20 research outputs found

    A study on the effectiveness of combinationing epitope selection and antibody function for the generation of novel monoclonal antibodies

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     モノクロヌナル抗䜓は、その特異性から分子生物孊的ならびに病理組織孊的な分子の怜出・解析に嚁力を発揮するずずもに、抗䜓の持぀機胜ずの組み合わせにより分子暙的治療にも広く掻甚されおいる。本研究では二぀のモノクロヌナル抗䜓の取埗に぀いお報告する。䞀぀は幹现胞の分子生物孊的・病理組織孊的研究ぞの展開を目指したモノクロヌナル抗䜓の取埗に関する研究であり、もう䞀぀はそこから埗られたナレッゞを掻甚した抗䜓創薬に向けたモノクロヌナル抗䜓の取埗に関する研究である。Ⅰ. LGR6(Leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor)に察する モノクロヌナル抗䜓の䜜補 LGR6はGタンパク質共圹受容䜓GPCRの䞀぀で、ロむシン・リッチ・リピヌトを含む GPCR(LGR)ファミリヌのメンバヌである。LGR6は、LGR4, 5ずずもにLGRのサブファミリヌを圢成し、これらの分子で最も研究が進んでいるのはLGR5である。LGR5は小腞、胃、皮膚の幹现胞、および倧腞癌幹现胞のマヌカヌずしお知られおおり、我々は先の研究でLGR5の発珟が倧腞癌幹现胞の増殖ず静止状態を区別する分子病理孊的マヌカヌであるこずを報告した。今回研究を進めたLGR6 も、genetic lineage tracingの解析から原始の皮膚の幹现胞マヌカヌずしお報告されおいる。しかし、LGR6の組織孊的な発珟情報やLGR6陜性现胞の機胜・圹割に぀いおは、特異的な抗䜓が埗られおいないためにいただ詳现に解明されおいない。我々が抗LGR5抗䜓を取埗する際に経隓した困難さから LGR6特異的抗䜓が埗られおいないのは、このサブファミリヌに特城的なタンパクの構造に起因するものず考えられた。すなわち、LGRサブファミリヌはN末端に銬蹄圢をした500アミノ酞からなるロむシン・リッチ・リピヌト領域を有し、この耇雑な立䜓構造を維持した免疫抗原を調補するこずが難しいこず、たた、ロむシン・リッチ・リピヌト領域を含めサブファミリヌ分子間の盞同性が高く、ファミリヌ分子に亀差しない特異的抗䜓の取埗が難しいこずが考えられた。 そこで我々はこれらの課題を克服するために、DNA免疫法によるLGR6特異的抗䜓の䜜補を詊みた。DNA免疫法では、金粒子にコヌティングした発珟プラスミドをGeneGunによっお高圧でマりスの腹郚に接皮し、発珟プラスミドが導入された现胞ではタンパク質が産生され、これらのタンパク質は立䜓構造を維持した状態で现胞膜䞊に提瀺され、免疫抗原ずしおマりスでの抗䜓産生を誘導するこずができる。LGR6発珟プラスミドをDNA免疫法でBalb/cマりスに導入した結果、LGR6に察する液性免疫が誘導され、LGR6に察する抗䜓が産生された。 LGR6に察する抗䜓䟡が䞊昇したマりスに察し、さらにLGR6に察する免疫を亢進させるためにブヌスト免疫ずしおLGR6タンパク質を高発珟した现胞株の现胞免疫を実斜した。LGRファミリヌを含むGPCRは䞀般に高発珟株を取埗するこずが難しいずされおいるが、我々は先の抗LGR5抗䜓取埗の際にLGR5を高発珟させる方法ずしおマりスProB现胞株であるBa/F3株を䜿甚するこずが有効であるこずを経隓しおいた。Ba/F3株は目的の遺䌝子を発珟する现胞株の暹立にあたり広く利甚されおいない芪株であるが、浮遊现胞のためフロヌサむトメトリヌ解析においお现胞の調敎が容易であり、たた现胞の増殖が速いこずから现胞株の暹立を早期に実珟できるメリットがある。たた、Ba/F3株は Balb/cマりスに由来する现胞株であり、Balb/cマりスぞ免疫する際にはBa/F3株で発珟される抗原のみが倖来抗原ず認識される。そこで、LGR6高発珟Ba/F3株を暹立し、现胞免疫を斜すこずで特異的な免疫増匷による抗䜓䟡䞊昇を誘導し、抗LGR6モノクロヌナル抗䜓を取埗するこずができた。 取埗された抗䜓に぀いおは、以䞋の流れで特性ず機胜の解析を行った。1. LGR6特異的抗䜓は、フロヌサむトメトリヌを甚いお现胞倖領域ぞの結合の有無で゚ピトヌプ分類を行い、N末端の现胞倖領域N-ECDを認識する抗䜓ず7回膜貫通領域7TMの现胞倖ルヌプを認識する抗䜓の゚ピトヌプを確認した。その結果、N-ECDを認識する抗䜓2クロヌンず7TMを認識する抗䜓1クロヌンを取埗した。2. LGR6特異的抗䜓によるLGR6ずリガンドRSPO-1ずの結合阻害掻性を解析した。RSPO-1の LGR6ぞの結合を怜出するため、タグ付きの組換えタンパク質のRSPO-1を準備し、タグに察する抗䜓で怜出するアッセむ系を構築した。反応系に加えた抗LGR6抗䜓の濃床䟝存的な結合阻害を評䟡した。その結果、43A6, 43D10の二぀のクロヌンはLGR6ずリガンドRSPO-1ずの結合を阻害するこずが明らかずなった。 DNA免疫ず现胞免疫の二぀の方法を組み合わせるこずによっお、LGR6に特異的であるずずもに、リガンドずレセプタヌの結合を阻害する䞭和掻性のある抗䜓の取埗にも成功した。これらの成果は、LGR6の立䜓構造を維持したタンパク質を免疫抗原ずしお甚いたこずず、立䜓構造の維持によりリガンドの結合郚䜍が保存されたずいう、免疫手法の遞択・工倫がもたらしたものず考える。今回取埗した抗䜓は、LGR6 陜性现胞の圹割・機胜の解明など新たな幹现胞生物孊の進展に貢献できるものず考える。Ⅱ.デスモグレむン(Desmoglein 3 (DSG3))に察するモノクロヌナル抗䜓の䜜補 近幎、癌を暙的ずしたモノクロヌナル抗䜓が分子暙的治療薬ずしお利甚されおきおいる。抗䜓をベヌスずした創薬の特城は、抗䜓の特異性ず、䞭和掻性、抗䜓䟝存的な现胞傷害掻性ADCC、補䜓䟝存的な现胞傷害掻性CDCずいった抗䜓の機胜の組み 合わせにより癌现胞を死滅させるこずである。 癌に察する抗䜓創薬の新芏暙的分子は、遺䌝子発珟の倚寡から候補遺䌝子を絞り蟌む遺䌝子発珟解析ず、その遺䌝子から発珟されるタンパク質の組織分垃や现胞膜に䜍眮しおいるかずいった现胞内分垃を解析する病理解析の䞡面から評䟡される。これらの解析から、我々はDSG3を重局扁平䞊皮癌に察する有望な暙的分子ずしお芋出した。 DSG3 は䞀回膜貫通タンパク質で他のカドヘリン分子である DSG1 ずずもにデスモ゜ヌ ムを圢成し、重局扁平䞊皮組織での现胞間結合に寄䞎しおいる。 抗DSG3自己抗䜓は皮膚粘膜の氎疱を特城ずする自己免疫疟患の䞀぀である倩疱瘡の原因ずなるこずが知られおいる。DSG3を暙的ずする創薬を進めるためには、倩疱瘡様病倉の誘発を回避し、か぀、重局扁平䞊皮癌に察しお薬理䜜甚を発揮しなければならない。これたでの研究より倩疱瘡を匕き起こす病原性の自己抗䜓は、Ca2+䟝存的な構造をずるDSG3を認識するこず、自己抗䜓が認識する領域が N末端の接着界面に存圚するこずが報告されおいる。これらの知芋より、Ca2+非䟝存的DSG3結合抗䜓の取埗により副䜜甚を回避した治療甚抗䜓を取埗できるものず仮説を立おた。 そこで、各皮スクリヌニング系を駆䜿し、目的ずする特城を有する抗䜓の取埗を詊みた。スクリヌニング系では、DSG3が生䜓内で本来圢成しおいる構造に近いタンパク質を準備し、゚ピトヌプの分類による抗䜓の遞別を行った。抗マりスDSG3抗䜓のスクリヌニング過皋を以䞋に瀺す。1. マりスDSG3に結合する抗䜓をフロヌサむトメトリヌによりスクリヌニングした。34個のマりス DSG3結合抗䜓を取埗した。2. 癌现胞の死滅誘導方法ずしおADCCを薬理䜜甚に持぀抗䜓12クロヌンを遞抜した。マりスのADCC 掻性を枬定する安定したアッセむ系がないため、ヒトNK92现胞を遺䌝子工孊的に改倉した现胞株を甚いたスクリヌニング系を考案し、マりスずヒトのFcRγⅢa融合タンパク質を発珟させるこずによっおNK现胞によるマりス抗䜓のADCC掻性を枬定できる系が構築できた。3. 抗䜓によっおDSG3のCa2+䟝存的構造が認識されるかどうかを Ca2+のキレヌト剀 であるEDTA 存圚䞋でフロヌサむトメトリヌを甚いお評䟡した。