65 research outputs found

    Perception of nursing students about couples' violence: knowledge, beliefs and professional role

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    Podeu consultar la versió en castellà a http://hdl.handle.net/2445/67372Objectives: to analyse the knowledge, beliefs and perception of the professional role that nursing students have, about exerted violence against women in relationships. Method: a descriptive qualitative study following the ecological model through 16 focus groups realized with 112 students from four nursing courses of four Spanish universities. Results: the analytical categories were: knowledge, professional role, and beliefs about ones behaviour before the victim and the abuser. Students are unfamiliar with the characteristics of abuse, guidelines, protocols and screening questions and demand patterns for specific intervention. They do not identify their own professional role, be it delegated or specialized. Beliefs regarding their behaviour with the victim, not guided by professional criteria, perceive violence as a specific situation and disassociate the prevention of health care. They perceive the abuser as mentally ill, justifying the tolerance or delegation of performances. Conclusions: students define preconceived ideas about couples' violence. Speeches reproduce and reinforce stereotypical myths, values indicative of inadequate training for nursing studies which raises the need to fortify the competencies in relation to intimate couples' violence in the curriculum

    Percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre violencia de pareja: conocimientos, creencias y rol profesional

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    Podeu consultar la versió en anglès a http://hdl.handle.net/2445/67422Objectivos: analizar los conocimientos, las creencias y la percepción del rol profesional que tienen los estudiantes de Enfermería, acerca de la violencia ejercida contra las mujeres en las relaciones de pareja. Método: estudio cualitativo descriptivo siguiendo el modelo ecológico a través de 16 grupos focales realizados con 112 estudiantes de cuatro cursos de enfermería de cuatro universidades españolas. Resultados: las categorías analíticas fueron: conocimientos, rol profesional, y creencias sobre las actuaciones ante la víctima y actuaciones ante el agresor. Los estudiantes desconocen características del maltrato, guías, protocolos y preguntas de detección y reclaman pautas de intervención puntuales. No identifican un rol profesional propio, sino delegado o especializado. Las creencias en relación a la actuación con la víctima, no se orientan por criterios profesionales, perciben la violencia como una situación puntual y desvinculan la prevención de la atención en salud. Perciben al maltratador como enfermo mental, lo que justifica la tolerancia o delegación de actuaciones. Conclusiones: los estudiantes definen ideas preconcebidas sobre violencia de pareja. Los discursos reproducen mitos y refuerzan valores estereotipados, indicativos de insuficiente formación durante los estudios de enfermería lo que plantea la necesidad de reforzar las competencias en relación a la violencia de pareja en los planes de estudios

    Lessons learnt from a norovirus outbreak caused by bottled mineral water

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster 1

    Alcohol Use and Sexual Violence among Nursing Students in Catalonia, Spain: A Multicentre Cross-sectional Study

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    Background: Sexual violence (SV) has become common in universities for reasons related to unwanted social/peer pressures regarding alcohol/drug use and sexual activities. Objectives: To identify perceptions of SV and alcohol use and estimate prevalence among nursing students in Catalonia, Spain. (2) Methods: Observational descriptive cross-sectional study of a convenience sample of nursing students attending public universities. (3) Results: We recruited 686 students (86.11% women), who reported as follows: 68.7% had consumed alcohol, 65.6% had been drunk at least once in the previous year, 62.65% had experienced blackouts and 25.55% had felt pressured to consume alcohol. Drunkenness and blackouts were related (p < 0.000). Of the 15.6% of respondents who had experienced SV, 47.7% experienced SV while under the influence of alcohol and were insufficiently alert to stop what was happening, while 3.06% reported rape. SV was more likely to be experienced by women (OR: 2.770; CI 95%: 1.229-6.242; p = 0.014), individuals reporting a drunk episode in the previous year (OR: 2.839; 95% CI: 1.551-5.197; p = 0.001) and individuals pressured to consume alcohol (OR: 2.091; 95% CI: 1.332-3.281; p = 0.001). (4) Conclusions: Nursing instructors need to raise student awareness of both the effects of alcohol use and SV, so as to equip these future health professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with SV among young people

    Percepção de estudantes de enfermagem sobre violência do parceiro: conhecimentos, crenças e função profissional

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    ;;OBJETIVOS:;; examinar os conhecimentos, crenças e a percepção da função profissional que têm os estudantes de enfermagem, sobre a violência contra as mulheres, nos relacionamentos íntimos.;;;;MÉTODO:;; estudo qualitativo, descritivo, seguindo o modelo ecológico, através de 16 grupos focais, realizado com 112 estudantes de quatro cursos de enfermagem, de quatro universidades espanholas.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; as categorias analíticas foram: conhecimento, função profissional e as crenças das ações do agressor sobre a vítima. Os estudantes desconhecem as características de abusos, diretrizes, protocolos, questões de triagem e de rastreamento, reivindicando diretrizes de intervenção específica. Não identificam sua própria função profissional, sendo delegada ou especializada. As crenças em relação a atuação com a vítima não são orientadas por padrões profissionais, percebendo a violência como uma situação específica e dissociando a prevenção dos cuidados em saúde. Eles percebem o agressor como um doente mental, justificando, assim, a tolerância ou delegação de ações.;;;;CONCLUSÕES:;; os alunos definem noções preconcebidas sobre violência do parceiro. Os discursos reproduzem mitos e reforçam valores estereotipados, indicando estudos insuficientes durante a formação em enfermagem, gerando a necessidade de reforçar as competências nos currículos em relação à violência do parceiro.;;;;OBJETIVOS:;; analizar los conocimientos, las creencias y la percepción del rol profesional que tienen los estudiantes de Enfermería, acerca de la violencia ejercida contra las mujeres en las relaciones de pareja.;;;;MÉTODO:;; estudio cualitativo descriptivo siguiendo el modelo ecológico a través de 16 grupos focales realizados con 112 estudiantes de cuatro cursos de enfermería de cuatro universidades españolas.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; las categorías analíticas fueron: conocimientos, rol profesional, y creencias sobre las actuaciones ante la víctima y actuaciones ante el agresor. Los estudiantes desconocen características del maltrato, guías, protocolos y preguntas de detección y reclaman pautas de intervención puntuales. No identifican un rol profesional propio, sino delegado o especializado. Las creencias en relación a la actuación con la víctima, no se orientan por criterios profesionales, perciben la violencia como una situación puntual y desvinculan la prevención de la atención en salud. Perciben al maltratador como enfermo mental, lo que justifica la tolerancia o delegación de actuaciones.;;;;CONCLUSIONES:;; los estudiantes definen ideas preconcebidas sobre violencia de pareja. Los discursos reproducen mitos y refuerzan valores estereotipados, indicativos de insuficiente formación durante los estudios de enfermería lo que plantea la necesidad de reforzar las competencias en relación a la violencia de pareja en los planes de estudios.;;;;OBJECTIVES:;; to analyse the knowledge, beliefs and perception of the professional role that nursing students have, about exerted violence against women in relationships.;;;;METHOD:;; a descriptive qualitative study following the ecological model through 16 focus groups realized with 112 students from four nursing courses of four Spanish universities.;;;;RESULTS:;; the analytical categories were: knowledge, professional role, and beliefs about ones behaviour before the victim and the abuser. Students are unfamiliar with the characteristics of abuse, guidelines, protocols and screening questions and demand patterns for specific intervention. They do not identify their own professional role, be it delegated or specialized. Beliefs regarding their behaviour with the victim, not guided by professional criteria, perceive violence as a specific situation and disassociate the prevention of health care. They perceive the abuser as mentally ill, justifying the tolerance or delegation of performances.;;;;CONCLUSIONS:;; students define preconceived ideas about couples' violence. Speeches reproduce and reinforce stereotypical myths, values indicative of inadequate training for nursing studies which raises the need to fortify the competencies in relation to intimate couples' violence in the curriculum.;

    Procediment d’extracció de taps de cerumen

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    Extracció de tap de cerumen; Rentat d'orella; Infermeria en atenció primàriaExtracción de tapón de cerumen; Lavado de oreja; Enfermería en atención primariaCerumen plug removal; Ear wash; Nursing primary careAquest document presenta com cal permeabilitzar el conducte auditiu garantint la realització correcta de la tècnica de rentat d'orella i s'adreça a tot professional sanitari que hagi de procedir a l'extracció d'un tap de cerumen