421 research outputs found

    High pressure growth and electron transport properties of superconducting SmFeAsO1-xHx single crystals

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    We report the single crystal growth and characterization of the highest Tc iron-based superconductor SmFeAsO1-xHx. Some sub-millimeter-sized crystals were grown using the mixture flux of Na3As + 3NaH + As at 3.0 GPa and 1473 K. The chemical composition analyses confirmed 10% substitution of hydrogen for the oxygen site (x = 0.10), however, the structural analyses suggested that the obtained crystal forms a multi-domain structure. By using the FIB technique we fabricated the single domain SmFeAsO0.9H0.10 crystal with the Tc of 42 K, and revealed the metallic conduction in in-plane (rhoab), while semiconducting in the out-of-plane (rhoc). From the in-plane Hall coefficient measurements, we confirmed that the dominant carrier of SmFeAsO0.9H0.10 crystal is an electron, and the hydride ion occupied at the site of the oxygen ion effectively supplies a carrier electron per iron following the equation: O2- = H- + e-.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    Fibroblasts as Local Immune Modulators in Ocular Allergic Disease

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    ABSTRACTVernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC), a severe form of ocular allergic disease, is characterized by the formation of giant papillae at the upper tarsal conjunctiva and corneal lesions that threaten vision. Recent evidence indicates that resident fibroblasts function as immune modulators in the pathogenesis of the chronic allergic inflammation associated with VKC. The T helper 2 (Th2) cell-derived cytokines interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 stimulate the migration and proliferation of conjunctival fibroblasts as well as protecting these cells from apoptotic cell death, effects that likely underlie the hyperplasia of fibroblasts that contributes to the formation of giant papillae. Conjunctival fibroblasts also synthesize extracellular matrix proteins and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases as well as down-regulate the expression of matrix metalloproteinases in response to these cytokines, effects that likely contribute to the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix that is characteristic of giant papillae. Stimulation of fibroblasts in the corneal stroma with the combination of a proinflammatory cytokine and either IL-4 or IL-13 results in up-regulation of the expression of the chemokine eotaxin and thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine as well as of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, which together mediate the infiltration and activation of eosinophils and Th2 cells. Fibroblasts therefore appear to play a central role in the induction and amplification of ocular allergic inflammation and the consequent development of giant papillae and corneal disorders in individuals with VKC. Fibroblasts and fibroblast-derived factors thus represent new and potentially important therapeutic targets for treatment of the giant papillae and corneal disorders associated with VKC

    Pareto law and Pareto index in the income distribution of Japanese companies

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    In order to study the phenomenon in detail that income distribution follows Pareto law, we analyze the database of high income companies in Japan. We find a quantitative relation between the average capital of the companies and the Pareto index. The larger the average capital becomes, the smaller the Pareto index becomes. From this relation, we can possibly explain that the Pareto index of company income distribution hardly changes, while the Pareto index of personal income distribution changes sharply, from a viewpoint of capital (or means). We also find a quantitative relation between the lower bound of capital and the typical scale at which Pareto law breaks. The larger the lower bound of capital becomes, the larger the typical scale becomes. From this result, the reason there is a (no) typical scale at which Pareto law breaks in the income distribution can be understood through (no) constraint, such as the lower bound of capital or means of companies, in the financial system.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Network Working Group M. Day Request for Comments: 2778 Lotus Category: Informational

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    Abstract This document defines an abstract model for a presence and instant messaging system. It defines the various entities involved, defines terminology, and outlines the services provided by the system. The goal is to provide a common vocabulary for further work on requirements for protocols and markup for presence and instant messaging

    cM<1c_M<1 String Theory as a Constrained Topological Sigma Model

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    It has been argued by Ishikawa and Kato that by making use of a specific bosonization, cM=1c_M=1 string theory can be regarded as a constrained topological sigma model. We generalize their construction for any (p,q)(p,q) minimal model coupled to two dimensional (2d) gravity and show that the energy--momentum tensor and the topological charge of a constrained topological sigma model can be mapped to the energy--momentum tensor and the BRST charge of cM<1c_M<1 string theory at zero cosmological constant. We systematically study the physical state spectrum of this topological sigma model and recover the spectrum in the absolute cohomology of cM<1c_M<1 string theory. This procedure provides us a manifestly topological representation of the continuum Liouville formulation of cM<1c_M<1 string theory.Comment: 12 pages, Latex file, UG-9/9

    Topological Aspects of an Antisymmetric Background Field on Orbifolds

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    We study string theory on orbifolds in the presence of an antisymmetric constant background field in detail and discuss some of new aspects of the theory. It is pointed out that the term with the antisymmetric background field can be regarded as a topological term like a Chern-Simons term or a Wess-Zumino term. Detailed analysis in the operator formalism shows that orbifold models with topologically nontrivial twists exhibit various anomalous behavior: Zero mode variables obey nontrivial quantization conditions. Coordinate transformations which define orbifolds are modified at quantum level. Wave functions of twisted strings in general acquire nontrivial phases when they move around non-contractible loops on orbifolds. Zero mode eigenvalues are shifted from naively expected values, in favor of modular invariance.Comment: 45 pages, Latex file, NBI-HE-93-01, KOBE-TH-93-0
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