14 research outputs found

    Tarjei Vesaas and Norwegian Literature in Nazi Germany

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    Artikkelen undersĂžkjer publiseringshistoria til Tarjei Vesaas i Nazi-Tyskland. Det nye materialet den tilfĂžrer, er i hovudsak basert pĂ„ materiale etter Det litterĂŠre byrĂ„ pĂ„ Lillehammer, ein aktĂžr som knapt er nemnd i norsk litteratur- og bokhistorie. I det transnasjonale og bokhistoriske perspektivet som dette opnar, fĂ„r vi eit breiare, meir differensiert og delvis anna bilete av Vesaas og nazismen enn det som har dominert i litteraturvitskapen, og som har vore mest konsentrert om kritisk nĂŠrlesing av Bufast-bĂžkene. Artikkelen drĂžftar Vesaas’ forhold til Tyskland og nazismen og undersĂžkjer aktĂžrane som var med i dei tysk-norske litterĂŠre forretningane, handlingsrommet deira og korleis dette endra seg med «arisering», einsretting, krig og okkupasjon. The article examines Tarjei Vesaas’s publishing history in Nazi Germany. It offers new material, largely from the archive of Det litterĂŠre byrĂ„ in Lillehammer, a literary agency hardly noticed in Norwegian literature or book history. This opens transnational and history of the book perspectives that give us a broader, more differentiated, and partly different picture from that emanating from close readings of his Bufast books. Vesaas’s attitudes towards Germany and Nazism are analyzed, as well as the agents involved in the German-Norwegian literary business, their space of action and how it changed with Arizierung, Gleichschaltung, war and occupation

    How was Ibsen's modern drama possible?

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    One of the major renewals in the history of drama is Henrik Ibsen’s “modern tragedy” of the 1880s and 1890s. Since Ibsen’s own time, this renewal has been seen as an achievement accomplished in spite, rather than because, of Ibsen’s Norwegian and Scandinavian contexts of origin. His origins have consistently been associated with provinciality, backwardness and restrictions to be overcome, and his European “exile” has been seen as the great liberating turning point of his career. We will, on the contrary, argue that throughout his career Ibsen belonged to Scandinavian literature and that his trajectory was fundamentally conditioned and shaped by what happened in the intersection between literature, culture and politics in Scandinavia. In particular, we highlight the continued association and closeness between literature and theatre, the contested language issue in Norway, the superimposition of literary and political cleavages and dynamics as well as the transitory stage of copyright

    Framtida til Historisk tidsskrift

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    Framtida til Historisk tidsskrift var tema ved avslutninga av Norske historiedagar i TĂžnsberg i Ă„r. Som hovudredaktĂžr av tidsskriftet 2015–2018 var eg invitert til Ă„ innleie. Innlegget her er basert pĂ„ innleiinga, men ogsĂ„ utvida som respons pĂ„ synspunkt som kom fram i den pĂ„fĂžlgjande panel- og plenumsdebatten

    TromsĂž Museum: museum and university in the north

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    Muzeum w Tromso: muzeum i uniwersytet na póƂnocy Muzeum w Tromsa zostaƂo zaƂoĆŒone w 1872 roku. Podczas oficjalnej inauguracji Uniwersytetu wTroms0 w 1972 roku, Muzeum mogƂo pochwalić się juĆŒ stuletnią historią. Przez dƂugi okres muzeum postrzegano jako centralną instytucję naukową na póƂnocy Norwegii, a takĆŒe jako fundament dla przyszƂego uniwersytetu. Po utworzeniu Uniwersytetu wedƂug zaƂoĆŒonych planĂłw, okazaƂo się, ĆŒe plany te, odnoƛnie do muzeum, wykraczają daleko poza jego tradycyjną funkcję, a w samym muzeum wkrĂłtce stwierdzono, iĆŒ pilniejszym zadaniem niĆŒ funkcja bazy dla wydziaƂów uniwersytetu jest obrona swej toĆŒsamoƛci i odrębnoƛci. W niniejszym artykule staram się nakreƛlić tƂo, charakter oraz gƂówne linie rozwoju Muzeum w Troms0, jak i jego relacje z uniwersytetem

    The de-dramatization of history and the prose of bourgeois life

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    Emperor and Galilean has received renewed interest the last decade. It has been revalued and upgraded, it has been attributed a major role in the development of Ibsen’s authorship, and it has been interpreted as an expression of the new uncertainties of modernity. The play definitely deviates from Ibsen’s earlier historical dramas; it does not hold up an exemplary past or try to emulate a classical style. Rather, it seems to question history as a rational discourse and man’s capacity to create history in a self-conscious way. It is argued that Emperor and Galilean reflects Ibsen’s own experiences, more precisely: his experiences of defeat, estrangement and reorientation connected to the Danish defeat to Prussia-Austria in 1864 and the unification of Germany in the years that followed. Ibsen’s historical experiences were primarily the experiences of counter-finality and historical irony. During the Franco-German war in 1870 he still hoped for a French victory, but a few years later he came to appreciate German unification as a world historical event. The resulting attitude was a kind of fatalism reminiscent of the one we find in Tolstoy’s War and Peace, published a few years earlier, but of course unknown to Ibsen. This fatalism fit well with Ibsen’s conservatism at the time. It left him in a rather ambiguous position, though, and there is no straight literary path leading from Emperor and Galilean to the contemporary plays of the 1880s and 1890s

    "Det moderne gjennombrotet" i lÊrarskulen. Ibsen-lesing hjÄ TromsÞ-seminaristar

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    I motsetning til den utbreidde oppfatninga om at «det moderne gjennombrotet» i den skandinaviske litteraturen mÞtte motstand og fiendskap, syner opplagstal at Henrik Ibsens Et dukkehjem (1879), eit av dei sentrale gjennombrotsverka, blei hans stÞrste salssuksess, og at boka nÄdde nye grupper av lesarar. Eit rikt materiale frÄ lÊrarutdanninga i TromsÞ gjer det mogleg Ä fÞlgje Ibsen-lesinga der i noko detalj, frÄ dei fyrste innkjÞpa i 1866 til byrjinga av 1880-Ära. Som ein kyrkjekontrollert, konservativ institusjon lét seminaret vere Ä kjÞpe inn mykje av den moderne litteraturen, men dei kjÞpte nesten alt av Ibsen, til og med Et dukkehjem. Det omstridde familiedramaet blei Ibsens gjennombrot som elevlesing og skapte stÞrre interesse ogsÄ for hans eldre titlar. Skulebibliotekets fyrsteutgÄve av Et dukkehjem er bevart, og lesarkommentarane i margane syner at boka blei lesen pÄ ein meir «engasjert» og «deltakande» mÄte enn dei Ibsen-titlane som var skulepensum

    The Scandinavian Moment in World Literature, 2017

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    In the last part of the 19th century, a considerable Norwegian and Scandinavian literature emerged and by the turn of the century the main contributions to this literature had already become world literature. One part of the project (by Narve FulsÄs and Tore Rem) focuses on Henrik Ibsen and the prerequisites for a peripheral author to advance to world literary status in such a short period of time. In the subproject "Book market and Reading", PhD researchers Maria Purtoft and Henning Hansen examine who were the readers of the modern breakthrough literature in Norway, Denmark and Sweden and what were the reasons for the significant growth in the Scandinavian book market from the 1870s

    Networks, asymmetries and appropriations: Towards a typology

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    This article, a revised version of Tore Rem’s keynote lecture at the XIVth International Ibsen Conference in Skien on 5–8 September 2018, draws on pp. 140–174 in Narve FulsĂ„s and Tore Rem, Ibsen, Scandinavia and the Making of a World Drama (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2018). This version expands on the theoretical-analytical framework of our suggested typology