347 research outputs found

    雇用と家庭における転勤 生産と再生産、変容

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    Teaching each Subject for the Children with Severe and Multiple Disabilities

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     重度・重複障害のある子供の指導内容の設定や学習評価における実態,ならびに課題を整理し,各教科等の指導の在り方を明らかにすることを目的とし,重度・重複障害のある子供の教育の現状や課題について整理した。また,自立活動を主とする教育課程に在籍する子供の各教科等の指導の課題を具体的に把握することを目的として,筆者が所属する特別支援学校とA県立特別支援学校のうち,知的障害と肢体不自由を対象とする9校の指導教諭に各教科等の指導の実態と困難さに関するアンケート調査を行い,その結果から,実態把握と適切な目標設定,観点別評価の組織的な実施の必要性が示唆された。そこで,目標設定から評価に至る授業づくりのプロセスや考え方を整理し,共通理解のもと組織的に取り組めるように活動分析表を作成した。The purpose of this report is to clarify the current status and issues in the education of children with severe and multiple disabilities by organizing the actual conditions and issues in the setting of instructional content and learning evaluation for children with severe and multiple disabilities, as well as the ideal form of instruction in each subject area. Furthermore, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the actual situation and difficulties in teaching each subject to the guidance teachers at schools for special needs education to which the author belongs and at nine of the A prefectural schools for the intellectual disability and schools for the physical disability in order to specifically grasp the problems in teaching each subject to children enrolled in the curriculum that mainly consists of self-reliance activities. The results of the survey suggested the necessity of grasping the actual situation, setting appropriate goals, and systematically implementing evaluation according to perspectives. Therefore, we organized the process and ideas of class creation from goal setting to evaluation, and created an activity analysis chart to enable systematic efforts based on a common understanding

    ワタクシ ノ イッサツ

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    本書は与謝蕪村の全発句,2,900句近くを季題別に配列した集成である。各季題の配列は『古今集』以来の和歌,連歌,俳諧などの集のスタイルにならい,季節のめぐりに沿ったものとした。また,各季題内の発句の配列は制作年次順とし,たとえば「野分(のわき)」の季題ならば,明和五年(1768)の「鳥羽殿へ五六騎いそぐ野分哉」から天明三年(1783)作と推定される ...本書は,1998年に出版された『長所活用型指導で子どもが変わる』のPart Ⅱである。したがって,基本的なねらいは何ら変わらない。「個に応じた指導」を行うためには,指導者は,自分が習得した「指導方略」を画一的に子どもに適用するのではなく, ..

    Medium-term outcomes of a program to upgrade the nursing faculty in Cambodia: A qualitative study

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    Continuous professional development is important for improving professional competencies, such as cognitive knowledge, technical skills, behaviors, and attitudes. Trainees who complete training programs can have a positive influence on their workplaces. However, it is challenging to establish a process that can facilitate individual learning and help achieve training outcomes in educational and clinical workplaces. In Cambodia, a tumultuous history has played a part in the deficit of adequately prepared nursing faculty. Since the faculty development is vital to ensuring the quality of education, the application of upgraded nursing programs has started in 2011. After the completion of upgraded program, an immediate post-training study was conducted in 2014. Results showed that some faculty members did not accept trainees because they lacked an understanding about nursing concepts. The current study aimed to evaluate the medium-term outcomes of an established program that can improve nursing education and to identify relevant factors in light of the institutional development of educational and clinical facilities in Cambodia. A qualitative study incorporating focus group discussions, key-informant interviews, and teaching document reviews was performed with a thematic analysis using the four-level training evaluation model of Kirkpatrick. Finally, factors influencing outcomes were assessed based on the Bronfenbrenner's ecological system theory. Five themes for behavior and three themes for results were identified as medium-term outcomes from an institutional development aspect. The major enabling factors for the above-mentioned themes were the support of institutional managers, continuous networking among trainees, and supportive national policy. Compared with the immediate post-training study findings, the perceived medium-term outcomes became more strategically focused. Then, the impact of training at a considerably broader scale within the workplace was discussed. The findings highlighted the importance of medium-term program delivery and monitoring if one understands the role played in stimulating outcomes. Moreover, the importance of contextual factors including the influence of managers and policy environment were emphasized

    Statistical Mechanics of the Vicinal Surfaces with Adsorption

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    We study the vicinal surface with adsorption below the roughening temperature, using the restricted solid-on-solid model coupled with the Ising model. By the product-wavefunction renormalization group method, we calculate the surface gradient pp and the adsorption coverage Θ\Theta as a function of the Andreev field η\eta which makes surface tilt. Combining Monte Carlo calculations, we show that there emerges effective attraction between the steps. This attractive interaction leads to instability against step bunching.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, ISSI PDSC-2000, submitted to Surf. Sci. RevTeX 3.1 preprint styl

    子どものいるがん患者の家族への看護: 必要とされるケアについての看護者の認識

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    本研究は、がん患者の子どもへの看護を行う看護師の認識を明らかにすることを目的とし た。  調査方法は、子育て期にあるがん患者の子どもへの看護についての経験を持つ看護師4 名 を対象に、実際のケアの経緯やケアの根拠、考えや思いについて半構成的面接を実施した。 本研究は事例研究とした。  分析は、女性のがん患者の子どもへの実際のケアとケアに至るまでの考えを文脈ごと抜き 出し、「ケアの経緯や根拠の看護の認識」と「これまでの実際のケア」の視点から解釈しカ テゴライズした。  結果として以下の4 点が明らかになった。1. 患者や家族のライフステージを見通した関わ り2. 病院外での子どもと他者の関係性をイメージした関わり3. 子どもからの視点を持った 関わり4. 専門看護師としての高い役割意識と内省を生かした関わりであった。看護師は、が ん患者の子どもにまでケアの視点を広げることによって、患者としての困りごとだけではな く、患者が持つ母親という役割、またその子どもが必要とする家族や学校などの社会の状況 まで視野に入れて関わっていた。  本研究の結果から、がん患者の家族の一員である子どもへの関わりとして、急性期、慢性期、 ターミナル期と治療期をある期間で区切った関わりではなく、母親ががんと告知されたその 時から様々な進行状況を想定した見通しのある関わりをいかに看護者が想定できるかが必要 であると考えられた。がん患者は、家族の中で様々な役割を持っており、その人の家族での 役割にまで思いを及ばせることによって、看護師の一方方向の看護でなく、患者や家族と協 力することができ、様々に起こりうる患者や家族の問題について良い方向に導くことに繋が ると考えられる。  以上より、がん患者の看護として患者の家族である子どもにも見通しをもって関わってい くことが重要である

    DNA Methylation Profiling of Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation into the Three Germ Layers

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    Embryogenesis is tightly regulated by multiple levels of epigenetic regulation such as DNA methylation, histone modification, and chromatin remodeling. DNA methylation patterns are erased in primordial germ cells and in the interval immediately following fertilization. Subsequent developmental reprogramming occurs by de novo methylation and demethylation. Variance in DNA methylation patterns between different cell types is not well understood. Here, using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and tiling array technology, we have comprehensively analyzed DNA methylation patterns at proximal promoter regions in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, ES cell-derived early germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm) and four adult tissues (brain, liver, skeletal muscle and sperm). Most of the methylated regions are methylated across all three germ layers and in the three adult somatic tissues. This commonly methylated gene set is enriched in germ cell-associated genes that are generally transcriptionally inactive in somatic cells. We also compared DNA methylation patterns by global mapping of histone H3 lysine 4/27 trimethylation, and found that gain of DNA methylation correlates with loss of histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation. Our combined findings indicate that differentiation of ES cells into the three germ layers is accompanied by an increased number of commonly methylated DNA regions and that these tissue-specific alterations in methylation occur for only a small number of genes. DNA methylation at the proximal promoter regions of commonly methylated genes thus appears to be an irreversible mark which functions to fix somatic lineage by repressing the transcription of germ cell-specific genes

    For more than money : willingness of health professionals to stay in remote Senegal

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    The study was funded through a Research Grant for International Health, H25-11, from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labour, Japan (http://www.ncgm.go.jp/kaihatsu/), and undertaken as part of the project Réseau Vision Tokyo 2010, funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Acknowledgement The authors would like to express their profound gratitude to the fieldwork team and to the health professionals who responded to the survey questionnaire. Thanks also to four reviewers whose comments have improved the paper. The datasets used and/or analysed in the study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The standard therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. However, long-term adherence remains at ~50% despite improvements in behavioural and educational interventions. Based on prior work, we explored whether regularity of breathing during wakefulness might be a physiologic predictor of CPAP adherence. METHODS: Of the 117 consecutive patients who were diagnosed with OSA and prescribed CPAP, 79 CPAP naïve patients were enrolled in this prospective study. During CPAP initiation, respiratory signals were collected using respiratory inductance plethysmography while wearing CPAP during wakefulness in a seated position. Breathing regularity was assessed by the coefficient of variation (CV) for breath-by-breath estimated tidal volume (VT ) and total duration of respiratory cycle (Ttot). In a derivation group (n = 36), we determined the cut-off CV value which predicted poor CPAP adherence at the first month of therapy, and verified the validity of this predetermined cut-off value in the remaining participants (validation group; n = 43). RESULTS: In the derivation group, the CV for estimated VT was significantly higher in patients with poor adherence than with good adherence (median (interquartile range): 44.2 (33.4-57.4) vs 26.0 (20.4-33.2), P 34.0 confirmed to be predicting poor CPAP adherence (sensitivity, 0.78; specificity, 0.83). CONCLUSION: At the initiation of therapy, breathing regularity during wakefulness while wearing CPAP is an objective predictor of short-term CPAP adherence.博士(医学)・乙第1391号・平成29年3月15日© 2016 Asian Pacific Society of RespirologyThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Respirology Vol.22 No.2 p.386-393 (2017 Feb), which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/resp.12900. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving