170 research outputs found

    Capability Matrix : A Framework for Analyzing Capabilities in Value Chains

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    This paper develops a Capability Matrix for analyzing capabilities of developing country firms that participate in global and national value chains. This is a generic framework to capture firm-level knowledge accumulation in the context of global and local industrial constellations, by integrating key elements of the global value chain (GVC) and technological capabilities (TC) approaches. The framework can visually portray characteristics of firms’ capabilities, and highlight a relatively overlooked factor in the GVC approach: local firms’ endogenous learning efforts in varieties of relationship with lead firms.Developing Countries, Industrial Management, Business Enterprises, Capability Matrix, Capabilities, Value Chains, Lead Firms, Local Firms

    Capability Matrix : A Framework for Analyzing Capabilities in Value Chains

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    This paper develops a Capability Matrix for analyzing capabilities of developingcountry firms that participate in global and national value chains. This is a genericframework to capture firm-level knowledge accumulation in the context of globaland local industrial constellations, by integrating key elements of the global valuechain (GVC) and technological capabilities (TC) approaches. The framework canvisually portray characteristics of firms’ capabilities, and highlight a relativelyoverlooked factor in the GVC approach: local firms’ endogenous learning efforts invarieties of relationship with lead firms

    Propagation Speed of the Maximum of the Fundamental Solution to the Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation

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    In this paper, the one-dimensional time-fractional diffusion-wave equation with the fractional derivative of order 1α21 \le \alpha \le 2 is revisited. This equation interpolates between the diffusion and the wave equations that behave quite differently regarding their response to a localized disturbance: whereas the diffusion equation describes a process, where a disturbance spreads infinitely fast, the propagation speed of the disturbance is a constant for the wave equation. For the time fractional diffusion-wave equation, the propagation speed of a disturbance is infinite, but its fundamental solution possesses a maximum that disperses with a finite speed. In this paper, the fundamental solution of the Cauchy problem for the time-fractional diffusion-wave equation, its maximum location, maximum value, and other important characteristics are investigated in detail. To illustrate analytical formulas, results of numerical calculations and plots are presented. Numerical algorithms and programs used to produce plots are discussed.Comment: 22 pages 6 figures. This paper has been presented by F. Mainardi at the International Workshop: Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA12) Hohai University, Nanjing, China, 14-17 May 201

    Host range and receptor utilization of canine distemper virus analyzed by recombinant viruses: Involvement of heparin-like molecule in CDV infection

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    AbstractWe constructed recombinant viruses expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or firefly luciferase from cDNA clones of the canine distemper virus (CDV) (a Japanese field isolate, Yanaka strain). Using these viruses, we examined susceptibilities of different cell lines to CDV infection. The results revealed that the recombinant CDVs can infect a broad range of cell lines. Infectivity inhibition assay using a monoclonal antibody specific to the human SLAM molecule indicated that the infection of B95a cells with these recombinant CDVs is mainly mediated by SLAM but the infection of 293 cell lines with CDV is not, implying the presence of one or more alternative receptors for CDV in non-lymphoid tissue. Infection of 293 cells with the recombinant CDV was inhibited by soluble heparin, and the recombinant virus bound to immobilized heparin. Both F and H proteins of CDV could bind to immobilized heparin. These results suggest that heparin-like molecules are involved in CDV infection

    視野左方偏倚が線分二等分試験に及ぼす影響 : Head Mounted Displayを用いた若年健常者に対する検討

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to verify the effect on spatial perception in healthy young subjects of an unconscious leftward optical shift created by a head-mounted display (HMD) with an offset camera. Methods: We recruited 40 healthy right-handed adults who were divided into four groups according to the hand used in the tests and the visual direction displayed by the HMD (centered or 10° left). Each of the four groups (n = 10) undertook line bisection tasks across four combinations of variables: using a finger/stick or a mouse to point at a touch panel located 60 or 120 cm away from the subject. Results: According to the results, regardless of the hand used, when the index finger or a stick was used (reaching condition), the line bisection point was displaced significantly to the left of the center. Additionally, a major left-displacement trend was observed in the short-distance reaching task, which did not require the use of a stick. In contrast, the long-distance task required a stick to be used, and the left displacements were all smaller than those for the short-distance tasks that used the index finger. Conclusion: This finding may be explained by the subjects having sufficient experience coordinating hand and eye movements in the condition where they used their dominant hand and reached with their own arms without using a stick.東京都立大学学位論文甲第1160号 副論

