4 research outputs found

    Bioavailability and antioxidative potential of bioactive compounds of grape skin from C57BL/6 mouse

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    Biodostupnost bioaktivnih spojeva, prvenstveno antocijana, iz pokožice grožđa istražena je na modelu laboratorijskih životinja (C57BL/6 miÅ”) kroz 30 dana tretmana. Eksperimentalne grupe su činile 2 grupe životinja (težine 30Ā±2,51 g): grupa I- kontrolna grupa (0,2 mL fizioloÅ”ke otopine) te grupa II- tretirana ekstraktom pokožice grožđa (GSE) (100 mg/kgāˆ•dan). Istraživani su i biomarkeri oksidacijskog stresa u homogenatu tkiva bubrega i jetre, malonildialdehid (MDA), karbonilirani proteini (PC), reducirani glutation (GSH), supeoksid dismutaza (SOD) i katalaza (CAT). Rezultati pokazuju da je tretman s GSE statistički značajno (ANOVA, p<0,05) smanjio aktivnosti MDA i PC u bubregu i jetri miÅ”a u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja Å”to se može pripisati polifenolima prisutnim u ekstraktu pokožice grožda, dok su ostale grupe ostale na razini kontrolne skupine. Koncentracije GSH, SOD i CAT u bubregu statistički su značajno (ANOVA, p<0,05) povećane u svim grupama miÅ”eva u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, Å”to ukazuje na antioksidacijski učinak pokožice grožđa na smanjenje oksidacijskog stresa.Bioavailability of bioactive compounds, primarily anthocyanins, from grape skin extract has been investigated in laboratory animals (C57BL/6 mouse). The animals were treated for 30 days and divided into 2 experimental groups (weight 30Ā±2,51 g): group I - control group (0,2 mL saline solution) and group II- treated with grape skin extract (100 mg/kgāˆ•day). Biomarkers of oxidative stress which were studied in kidney and liver tissue homogenates were malondialdehyde (MDA), carbonylated proteins (PC), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). The results show that GSE statistically significant (ANOVA, p <0.05) reduced the activity of MDA and PC in the kidney and liver of a mouse which was compared with control group of animals. That effect can be attributed to the polyphenols present in the grape skin extract. The other groups were unchanged and close to the control group. The concentrations of GSH, SOD and CAT were statistically significant (ANOVA, p <0.05) and increased in all groups of mice compared to the control group, which indicates the antioxidant effect of GSE and potential of reducing oxidative stress

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Knowledge, attitudes and use of dietary supplement among students of Faculty of food technology and biotechnology based on gender and study

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    Cilj ovog rada je procjena stupnja informiranosti, stavova te upotrebe dodataka prehrani u studenata Prehrambeno-biotehnoloÅ”kog fakulteta s obzirom na njihov spol i studij. Za procjenu je koriÅ”tena anketa koja je provedena putem druÅ”tvene mreže. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 102 ispitanika od kojih je bilo 72,5% studentica (n=74) i 27,5% studenata (n=28) prosječne dobi 21,2 godine. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako od ukupnog broja anketiranih studenata manji postotak koristi dodatke prehrani. Dodatke prehrani su u većem postotku koristile studentice, a upotreba je najveća među studentima sa studija Nutricionizma.The aim of this study is to assess the degree of knowledge, attitudes about dietary supplements and their usage among students of Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology based on their gender and study (Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food technology). The study used questionnaire which was distributed to 102 students via social network. There was 72,5% female (n=74) and 27,5% male (n=28) students with average age of 21,2 years. Based on results of the study, there was a lower percentage of students who used dietary supplements. Female students used it in a higher percentage, and the usage was most common for students who study Nutrition

    Knowledge, attitudes and use of dietary supplement among students of Faculty of food technology and biotechnology based on gender and study

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    Cilj ovog rada je procjena stupnja informiranosti, stavova te upotrebe dodataka prehrani u studenata Prehrambeno-biotehnoloÅ”kog fakulteta s obzirom na njihov spol i studij. Za procjenu je koriÅ”tena anketa koja je provedena putem druÅ”tvene mreže. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 102 ispitanika od kojih je bilo 72,5% studentica (n=74) i 27,5% studenata (n=28) prosječne dobi 21,2 godine. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako od ukupnog broja anketiranih studenata manji postotak koristi dodatke prehrani. Dodatke prehrani su u većem postotku koristile studentice, a upotreba je najveća među studentima sa studija Nutricionizma.The aim of this study is to assess the degree of knowledge, attitudes about dietary supplements and their usage among students of Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology based on their gender and study (Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food technology). The study used questionnaire which was distributed to 102 students via social network. There was 72,5% female (n=74) and 27,5% male (n=28) students with average age of 21,2 years. Based on results of the study, there was a lower percentage of students who used dietary supplements. Female students used it in a higher percentage, and the usage was most common for students who study Nutrition