3クロヌンがCa2+非䟝存的にDSG3に結合する抗䜓であった。そのうち最も結合アフィニティヌの高いクロヌン18-1を遞定した。4. 倩疱瘡様病倉を誘発する抗䜓は、现胞間の接着を分離する掻性を有しおいるこずからマりス由来の皮膚现胞シヌトを甚いたスクリヌニング方法により抗䜓が现胞の接着機胜を阻害する胜力があるかどうかを刀断した。クロヌン18-1は现胞間接着の分離掻性は有しおいなかった。 䞊蚘スクリヌニング系でマりスDSG3に察する副䜜甚の回避が可胜ず考えられる抗䜓18-1を取埗できた。次に、in vivoモデルでの解析ずしお、DSG3を発珟するマりス肺癌现胞株LC12を移怍したマりスによる抗腫瘍効果を評䟡した。その結果、抗マりスDSG3抗䜓18-1の投䞎による倩疱瘡様病倉はみられず、LC12癌組織の退瞮が芳察された。副䜜甚を誘導する゚ピトヌプを避け、ADCCを誘導する゚ピトヌプを遞択するこずによりDSG3に察する創薬抗䜓の䜜補が可胜であるこずがマりスモデル系で瀺された。 次に、同様のスクリヌニングフロヌを甚い、ヒトDSG3に察し倩疱瘡様病倉の誘発䜜甚がなく、高いADCC䜜甚を持぀抗䜓DF366を取埗した。皮々のヒト重局扁平䞊皮癌担癌モデルでの抗ヒトDSG3 抗䜓DF366の抗腫瘍効果を確認し、抗䜓医薬ずしおの可胜性を瀺した。Ⅲ. 総括 二぀の解析から目的の゚ピトヌプを持぀抗䜓を䜜補するための芁点は次あげる二点ずなる。䞀぀は、免疫やスクリヌニングに甚いるタンパク質は機胜的に倩然の構造を持ったものを利甚するこずであり、もう䞀぀は、゚ピトヌプを分類するこずで適切な抗䜓の機胜を付加できるような抗䜓の分類をするこずである。これらのステップは目的の機胜を持った抗䜓を同定・取埗する有甚なアプロヌチを提䟛するものである。 珟圚、抗䜓創薬暙的分子は枯枇しおいる。今回、医薬品ずするためには䞍郜合な䜜甚のある抗原であっおも゚ピトヌプの遞択次第で新しい創薬ぞの展開が可胜ずなるこずを瀺唆した。この研究は、分子暙的薬ずしおの抗䜓創薬の暙的分子の遞択可胜性を広げるものであり、今埌の抗䜓医薬品の研究開発に貢献するものず考える。 Monoclonal antibodies are considered powerful tools for molecular biological or histopathological detection and analysis of a molecule due to their specificity, and they are also widely utilized for molecular targeted therapy by combining their specificity and functionality. In the current research the process of the generation of two unique monoclonal antibodies was studied. With the first antibody, the process of obtaining a monoclonal antibody aimed for application to molecular biological or histopathological analysis in stem cell research is studied, and for the second, the knowledge obtained in the process for the first antibody is applied for development of an antibody therapy.I.Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against human LGR6 (Leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing G protein-coupled receptor) LGR6 is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and a member of the LRR containing GPCR (LGR) family. LGR4, 5 and 6 belong to the same subfamily and one of the best studied is LGR5. LGR5 is known as a marker of intestinal, gastric, skin and also colon cancer stem cells. We previously reported that LGR5 expression could be used as a molecular pathological marker to distinguish the states of proliferating and quiescent cancer stem cells. LGR6 is also known as a marker for primitive epidermal stem cells from genetic lineage tracing analysis. However, information concerning its histological expression, cellular functions and physiological roles of is scarce due to the lack of a specific antibody. From our previous experience in obtaining an LGR5 antibody, we judged that we would face similar difficulties with an LGR6 antibody because of the complex structure of LGR proteins. LGRs have about 500 amino acids’ length of LRR region with a horseshoe structure in the N-terminus and this complex tertiary structural feature makes it a challenge to prepare immunogen. In addition, it is difficult to obtain antibodies that do not cross-reactive to other LGRs because of high homology between subfamily molecules with the LRR region. Thus we attempted to generate a LGR6-specific antibody by DNA immunization to overcome these problems. For DNA immunization gold particles coated with plasmids expressing the molecule of interest are prepared. The particles are injected into the abdominal skin of mice with a high pressured GeneGun inducing the protein encoded in the plasmids. The protein is displayed on the plasma membrane with a native tertiary structure, and was thought to be a robust immunogen for induction of humoral antibody production in mice. By introducing a plasmid expressing the LGR6 gene in Balb/c mice we succeeded in inducing a humoral immune response to obtain