227 research outputs found

    Villaggi industriali in Lombardia tra passato e futuro

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    In occasione del convegno internazionale organizzato dalla Facoltà di Ingegenria dell'Università di Salerno "Le case e i luoghi del lavoro. Letture e confronti" la scrivente ha presentato una ricerca inedita sui villaggi industriali realizzati in Lombardia tra la fine dell'Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento in quanto questi rappresentano casi esemplari di organizzazione di nuclei abitati comprensivi dell'area residenziale e di quella della fabbrica. Il villaggio di Crespi d'Adda in provincia di Bergamo mantiene intatti i caratteri originari ed è già patrimonio culturale, ma in molti altri villaggi industriali non è più attiva la produzione della fabbrica e la riconversione dello stabilimento comporta inevitabilmente una riflessione sulle residenze ad esso connesse. Si illustrano alcuni casi di condizioni al contorno differenti e si presenta in dettaglio il caso di Campione sul Garda dove è in corso un progetto di riqualificazione che implica interventi anche sul sistema infrastrutturale del lago

    Dalla ricerca alla norma edilizia: il Piano del colore e della manutenzione della cittĂ  di Napoli.

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    Il volume raccoglie ricerche e studi svolti nel Dipartimento di Progettazione Urbana dell'Ateneo Federico II di Napoli, applicati in aree napoletane e campane

    Comunità rom nella provincia di Napoli: l’esperienza di conoscenza di una diversa realtà insediativa, la redazione delle linee-guida e la progettazione dei villaggi - Rom community in the province of Naples: the experience of knowledge of a different settlement, the drafting of guidelines and the design of villages

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    L’idea dell’assessorato alla Pace, all’Immigrazione ed alla Cooperazione Internazionale della Provinciale di Napoli, di sottoporre al mondo accademico il cosiddetto “problema rom”, nacque nel 2006 dalla volontà di rispondere all’ormai storica emergenza dei “campi nomadi”, legata alle condizioni di forte degrado igienico-sanitario ed infrastrutturale in cui tuttora, purtroppo, versano questi luoghi. La richiesta all’università fu quella di condurre un’analisi, coordinata dalla prof.ssa Marina Fumo, sugli insediamenti rom, spontanei e non, presenti nella provincia, per poter elaborare delle linee-guida alla realizzazione di nuove e più idonee soluzioni residenziali. In 2006 the Provincial Administration of Naples has given the start to a study on the local gipsy’s settlements. The aim was developing knowledge to face the emergencies caused by poor hygiene and lacking infrastructure in these spontaneous settlements. Coordinated by Marina Fumo the research produced guidelines to adequate residential solutions. The open- source survey was the method applied for the analysis and for draft representation, allowing the identification of identity-shaping elements, not deductible from traditional cartography

    National and International Standardization (International Organization for Standardization and European Committee for Standardization) Relevant for Sustainability in Construction

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    Sustainability in construction has a short history in terms of principles, standardizations and applications. From the Brundtland Report "Our Common Future", a new vision of the resource deficits, climate impacts and the social responsibility gave growth to the idea of sustainability also in design and construction. Consequently, in around 2000, the international and national organizations for standardization started to develop standards for the application of sustainable principles. This paper gives an overview of existing and planned standards, and examples on how to use them as a framework for the development of methods and tools for assessment

    An Integrated Decision Support System for the Sustainable Reuse of the Former Monastery of “Ritiro del Carmine” in Campania Region

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    Nowadays, many public administrations have abandoned and underused heritage buildings due to a lack of public resources, although the effective contribution of cultural heritage as a driver and enabler of sustainable development is strongly recognized. Currently, investments in cultural heritage have multidimensional impacts (social, economic, historical, and cultural) and can contribute to increasing overall local productivity; improving the wellbeing of inhabitants; and attracting funding from the public, private, and private–social sectors. Lack of public resources has pushed local administrations to favor new forms of valorization of public property that can promote the “adaptive reuse” of historic buildings in order to preserve their social, historical, and cultural values. At the same time, administrations seek to stimulate the experimentation of new circular business, financing, and governance models in heritage conservation, creating synergies between multiple actors; reducing the use of resources; and regenerating values, knowledge, and capital. The objective of this paper is to propose an integrated evaluation model, based on multicriteria analysis, and a financial model to support the choice of an alternative reuse of an ancient monastery in the municipality of Mugnano in the Campania region in order to define a “shared strategy” based on a “bottom-up” approach. This starts from the needs of the local community but does not neglect the historical and cultural values of the heritage building, as well as the economic and financial feasibility. The positive results obtained show that the model proposed can be a useful decision support tool in environments characterized by high complexity such as cultural heritage sites, where the objective is to precisely highlight the elements that influence the dynamics of choice for building shared bottom-up development strategies

    Energy and Seismic Recovering of Ancient Hamlets: the Case of Baia e Latina

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    This research proposes the development of a diagnostic tool to separately inspect the energetic and seismic behaviour of buildings in the small hamlet of Baia e Latina (district of Caserta) in order to evaluate and implement retrofitting interventions from seismic, energetic, and functional points of view. Methods, approaches, and tools relating to the minimisation of seismic vulnerability and energy consumption have been increasingly used and tested in order to ensure both sustainability and safety, with a connection that may improve the performances of both cultural and environmental heritage. The diagnosis method, stemming from the energy audit and the energy imprint evaluations of the buildings system (and the envelope above all), aims to redesign the whole construction or some of its parts within an energetic framework. With reference to the seismic behaviour of building aggregates, the basic methodology that has been conceived for isolated masonry buildings through a survey form has represented the starting tool for the application of an appropriate quick evaluation form considered for the aggregated structural units of historical centres. Finally, the methodology employed is aimed at obtaining an Energy Performance Certificate for the structural units of examined masonry aggregates without neglecting their seismic behaviour, which has been assessed in terms of vulnerability and damag

    Innovative methods on territorial vulnerability study for the preparation of emergency plans

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    In recent years, we have witnessed natural events that have had impressive effects on the city and its inhabitants, highlighting a great vulnerability of the territories. In this context, the National Civil Protection has forced local administrations to adopt an Emergency Plan based on risk analysis. The proposed contribution illustrates the application of an innovative methodology that focuses, for the estimation of the vulnerability, on the urban / construction analysis and the operation of emergency health care facilities

    Crushed Bricks: Demolition Waste as a Sustainable Raw Material for Geopolymers

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    Demolition activity plays an important role in the total energy consumption of the construction industry in the European Union. The indiscriminate use of non-renewable raw materials, energy consumption, and unsustainable design has led to a redefinition of the criteria to ensure environmental protection. This article introduces an experimental plan that determines the viability of a new type of construction material, obtained from crushed brick waste, to be introduced into the construction market. The potential of crushed brick waste as a raw material in the production of building precast products, obtained by curing a geopolymeric blend at 60 °C for 3 days, has been exploited. Geopolymers represent an important alternative in reducing emissions and energy consumption, whilst, at the same time, achieving a considerable mechanical performance. The results obtained from this study show that the geopolymers produced from crushed brick were characterized by good properties in terms of open porosity, water absorption, mechanical strength, and surface resistance values when compared to building materials produced using traditional technologies
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