecológicas e identidad socio-cultural propias. El paso frecuente de huracanes, prolongadas sequías, así como cuestiones de orden político-social le confieren alta vulnera- bilidad a su sistema alimentario. Por ello se hace necesario identificar estrategias de adaptación y respuesta a tales eventos y limitaciones que generan insustentabilidad. En particular, este estudio se propuso la identificación de prácticas agroecológicas innovadoras que le confieren resiliencia a los sistemas agropecuarios frente a huracanes y sequías. Se identificó y seleccionó un grupo de fincas según criterios predefinidos. Se realizaron entrevistas y encuestas estructuradas en cada finca y se efectuaron talleres participativos con diversos actores locales relacionados con la agricultura (agricultores, profesores universitarios, técnicos agrícolas y personal del gobierno), así como pobladores de las comunidades donde se encuentran las fincas. Se enumeraron las prácticas utilizadas por los campesinos para resistir y recuperarse de las afectaciones por sequías y huracanes y se utilizó un diagrama de Venn para comprender la capacidad de ejecución de dichas prácticas a nivel local. Entre las prácticas implementadas que brindan resiliencia a las fincas aparecen: reforestación, incremento y funcionalidad de la biodiversidad, conservación artesanal de alimentos, el establecimiento de los bancos locales de germoplasma, la conservación de suelos, acceso al mercado y mínima dependencia de insumos de productos de síntesis química. Más del 80% de las prácticas fue ubicado en el nivel de gran posibilidad de aplicación. Las prácticas más complejas para su implementación son el incremento de la cubierta vegetal y el acceso al mercado debido al limitado acceso al semillas y posturas y por regulaciones económicas, respectivamente. La independencia energética fue percibida como una estrategia priorizada para ambas afectaciones. La cooperación e integración comunitaria resulto ser un hilo conductor de la ejecución y diseminación de prácticas agroecológicas innovadoras y asistencia social intracomunitaria. Se concluye que existe conocimiento, capacidad y disponibilidad de recursos para enfrentar estas perturbaciones externas, escasa compenetración institucional; y fuerte cohesión comunitaria que permite la diseminación de nuevas estrategias para resiliencia

    Transición agroecológica de agroecosistemas en la finca familiar San Juan, Cienfuegos

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    Desde 1990 la agricultura cubana se enfrenta a cambios profundos de su estructura agraria. Parte fundamental del estos cambios lo ha constituido la entrega de tierras estatales al sector cooperativo y campesino. Muchas de las tierras entregadas a personas naturales e instituciones, se encontraban ociosas. El presente estudio documenta ocho años (2004- 2011) de conversión agroecológica de una finca tradicional campesina. Con una extensión inicial de 13.4 ha, que posteriormente se amplió a 53 ha, la finca quedó abandonada por un sistema de manejo convencional en monocultivo dedicado a caña de azúcar y ganadería. Se realizó una caracterización detallada que consideró atributos de agroecosistemas sustentables en un proceso cíclico anual de diagnóstico, diseño y evaluación. El análisis enfatizó en los flujos energéticos del sistema productivo. Para la evaluación de la conversión agroecológica se combinaron dos marcos metodológicos (ECOFAS y MESMIS) que permitieron identificar indicadores de sustentabilidad, seleccionados y aplicados de forma participativa. Se incrementó la productividad en términos de cantidad de personas alimentadas por unidad de área y de insumos utilizados hasta sostener con energía (4.89 p/ha/año) y proteínas (10.43 p/ha/año); en tanto, se incrementó 5 veces la eficiencia en el uso de la energía, de 2.3 a 12.3 GJ producido en los productos comestibles por cada GJ invertido en la producción como insumos. Se discuten los mecanismos agroecológicos que dieron lugar a estos resultados, como son el establecimiento y manejo de la agrobiodiversidad, el reciclaje de nutrientes y energía, la aplicación de tecnologías que permiten intensificar el uso de recursos locales y los métodos de gestión, innovación, organización productiva y social en el contexto de la agricultura familiar. Se propone replicar estos resultados a nuevas fincas entregadas en este período de transformación de la agricultura cubana en su camino hacia la sostenibilidad.Since 1990, Cuban agriculture faces deep changes in its agrarian structure. The delivery of state-owned lands to the cooperative and peasant sectors has played an important role in these changes. Many of the delivered lands to individuals and institutions were idler. This study documents eight years (2004-2011) of an agro-ecological conversion of a traditional peasant estate. The state had an initial extension of 13.4 ha which was later extended to 53 ha, and it got abandoned by a system of conventional handling in mono-cultivation dedicated to sugar cane and cattle raising. A detailed characterization was carried out taking into account sustainable agro-ecosystem‟s attributes in a cyclic yearly process of diagnosis, design and evaluation. The analysis emphasized in the energetic flows of the productive system. In order to evaluate the agro-ecological conversion two methodological tools were used (ECOFAS and MESMIS) that made possible to identify sustainability indicators, which were selected and applied in a participative form. Productivity was increased regarding the number of persons fed per an area unit, and the resources used to sustain with energy (4, 89 p/ha/year) and proteins (10,43 p/ha/year); In the meantime, the efficiency regarding the energy use was increased 5 times, from 2.3 a 12.3 GJ, produced from the eatable products per each GJ invested in the process as raw materials. The agro-ecological mechanisms that made possible these results are discussed, such as the establishment and handling of the agro-biodiversity, the recycling of nutrients and energy, the application of technologies that allow intensifying the use of local resources and the methods of management, innovation, productive and social organization in the context of the family agriculture. It is suggested to apply these results to the new delivered estates in this period of transformation of Cuban agriculture in its way to sustainability.Eje A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Transición agroecológica de agroecosistemas en la finca familiar San Juan, Cienfuegos

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    Desde 1990 la agricultura cubana se enfrenta a cambios profundos de su estructura agraria. Parte fundamental del estos cambios lo ha constituido la entrega de tierras estatales al sector cooperativo y campesino. Muchas de las tierras entregadas a personas naturales e instituciones, se encontraban ociosas. El presente estudio documenta ocho años (2004- 2011) de conversión agroecológica de una finca tradicional campesina. Con una extensión inicial de 13.4 ha, que posteriormente se amplió a 53 ha, la finca quedó abandonada por un sistema de manejo convencional en monocultivo dedicado a caña de azúcar y ganadería. Se realizó una caracterización detallada que consideró atributos de agroecosistemas sustentables en un proceso cíclico anual de diagnóstico, diseño y evaluación. El análisis enfatizó en los flujos energéticos del sistema productivo. Para la evaluación de la conversión agroecológica se combinaron dos marcos metodológicos (ECOFAS y MESMIS) que permitieron identificar indicadores de sustentabilidad, seleccionados y aplicados de forma participativa. Se incrementó la productividad en términos de cantidad de personas alimentadas por unidad de área y de insumos utilizados hasta sostener con energía (4.89 p/ha/año) y proteínas (10.43 p/ha/año); en tanto, se incrementó 5 veces la eficiencia en el uso de la energía, de 2.3 a 12.3 GJ producido en los productos comestibles por cada GJ invertido en la producción como insumos. Se discuten los mecanismos agroecológicos que dieron lugar a estos resultados, como son el establecimiento y manejo de la agrobiodiversidad, el reciclaje de nutrientes y energía, la aplicación de tecnologías que permiten intensificar el uso de recursos locales y los métodos de gestión, innovación, organización productiva y social en el contexto de la agricultura familiar. Se propone replicar estos resultados a nuevas fincas entregadas en este período de transformación de la agricultura cubana en su camino hacia la sostenibilidad.Since 1990, Cuban agriculture faces deep changes in its agrarian structure. The delivery of state-owned lands to the cooperative and peasant sectors has played an important role in these changes. Many of the delivered lands to individuals and institutions were idler. This study documents eight years (2004-2011) of an agro-ecological conversion of a traditional peasant estate. The state had an initial extension of 13.4 ha which was later extended to 53 ha, and it got abandoned by a system of conventional handling in mono-cultivation dedicated to sugar cane and cattle raising. A detailed characterization was carried out taking into account sustainable agro-ecosystem‟s attributes in a cyclic yearly process of diagnosis, design and evaluation. The analysis emphasized in the energetic flows of the productive system. In order to evaluate the agro-ecological conversion two methodological tools were used (ECOFAS and MESMIS) that made possible to identify sustainability indicators, which were selected and applied in a participative form. Productivity was increased regarding the number of persons fed per an area unit, and the resources used to sustain with energy (4, 89 p/ha/year) and proteins (10,43 p/ha/year); In the meantime, the efficiency regarding the energy use was increased 5 times, from 2.3 a 12.3 GJ, produced from the eatable products per each GJ invested in the process as raw materials. The agro-ecological mechanisms that made possible these results are discussed, such as the establishment and handling of the agro-biodiversity, the recycling of nutrients and energy, the application of technologies that allow intensifying the use of local resources and the methods of management, innovation, productive and social organization in the context of the family agriculture. It is suggested to apply these results to the new delivered estates in this period of transformation of Cuban agriculture in its way to sustainability.Eje A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Biobased polymers derived from itaconic acid bearing clickable groups with potent antibacterial activity and negligible hemolytic activity.

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    Herein, we report, for the first time, the synthesis of clickable polymers derived from biobased itaconic acid, which was then used for the preparation of novel cationic polymers with antibacterial properties and low hemotoxicity via click chemistry. Itaconic acid (IA) was subjected to chemical modification by incorporating clickable alkyne groups on the carboxylic acids. The resulting monomer with pendant alkyne groups was easily polymerized and copolymerized with dimethyl itaconate (DMI) by radical polymerization. The feed molar ratio of comonomers was varied to precisely tune the content of alkyne groups in the copolymers and the amphiphilic balance. Subsequently, an azide with a thiazole group, which is a component of the vitamin thiamine (B1), was attached onto the polymers by copper-catalyzed azidealkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) click chemistry leading to triazole linkages. N-Alkylation reactions of the thiazole and triazole groups with methyl and butyl iodides provide the corresponding itaconate derivatives with pendant azolium groups. The copolymers with variable cationic charge densities and hydrophobic/ hydrophilic balances, depending on the comonomer feed ratio, display potent antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, whereas the activity was almost null against Gram-negative bacteria. Hemotoxicity assays demonstrated that the copolymers exhibited negligible hemolysis and excellent selectivity, more than 1000-fold, for Gram-positive bacteria over human red blood cells.post-print1945 K

    Transición agroecológica de agroecosistemas en la finca familiar San Juan, Cienfuegos

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    Desde 1990 la agricultura cubana se enfrenta a cambios profundos de su estructura agraria. Parte fundamental del estos cambios lo ha constituido la entrega de tierras estatales al sector cooperativo y campesino. Muchas de las tierras entregadas a personas naturales e instituciones, se encontraban ociosas. El presente estudio documenta ocho años (2004- 2011) de conversión agroecológica de una finca tradicional campesina. Con una extensión inicial de 13.4 ha, que posteriormente se amplió a 53 ha, la finca quedó abandonada por un sistema de manejo convencional en monocultivo dedicado a caña de azúcar y ganadería. Se realizó una caracterización detallada que consideró atributos de agroecosistemas sustentables en un proceso cíclico anual de diagnóstico, diseño y evaluación. El análisis enfatizó en los flujos energéticos del sistema productivo. Para la evaluación de la conversión agroecológica se combinaron dos marcos metodológicos (ECOFAS y MESMIS) que permitieron identificar indicadores de sustentabilidad, seleccionados y aplicados de forma participativa. Se incrementó la productividad en términos de cantidad de personas alimentadas por unidad de área y de insumos utilizados hasta sostener con energía (4.89 p/ha/año) y proteínas (10.43 p/ha/año); en tanto, se incrementó 5 veces la eficiencia en el uso de la energía, de 2.3 a 12.3 GJ producido en los productos comestibles por cada GJ invertido en la producción como insumos. Se discuten los mecanismos agroecológicos que dieron lugar a estos resultados, como son el establecimiento y manejo de la agrobiodiversidad, el reciclaje de nutrientes y energía, la aplicación de tecnologías que permiten intensificar el uso de recursos locales y los métodos de gestión, innovación, organización productiva y social en el contexto de la agricultura familiar. Se propone replicar estos resultados a nuevas fincas entregadas en este período de transformación de la agricultura cubana en su camino hacia la sostenibilidad.Since 1990, Cuban agriculture faces deep changes in its agrarian structure. The delivery of state-owned lands to the cooperative and peasant sectors has played an important role in these changes. Many of the delivered lands to individuals and institutions were idler. This study documents eight years (2004-2011) of an agro-ecological conversion of a traditional peasant estate. The state had an initial extension of 13.4 ha which was later extended to 53 ha, and it got abandoned by a system of conventional handling in mono-cultivation dedicated to sugar cane and cattle raising. A detailed characterization was carried out taking into account sustainable agro-ecosystem‟s attributes in a cyclic yearly process of diagnosis, design and evaluation. The analysis emphasized in the energetic flows of the productive system. In order to evaluate the agro-ecological conversion two methodological tools were used (ECOFAS and MESMIS) that made possible to identify sustainability indicators, which were selected and applied in a participative form. Productivity was increased regarding the number of persons fed per an area unit, and the resources used to sustain with energy (4, 89 p/ha/year) and proteins (10,43 p/ha/year); In the meantime, the efficiency regarding the energy use was increased 5 times, from 2.3 a 12.3 GJ, produced from the eatable products per each GJ invested in the process as raw materials. The agro-ecological mechanisms that made possible these results are discussed, such as the establishment and handling of the agro-biodiversity, the recycling of nutrients and energy, the application of technologies that allow intensifying the use of local resources and the methods of management, innovation, productive and social organization in the context of the family agriculture. It is suggested to apply these results to the new delivered estates in this period of transformation of Cuban agriculture in its way to sustainability.Eje A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale