126 research outputs found

    Compensatory role for Pyk2 during angiogenesis in adult mice lacking endothelial cell FAK

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    Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) plays a critical role during vascular development because knockout of FAK in endothelial cells (ECs) is embryonic lethal. Surprisingly, tamoxifen-inducible conditional knockout of FAK in adult blood vessels (inducible EC–specific FAK knockout [i-EC-FAK-KO]) produces no vascular phenotype, and these animals are capable of developing a robust growth factor–induced angiogenic response. Although angiogenesis in wild-type mice is suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of FAK, i-EC-FAK-KO mice are refractory to this treatment, which suggests that adult i-EC-FAK-KO mice develop a compensatory mechanism to bypass the requirement for FAK. Indeed, expression of the FAK-related proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is elevated and phosphorylated in i-EC-FAK-KO blood vessels. In cultured ECs, FAK knockdown leads to increased Pyk2 expression and, surprisingly, FAK kinase inhibition leads to increased Pyk2 phosphorylation. Pyk2 can functionally compensate for the loss of FAK because knockdown or pharmacological inhibition of Pyk2 disrupts angiogenesis in i-EC-FAK-KO mice. These studies reveal the adaptive capacity of ECs to switch to Pyk2-dependent signaling after deletion or kinase inhibition of FAK

    Body mass index is strongly associated with hypertension: Results from the longevity check-up 7+ study

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    The present study was undertaken to provide a better insight into the relationship between different levels of body mass index (BMI) and changing risk for hypertension, using an unselected sample of participants assessed during the Longevity Check-up 7+ (Lookup 7+) project. Lookup 7+ is an ongoing cross-sectional survey started in June 2015 and conducted in unconventional settings (i.e., exhibitions, malls, and health promotion campaigns) across Italy. Candidate participants are eligible for enrolment if they are at least 18 years of age and provide written informed consent. Specific health metrics are assessed through a brief questionnaire and direct measurement of standing height, body weight, blood glucose, total blood cholesterol, and blood pressure. The present analyses were conducted in 7907 community-living adults. According to the BMI cutoffs recommended by the World Health Organization, overweight status was observed among 2896 (38%) participants; the obesity status was identified in 1135 participants (15%), with 893 (11.8%) participants in class I, 186 (2.5%) in class II, and 56 (0.7%) in class III. Among enrollees with a normal BMI, the prevalence of hypertension was 45% compared with 67% among overweight participants, 79% in obesity class I and II, and up to 87% among participants with obesity class III (p for trend < 0.001). After adjusting for age, significantly different distributions of systolic and diastolic blood pressure across BMI levels were consistent. Overall, the average systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure increased significantly and linearly across BMI levels. In conclusion, we found a gradient of increasing blood pressure with higher levels of BMI. The fact that this gradient is present even in the fully adjusted analyses suggests that BMI may cause a direct effect on blood pressure, independent of other clinical risk factors

    Use of Lichen and Moss in Assessment of Forest Contamination with Heavy Metals in Praded and Glacensis Euroregions (Poland and Czech Republic)

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    The concentrations of selected metals—Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb—were determined in the samples of Hypogymnia physodes lichen and Pleurozium schreberi moss collected in Polish and Czech Euroregions Praded and Glacensis. More specifically, the samples were collected in Bory Stobrawskie, Bory Niemodlińskie, and Kotlina Kłodzka (Poland) and in Jeseniki (Czech Republic). The concentration of metals in the samples was measured using the atomic absorption spectrometry (flame AAS technique and electrothermal atomization AAS technique). The results were used to calculate the comparison factor (CF) that quantifies the difference in concentration of a given bioavailable analyte × accumulated in lichens and mosses: CF = 2 (cx,lichen − cx,moss) (cx,lichen + cx,moss)−1. The values of CF greater than 0.62 indicate the most probable location of heavy metals deposited in the considered area. In this work, the method was used to show a significant contribution of urban emissions to the deposition of heavy metals in the area of Bory Stobrawskie and in the vicinity of Kłodzko City

    Communiquer la nature

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    Hyperimmunized patients awaiting cadaveric kidney graft: is there a quick desensitization possible?

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    On all kidney waiting lists the 10% to 20% of patients who have antibodies against more than 80% of a panel of HLA antigens (panel reactive antibody [PRA] >80%) are difficult to transplant. The best solution for these patients is to find a compatible donor, ideally a full match, who yields a negative crossmatch test (CMX). If this is not possible, desensitization treatment (high-dose) intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or plasmapheresis (PP) + low-dose IVIG is possible with good results in living donor kidney transplantation mainly if the antibody titer is low. It may also be offered to patients awaiting cadaveric donors too after a long waiting time; however, when applied for several months, it has the obvious disadvantage of giving the patient the risk for long-lasting immunologic weakness without the certitude of finding a kidney. In one of our recent cases of combined liver plus kidney transplantation, a positive CMX became negative 8 hours after the liver operation; the kidney was transplanted with a good result which lasted over 3 years. This observation suggested the possibility of a quick desensitization protocol in selected patients with a large (but not strong) immunization who probably are the majority. Patients sensitized to IVIG and with low titer PRA could be given a single PP + low-dose IVIG (what can be done within the time limit of cadaveric donor kidney transplantation) with good probability of turning an initial positive CMX to negative with the possibility of performing the operation and the advantage of giving the immunosuppression only when the kidney is present


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