antibodies against LGR6. Furthermore, to enhance immunity against LGR6, we additionally injected a cell line overexpressing LGR6 as a boosting immunogen into the mice that were immunized by the plasmids with high titers of anti-LGR6 antibodies. Although, it is generally a challenge to obtain a stable cell line overexpressing GPCRs including the LGR family proteins, we found in our experience with LGR5 that it is effective to use the mouse proB cell, Ba/F3 cell. Ba/F3 is not frequently used for the establishment of cell lines with specific gene expression. However this cell line is a floating cell that can be analyzed easily by flow cytometry and because of its rapid growth, the establishment of a cell line can be accomplished in a short time. As Ba/F3 is derived from Balb/c mice, human antigens expressed in Ba/F3 cells, can be recognized specifically as a foreign antigen when injected into Balb/c mice. By this method, LGR6-specific immunity was augmented, making it easier to obtain monoclonal antibodies against LGR6. According to the following flow, the characteristics and functions of the monoclonal antibodies against LGR6 obtained with the above methods were analyzed.1.Epitope classification was carried out by identifying binders to the N-terminal extracellular domain (N-ECD) or 7-pass transmembrane domain (7TM) of LGR6 by flow cytometry. As a result, we obtained three clones, 43A6 and 43D10, with an epitope against N-ECD and 43A25 against 7TM.2.The inhibitory activity of the antibodies against ligand binding to LGR6 was evaluated. It is well known that RSPO1 is a ligand that binds to the N-ECD of LGR6. Recombinant RSPO1 with a myc-His tag was prepared and an assay system for detection of RSPO1-bindig to LGR6 was established with an anti-myc tag antibody. Binding inhibition dependent on antibody concentration was evaluated. As a result, 2 clones, 43A6 and 43D10, were found to inhibit binding of ligand to LGR6. On the other hand, 43A25 did not inhibit RSPO1-binding. The key to our success with the LGR6 antibodies was thought to be the selection of the immunization method of combining DNA and cell immunization which enabled immunization with an immunogen preserving the native tertiary structure of the ligand binding site of LGR6.  Utilizing our unique antibodies may lead to understanding the role and function of LRG6-positive cells, and we anticipate that this may contribute to the progress in stem cell research. II.Generation of anti-desmoglein 3 (DSG3) antibody without pathogenic activity of pemphigus vulgaris for therapeutic application to squamous cell carcinoma In the second report, therapeutic application of an anti-DSG3 monoclonal antibody is studied. Cancer-targeted monoclonal antibodies are frequently utilized in cancer therapy. The advantage of antibody-based therapeutics is their specificity and functionality such as neutralization, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), or complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), by which the antibody can eliminate cancer cells. Many therapeutic antibodies against cancer have been launched and there have been great benefits for the therapeutic modality in the oncology field. Prior to our second study, candidate genes with high gene expression levels in tumor tissues compared to normal tissues were selected in order to discover a novel drug target for antibody therapy in cancer patients The tissue distribution of the gene product and their subcellular localization to the cell membrane in tumor tissues was studied to confirm the protein expression. By this process we found that DSG3 is a promising target for squamous cell carcinoma. DSG3 is a one-pass transmembrane protein and forms desmosomes along with another desmosomal cadherin, DSG1, and contributes to cell-cell adhesion in stratified squamous tissues.  It is well known that anti-DSG3 autoantibodies cause PV, an autoimmune disease characterized by cutaneous and mucosal blistering. To successfully target DSG3 for therapy, it is necessary to avoid PV-like effects and exert pharmacological action against squamous carcinoma cells. It is reported that pathogenic autoantibodies which induce PV recognizes a Ca2+-dependent structure of DSG3 and the region bound by DSG3-autoanibodies is located in the N-terminal adhesive interface. From these findings, we hypothesized that a therapeutic antibody with no severe side effects could be generated by obtaining antibodies that bind DSG3 in Ca2+-independent manner. Thus, we attempted to obtain such an antibody by using several screening systems. In the screening system we prepared proteins mimicking the native conformation of DSG3 and selected antibodies by epitope classification. Our screening process is shown below.1.Antibodies with the ability to bind mouse DSG3 were selected by flow cytometry. 34 clones were found to bind mouse DSG3. 2.We selected ADCC as the pharmacological action of antibodies, and 12 antibodies with ADCC function through the following screening system. To construct a stable assay for ADCC activity, we designed a screening system using genetically engineered NK cells. We established an ADCC assay system with human NK92 cells expressing a chimeric protein with the ECD of mouse FcγRIIIa fused to the human transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain of FcγRIIIa. 3.Recognition of the Ca2+ dependent structure of DSG3 was evaluated by flow cytometry under the presence of an EDTA, a Ca2+ chelator. Three clones were found to bind DSG3 in Ca2+-independent manner. Clone 18-1 that had the highest binding- affinity to mouse DSG3 was selected as the final candidate.4.Screening with keratinocyte sheets is used to judge the ability of interference to adhesive function by antibodies, as the antibody which could induce PV-like lesion has dissociating activity to cell-cell adhesion. We tested clone 18-1 on the keratinocyte sheets and found there was no dissociating activity. By this screening system an antibody with no severe side effects, 18-1, was obtained. Next, anti-tumor activity was evaluated in mice subcutaneously inoculated with a mouse lung cancer cell line LC12 overexpressing DSG3. Consequently PV-like changes were not observed in mice and the tumor was regressed by anti-mouse DSG3 antibody administration. The results show that it is possible to generate a therapeutic antibody against DSG3 by selecting an ADCC-promoting epitope that can be distinguished from an epitope inducing pathogenic response. Next, along with the same screening flow used in generating the anti-mouse DSG3 antibody, an anti-human DSG3 antibody with high ADCC activity DF366 that does not induce PV-like lesions, was successfully generated. The potential of the DF366 antibody as a therapeutic was shown by the efficacy in xenograft models of various human squamous cell carcinomas.III.Summary The essential points for generating antibodies with an intended epitope are 1) the utilization of protein with functional and native conformation for in vivo immunization and screening, and 2) to confirm adequate function by epitope classification. These steps present a useful approach to identify and generate an antibody with intended function. Currently, promising target molecules for antibody therapeutics are said to be exhausted. It was suggested in the second report that there is a potential for developing a novel therapeutic antibody in the choice of epitope, even if the antigen has a concern of unwanted effects as a therapeutic target. The current study may expand the option for selecting antibody-based drug targets, and is thought to contribute to the research and development for the future antibody therapeutics.博士(å­Šè¡“)麻垃倧

    Estimating causal effects with a non-paranormal method for the design of efficient intervention experiments

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    BACKGROUND: Knockdown or overexpression of genes is widely used to identify genes that play important roles in many aspects of cellular functions and phenotypes. Because next-generation sequencing generates high-throughput data that allow us to detect genes, it is important to identify genes that drive functional and phenotypic changes of cells. However, conventional methods rely heavily on the assumption of normality and they often give incorrect results when the assumption is not true. To relax the Gaussian assumption in causal inference, we introduce the non-paranormal method to test conditional independence in the PC-algorithm. Then, we present the non-paranormal intervention-calculus when the directed acyclic graph (DAG) is absent (NPN-IDA), which incorporates the cumulative nature of effects through a cascaded pathway via causal inference for ranking causal genes against a phenotype with the non-paranormal method for estimating DAGs. RESULTS: We demonstrate that causal inference with the non-paranormal method significantly improves the performance in estimating DAGs on synthetic data in comparison with the original PC-algorithm. Moreover, we show that NPN-IDA outperforms the conventional methods in exploring regulators of the flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana and regulators that control the browning of white adipocytes in mice. Our results show that performance improvement in estimating DAGs contributes to an accurate estimation of causal effects. CONCLUSIONS: Although the simplest alternative procedure was used, our proposed method enables us to design efficient intervention experiments and can be applied to a wide range of research purposes, including drug discovery, because of its generality

    Identification and Characterization of pvuA, a Gene Encoding the Ferric Vibrioferrin Receptor Protein in Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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    We previously reported that Vibrio parahaemolyticus expresses two outer membrane proteins of 78 and 83 kDa concomitant with production of siderophore vibrioferrin in response to iron starvation stress and that these proteins are the ferric vibrioferrin receptor and heme receptor, respectively (S. Yamamoto, T. Akiyama, N. Okujo, S. Matsuura, and S. Shinoda, Microbiol. Immunol. 39:759-766, 1995; S. Yamamoto, Y. Hara, K. Tomochika, and S. Shinoda, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 128:195-200, 1995). In this study, the Fur titration assay (FURTA) system was applied to isolate DNA fragments containing a potential Fur box from a genomic DNA library of V. parahaemolyticus WP1. Sequencing a 3.2-kb DNA insert in one FURTA-positive clone revealed that an amino acid sequence deduced from a partial gene, which was preceded by a full-length gene (psuA) encoding a receptor for a siderophore of unknown origin, was consistent with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 78-kDa ferric vibrioferrin receptor. Then, the full-length gene (pvuA) encoding the ferric vibrioferrin receptor was cloned and characterized. The deduced protein encoded by pvuA displayed the highest similarity (31% identity; 48% similarity) to RumA, a ferric rhizoferrin receptor of Morganella morganii. Primer extension and Northern blot analyses indicated that psuA and pvuA constitute an operon which is transcribed from a Fur-repressed promoter upstream of psuA. The product of the pvuA gene and its function were confirmed by generating a pvuA-disrupted mutant, coupled with genetic complementation studies. A mutant with disruption in the upstream psuA gene also displayed a phenotype impaired in the utilization of ferric vibrioferrin

    The Native Form and Maturation Process of Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein

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    The maturation and subcellular localization of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein were investigated with both a vaccinia virus expression system and CHO cell lines stably transformed with HCV cDNA. Two HCV core proteins, with molecular sizes of 21 kDa (p21) and 23 kDa (p23), were identified. The C-terminal end of p23 is amino acid 191 of the HCV polyprotein, and p21 is produced as a result of processing between amino acids 174 and 191. The subcellular localization of the HCV core protein was examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Although HCV core protein resided predominantly in the cytoplasm, it was also found in the nucleus and had the same molecular size as p21 in both locations, as determined by subcellular fractionation. The HCV core proteins had different immunoreactivities to a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Antibody 5E3 stained core protein in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, C7-50 stained core protein only in the cytoplasm, and 499S stained core protein only in the nucleus. These results clearly indicate that the p23 form of HCV core protein is processed to p21 in the cytoplasm and that the core protein in the nucleus has a higher-order structure different from that of p21 in the cytoplasm. HCV core protein in sera of patients with HCV infection was analyzed in order to determine the molecular size of genuinely processed HCV core protein. HCV core protein in sera was found to have exactly the same molecular weight as the p21 protein. These results suggest that p21 core protein is a component of native viral particles

    Phylogenetic subtypes of human T-lymphotropic virus type I and their relations to the anthropological background

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    Isolates of human T-lymphotropic virus type I(HTLV-I) were phylogenetically analyzed from native inhabitants in India and South America (Colombia and Chile) and from Ainu (regarded as pure Japanese descendants from the preagricultural 'Jomon' period). Their genomes were partially sequenced together with isolates from Gabon in central Africa and from Ghana in West Africa. The phylogenetic tree was constructed from the sequence data obtained and those of previously reported HTLV-I isolates and simian T- lymphotropic virus type I (STLV-I) isolates. The heterogeneity of HTLV-I was recently recognized, and one major type, generally called the 'cosmopolitan' type, contained Japanese, Caribbean, and West African isolates. The phylogenetic tree constructed in the present study has shown that this cosmopolitan type can be further grouped into three lineages (subtypes A, B, and C). Subtype A consists of some Caribbean, two South American, and some Japanese isolates, including that from the Ainu