    Fractional wave equation and damped waves

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    In this paper, a fractional generalization of the wave equation that describes propagation of damped waves is considered. In contrast to the fractional diffusion-wave equation, the fractional wave equation contains fractional derivatives of the same order α, 1α2\alpha,\ 1\le \alpha \le 2 both in space and in time. We show that this feature is a decisive factor for inheriting some crucial characteristics of the wave equation like a constant propagation velocity of both the maximum of its fundamental solution and its gravity and mass centers. Moreover, the first, the second, and the Smith centrovelocities of the damped waves described by the fractional wave equation are constant and depend just on the equation order α\alpha. The fundamental solution of the fractional wave equation is determined and shown to be a spatial probability density function evolving in time that possesses finite moments up to the order α\alpha. To illustrate analytical findings, results of numerical calculations and numerous plots are presented.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Toward standardization of “reasonable accommodation” for students with disabilities by evaluating its validity

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    障害学生支援における合理的配慮の妥当性評価を行い,その結果で基準案を作成することを目的とする。障害学生支援または保健管理に携わるスタッフ7名が,仮想事例5事例(聴覚,肢体不自由,発達障害2例,内部障害)に対して,合理的配慮例(授業の情報保障,欠席時の対応,履修基準に関わること,連絡,実習(教育実習,臨床実習),グループ学習・実験,試験,生活支援にも係ること,課外活動,研修会など計80例)について,合理的配慮として妥当性を評価した。妥当性は9段階評価で採点し,「1点:妥当でない ←→5点:中間 ←→9点:妥当」とし,それぞれのスタッフが独立して絶対評価した。さらに,回答者は,全員の1回目の集計結果を見て,再度回答し,デルファイ法に準じて集約を試みた。その結果いずれの仮想事例においても共通して妥当性が「中位」以上とされた事項は,「病院受診のための欠席時には講義の資料が欲しい」,「レポート課題の期限延長」,「重要事項,急な予定変更は,学生用電子掲示板システムへの掲示又は文書で明示」,「事前に作業工程,制限時間,注意事項等を文書で具体的に明示」,「申請,書類作成等に関する助言」,「就労移行支援事業所と連携した就労支援」,「支援関係学生教職員に啓発講習会を開催」であった。その他個々の事例に応じたものがあった。支援の対象も,内容・範囲もますます多様となり,障害学生支援を,より効果的に実施するためには,本人・関係者間での建設的な相談・対話が重要である。その前提として,支援者側はどのような支援が必要であるかの一般的知識と,必要度の定量的評価も知っておくことが有用と考えられた。The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the rational consideration of reasonable accommodations to be made for students with disabilities and to draft an appropriate standard. Seven health management or student support professionals involved in this study. Five fictional cases of disabilities (auditory impairment, physical disability, developmental disorder (2 cases), internal disability) and 80 examples of reasonable accommodations were prepared. The participants evaluated the validity of each example on a scale of 1 to 9. The results were revised and aggregated in accordance with the Delphi method. Examples of reasonable accommodations commonly evaluated as “moderately or highly valid” among the participants were as follows. “Providing lecture materials in absence due to hospital visit”, “Extending the deadline for submission of papers”, “Notification of schedule changes online or by sending notes”, “Prior notification in writing of processes, time limits, and precautions”, “Giving necessary advice on filling out application and other forms”, “Providing transition support for employment”, and “Holding workshops on disability support for faculty, staff, and students”. Constructive dialogue with students with disabilities is important to determine the most effective support methods. Moreover, it is also useful to know which reasonable accommodations are considered highly “valid” or “reasonable” based on quantitative evaluations.本研究の一部はJSPS科研費15K01683「心身の疾病・発達障害等のある学生への合理的配慮の基準に関する検討」の助成を受けた。また,本研究の一部は第46回中国四国大学保健管理研究集会(H28.8.26,広島市),第47回中国四国大学保健管理研究集会(H29.8.25,高知市),第55回全国大学保健管理研究集会(H29.11.29,沖縄県宜野湾市)において発表した