80 research outputs found

    Homophobic bullying at schools: a systematic review of research, prevalence, school-related predictors and consequences

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    Recently, research on homophobic bullying has increased. School is a relevant environment in which many bullying experiences take place. This study provides a systematic literature review that examines homophobic bullying at schools by collecting information about its prevalence, school-related predictors and consequences. We considered documents that focused on the study of homophobic bullying in the school context, and provided empirical information on the prevalence, frequency of homophobic bullying or the analysis of some school-related predictor factors or consequences. Ninety documents met the criteria and were, therefore, reviewed. Most studies used samples of adolescents. Their design was based on quantitative methodologies, and they mostly focused on the prevalence and school-related protective and risk factors, such as peer group and social support, followed by school belonging. Some consequences of homophobic bullying are negative academic outcomes, truancy and school belonging. The findings from these studies also provide information about useful strategies, as well as perceived barriers and facilitators. This review may better guide prevention in the education field

    La influencia del género en la empleabilidad en jóvenes con empleo y sin empleo.

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    Introducción: De acuerdo con la teoría de roles de género, existirá una segregación horizontal y vertical en función al género que podría estar afectando la empleabilidad del acceso y mantenimiento del empleo de jóvenes menores de 30 años. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar si el género y sus estereotipos asociados afectan de manera diferencial la búsqueda o el mantenimiento de un empleo a este colectivo. Método: Realizamos un estudio de tipo cualitativo formado por dos focus group de jóvenes menores de 30 años con empleo (en activo durante 2 años mínimo) y sin empleo (en situación de desempleo mayor a 6 meses pero con experiencia laboral) respectivamente. Se les pide a los participantes que describan si creen que el género les ha influido en los procesos de búsqueda o mantenimiento de un empleo. Los focus group duraron 2 horas aproximadamente. Posteriormente fueron transcritas y analizadas por 3 jueces diferentes. Resultados: Existencia notoria de empleos estereotipados (menor responsabilidad en empleos femeninos), segregaciones laborales –horizontales y verticales– y diferentes condiciones laborales (las mujeres tenían menor salario, y jornadas parciales, los hombres jornadas completas). Conclusiones: Todavía es visible la segregación estereotipada por género en el proceso de búsqueda y la calidad del empleo. Finalmente, proponemos medidas de acción para obtener la igualdad.Introduction: According to the theory of gender roles, there would be a horizontal and vertical segregation related to gender that could be affecting the employability (employment access and maintenance) in young people under 30 years. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse if gender and its associated stereotypes are influencing in a different way the search or maintaining of an employment. Method: We performed a qualitative study based on two focus group of young people less than 30 years, with employment (working at least 2 years) and without it (unemployed higher to 6 months). Participants were asked to describe if they believe that gender has influenced them in this process of searching or maintenance of employment. Focus group lasted about two hours. Later on, they were transcribed and analysed by 3 different judges. Results: Notorious existence of stereotyped jobs (less responsibility in female jobs), work horizontal and vertical segregations and different working conditions (women had lower pay for women part-time jobs; men had full-time jobs). Conclusions: Stereotyped segregation based on gender is still visible in the process of job searching, and its quality. Finally, we propose some steps for actions looking for equality

    Cisgender and transgender sex workers from Colombia: The relation between burnout syndrome and working conditions in a prohibitionist-regulatory law

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    Introduction Burnout syndrome has been recently included in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon. This syndrome has often been studied in the occupational context, but very little research has been conducted on sex workers. The present study examined the prevalence of burnout in cisgender and transgender women from Colombia for whom no laws regulate their job. It also analyzed the relation of burnout with sociodemographic variables and working conditions: number of working hours/week, monthly income, number of clients, experience as sex workers, and clients’ sex. Methods We examined data from 98 sex workers using non probabilistic sampling. Self-reported measures of burnout syndrome were administered. Results Our results indicated that a considerable amount of women experience high burnout levels. However, 43.9% of the transgender women reported considerable personal accomplishment. Lower level of education and less income were related to more burnout, while the women who worked fewer years as sex workers reported less personal accomplishment. Conclusions These findings shed light on sex workers’ burnout to raise awareness, improve their protection, and move toward regulatory laws that increase their safety and protection. Policy Implications Some implications may emerge which comprehends (1) security and safety, (2) whether performing sex work is deliberate or pressured, and (3) protective working conditions

    Validación de la Versión Española de la Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) usando medidas autoinformadas y psicofisiológicas

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    Assessment of sexual response and sexual functioning through self-reported measures is of relevance in the area of sexual health. The goal was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) in a sample of 1,105 individuals divided into two subsamples to examine and confirm the factorial structure. To evaluate both psychophysiological and subjective sexual arousal, we considered, from the total sample, 49 participants who took part in a second phase of the study. They were exposed to sexual films and they also answered the Spanish version of the ASEX, Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Sexual Opinion Survey-6, and Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form. Results showed that ASEX has an unidimensional structure, good internal consistency, and construct, convergent, and discriminant validity. The scale examined it is useful measure for the assessment of sexual functioning for both clinical and research purposes.La evaluación de la respuesta sexual y el funcionamiento sexual a través de medidas autoinformadas es relevante en el área de la salud sexual. El objetivo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) en una muestra de 1.105 individuos, divididos en dos submuestras para explorar y confirmar la estructura factorial. Para evaluar la activación sexual subjetiva y psicofisiológica, de la muestra total se seleccionaron 49 sujetos, los cuales participaron en una segunda fase del estudio. Estos últimos participantes visualizaron un vídeo con contenido sexual explícito, completaron las versiones españolas del ASEX, Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Sexual Opinion Survey-6 y Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form. Tras los resultados se comprueba que el ASEX tiene una estructura unidimensional, buena consistencia interna y validez de constructo, convergente y discriminante. La escala examinada es útil para la evaluación del funcionamiento sexual, tanto con fines clínicos como de investigación

    Correlatos psicofisiológicos periféricos de regulación emocional

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    II Jornadas de investigación para los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la SaludIntroducción: La regulación emocional puede definirse como la capacidad para influir sobre qué emociones tenemos, cuándo las tenemos y cómo las experimentamos y expresamos. La mayoría de estudios se han centrado en la reevaluación cognitiva, básicamente utilizando medidas centrales (fmri o erp). Sin embargo, pocos trabajos se han interesado por los correlatos psicofisiológicos periféricos de estos procesos (por ejemplo, reflejo de sobresalto, actividad electrodérmica o variabilidad cardíaca). Método: Tomando como grupo de referencia a la población adulta, en este trabajo se realiza una revisión sistemática de estudios recientes que, utilizando metodologías diversas, aportan evidencia empírica acerca de distintos correlatos psicofisiológicos de regulación emocional. Resultados: El análisis de la literatura experimental permite observar una clara modulación del reflejo de sobresalto, en función de las instruccio- nes de la tarea (i.e., aumento o disminución de emociones negativas o positivas). De manera similar, la conductancia de la piel y la variabilidad cardíaca varían dependien- do del contenido específico y de las instrucciones de la tarea. Conclusión: Estos re- sultados sugieren que los correlatos psicofisiológicos periféricos son un índice fiable de regulación voluntaria del afecto, mostrando cómo ciertas estrategias (como la ree- valuación cognitiva) pueden modular las respuestas fisiológicas.Introduction: Emotional regulation is defined as the ability to influence what emotions we have, when we have them, and how we experience and express them. One of the most investigated strategies of emotional regulation is cognitiva reappraisal, basically using brain measures (fMRI or ERP). However, only a few studies have focused on peripheral psychophysiological correlates of these processes (e.g., startle reftex, electrodermal acivity or cardiac variability). Method: Here, we systematically review recent research focused on heallhy adult population that using diverse methodologies provide empirical evidence regarding different psychophysiological correlates of emotional regulatlon. Results: Results show that startle blink responses are modulated depending on the picture category and task instructions (i.e., increase or decrease of negative and positive emotions). Similarly, skin conductance and heart rate variability differ dependlng on the speclflc content and task instructions. Conclusion: These results suggest that peripheral psychophysiological correlates are a reliable index of voluntary regulation of affect, showing how certain strategies (such as cognitive reappraisal) can modulate physiological responses

    Respuesta cardíaca de defensa y emocionalidad negativa en población normal

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    III Jornades d'Investigació per a l'Alumnat de la Facultat de Ciències de la SalutLa Respuesta Cardíaca de Defensa (RCD) es un patrón dinámico de reactividad cardíacaen respuesta a un estímulo aversivo, intenso e inesperado que consiste en doscomponentes sucesivos acelerativos y decelerativos, cuya significación psicológica seatribuye tanto a procesos atencionales como emocionales. De acuerdo con el modelode la cascada defensiva propuesto por Lang (1995), el segundo componente acelerativode la RCD puede interpretarse como un indicador de activación del sistema motivacionaldefensivo. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre laRCD y los niveles de ansiedad y depresión, como indicadores de emocionalidad negativa.La muestra experimental fue de 100 participantes, estudiantes de Psicología yCriminología de la Universitat Jaume I. La tarea experimental consistió en la presentaciónde un sonido intenso y aversivo (500 ms, 105 dB) tras un periodo de reposo de6 minutos. El registro de los componentes acelerativos y decelerativos se realizó durantelos 80 s posteriores a la presentación del estímulo acústico. Al finalizar la sesiónexperimental se administró una batería de cuestionarios, entre ellos el BDI y el STAI-R.Los análisis preliminares muestran una mayor reactividad cardíaca en los participantescon mayores puntuaciones en ansiedad y depresión. Estos datos sugieren que unamayor reactividad del sistema motivacional defensivo podría interpretarse como unfactor de vulnerabilidad para desarrollar trastornos de ansiedad y depresión. Podemosconcluir, por tanto, que la RCD parece ser un indicador fiable y válido de la hiperactividaddel sistema motivacional defensivo en personas que presentan una mayor predisposicióna reaccionar con sintomatología ansiosa o depresiva.The Cardiac Defense Response (CDR) is a dynamic pattern of cardiac reactivity in responseto an aversive, discrete, intense and unexpected stimulus consisting of twosuccessive accelerative and decelerative components whose psychological significanceis attributed to both attentional and emotional processes. According to the modelof the defensive cascade proposed by Lang (1995), the second accelerative componentof the CDR can be interpreted as an indicator of activation of the defensive motivationalsystem. This study aims to analyze the relationship between CDR and levels ofanxiety and depression as indicators of negative emotionality. The sample consisted of100 participants, students of Psychology and Criminology, from Jaume I University. Theexperimental task consisted in the presentation of intense and aversive sound (500 ms,105 dB) after a 6-minute rest period. Accelerative and decelerative components wereobtained during the 80 s after the presentation of the acoustic stimulus. At the end ofthe experimental session, a battery of questionnaires was administered, including BDIand STAI-R. Preliminary results show higher cardiac reactivity in participants withhigher scores both on anxiety and depression. These data suggest that a greater reactivityof the defensive motivational system can be a factor of vulnerability to developanxiety and depression disorders. We can conclude, therefore, that CDR may be interpretedas an index of the hyperactivity of the defensive motivational system in peoplewith greater predisposition to react with anxious or depressive symptoms

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) Using Self-Reported and Psychophysiological Measures

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    Assessment of sexual response and sexual functioning through self-reported measures is of relevance in the area of sexual health. The goal was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) in a sample of 1,105 individuals divided into two subsamples to examine and confirm the factorial structure. To evaluate both psychophysiological and subjective sexual arousal, we considered, from the total sample, 49 participants who took part in a second phase of the study. They were exposed to sexual films and they also answered the Spanish version of the ASEX, Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Sexual Opinion Survey-6, and Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form. Results showed that ASEX has an unidimensional structure, good internal consistency, and construct, convergent, and discriminant validity. The scale examined it is useful measure for the assessment of sexual functioning for both clinical and research purposes.This research has been funded through the Research Projects PSI2010-15719 (Ministry of Science and Innovation) and PSI2014-25035-R (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness)

    Musical preference but not familiarity influences subjective ratings and psychophysiological correlates of music-induced emotions

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    Listening to music prompts strong emotional reactions in the listeners but relatively little research has focused on individual differences. This study addresses the role of musical preference and familiarity on emotions induced through music. A sample of 50 healthy participants (25 women) listened to 42 excerpts from the FMMS during 8 s while their autonomic and facial EMG responses were continuously recorded. Then, affective dimensions (hedonic valence, tension arousal, and energy arousal) and musical preference were rated using a 9-point scale, as well as familiarity using a 3-point scale. It was hypothesized that preferred and familiar music would be evaluated as more pleasant, energetic and less tense, and would prompt an increase of autonomic and zygomatic responses, and a decrease of corrugator activity. Results partially confirmed our hypothesis showing a strong effect of musical preference but not familiarity on emotion correlates. Specifically, musical preference predicted valence ratings, as well as HR acceleration and facial EMG activity. Overall, current findings suggested a great influence of musical preference on music-induced emotions, particularly modulating hedonic valence correlates. Our findings add evidence about the role of individual differences in the emotional processing through music and suggest the importance of considering those variables in future studies

    Two pathways to suicidal intention in Ecuadorian adolescents: The role of parental and peer attachment, depression and impulsivity

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    The present study investigated the relationship between attachment patterns –trust, communication and alienation– related to mother, father and peers, depression and impulsivity in suicidal intention among adolescents, by a mediational and moderational analysis. We evaluated the data of 395 Ecuadorian adolescents (54.2% males, 45.8% females) aged 14–19 years (M = 15.86, SD = 1.00) recruited from several schools. They completed the following measures: the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, the Beck Depression Inventory and the Plutchik Impulsivity Scale. The mediational analyses indicated that, attachment –paternal trustworthiness and alienation from both mother and peers– predicted suicide intention by two pathways: a more direct one mediated by depression; another pathway in which the mediating role of impulsivity was added between attachment and depression. No moderation effects were found. The role of lack of paternal trustworthiness and alienation/negative feelings toward mother and peers are highlighted in the development of depression, which played a mediating role in suicide intention. The role of negative social interactions and negative emotions in relation to suicide intention is discussed, which has several implications for prevention programs for adolescents

    Protection of human rights and barriers for people with HIV/AIDS in colombia: an analysis of the legal framework

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    People living with HIV/AIDS not only suffer in terms of physical and/or psychological health, but also frequently experience violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Although there are international treaties and a regulatory framework that legally protects people with HIV/AIDS, it is essential to determine the effectiveness of the regulatory framework in Colombia. Therefore, our main goal was to examine the legislation on HIV/AIDS in Colombia with the purpose of understanding the decrees and laws, and describing the main obstacles and barriers that people with HIV/AIDS encounter. For this purpose, we employed the method of legal interpretation and reviewed the legal regulations on HIV/AIDS, as well as the judgments of guardianship of the Constitutional Court. It is verified that there is a specific regulation on HIV/AIDS, specifically decree 559 of 19,991, decree 1543 of 1997, Law 599 of 2000, Law 972 of 2005, and Law 1220 of 2008. Although at the legislative level Colombia shows an evolution in the norm, patients with HIV/AIDS continue to be victims of human rights violations. As a result, and through the analysis of tutela judgments, it was found that the Constitutional Court recognized the violation of rights and ordered the necessary measures to be taken to guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the defendants
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