63 research outputs found

    Relation and effect of resilience on burnout in nurses: A literature review and meta-analysis

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    Aim: To study the relation between burnout and resilience and to identify the profile of nurses presenting this quality. Background and Introduction: Healthcare professionals are subject to high rates of burnout. Resilience could be an important factor in preventing or alleviating this condition. Methods: The PubMed, ProQuest, Scopus and ScienceDirect databases were consulted in February 2022 using the equation ‘burnout AND resilience AND nurs*’. The inclusion criteria applied were that the texts should describe quantitative studies, be published in English or Spanish, in any year, and be directly related to the question considered. The meta-analysis was performed using StatsDirect statistical software. Results: Analysis of the 29 studies shows that among the dimensions of burnout, nurses are especially prone to emotional exhaustion, and are less affected by depersonalisation and low personal accomplishment. Those who score highly for resilience tend to have longer service experience, acceptable salaries and lesswork overload.Meta-analysis reveals an inverse correlation between resilience and burnout (r = −0.41; n = 2750), exhaustion (r=−0.27; n = 6966) and depersonalisation (r=−0.23; n = 6115). Conclusion: Many nurses present low levels of resilience and suffer from burnout syndrome. The application of programmes to enhance their resilience would help prevent burnout and optimise the potential to provide quality health care. Implications for nursing and health policy: Resilience is inversely correlated with burnout, depersonalisation and emotional exhaustion. Accordingly, healthcare organisations should develop and implement evidence-based programmes to foster nurses’ resilience and thus reduce their susceptibility to burnout.FEDER/Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: Project: P20_0062

    Evaluation of Convergent, Discriminant, and Criterion Validity of the Cuestionario Burnout Granada-University Students

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    Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/math11153315/s1.Burnout is a health problem that affects professionals and students or professionals in training, especially those in health areas. For this reason, it is necessary that it is properly identified to prevent the impact it can have on the work and personal areas of the people who suffer from it. The aim of this work is to study the convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity of the Cuestionario Burnout Granada-University Students. The sample consisted of 463 undergraduate nursing students, selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling, who participated voluntarily and anonymously in the study. The mean age of the participants was 21.9 (5.12) years, mostly female (74.1%), single (95.8%), and childless (95.6%). Information was collected face-to-face, and the instruments were completed on paper. Comparisons were made in the three dimensions of burnout of the CBG-USS between students with and without burnout, finding statistically significant differences in all three dimensions: Emotional Exhaustion (p < 0.001, d = 0.674), Cynicism (p < 0.001, d = 0.479), and Academic Efficacy (p < 0.001, d = -0.607). The Cuestionario Burnout Granada-University Students presents adequate reliability and validity indices, which demonstrates its usefulness in the identification of burnout. This syndrome has traditionally been measured in professionals, but students also present burnout, so it is necessary to have specific burnout instruments for students, since the pre-work situation and stressors of students are different from those of workers. In order to work on the prevention of university burnout, it is essential to have specific instruments for professionals in training that help in the detection of students with burnout.FEDER/Consejera de Universidad, Investigación e Inovación de la Junta de Andalucía P20-0063

    Which occupational risk factors are associated with burnout in nursing? A meta-analytic study

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    Numerous empirical studies have suggested a link between occupational factors and the burnout syndrome. The effect sizes of the association reported vary widely in nursing professionals. The objective of this research was to assess the influence of five occupational factors (job seniority, professional experience, job satisfaction, specialization and work shift) on the three burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment) in nursing. We conducted a meta-analysis with a total of 81 studies met to our inclusion criteria: 31 on job seniority; 29 on professional experience; 37 on job satisfaction; 4 on specialization; and 6 on work shift. The mean effect sizes found suggest that job satisfaction and, to a lesser extent, specialization were important factors influencing the burnout syndrome. The heterogeneity analysis showed that there was a great variability in all the estimates of the mean effect size. Various moderators were found to be significant in explaining the association between occupational factors and burnout. In conclusion, it is important to prevent the substantive moderators that are influencing these associations. The improved methodological variables explain most of the contradictory results found in previous research on this field.Numerosos estudios sugieren la relación entre el síndrome de burnout y algunas variables ocupacionales e informan de diversos tamaños del efecto en sus asociaciones, en profesionales de Enfermería. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la influencia de cinco variables ocupacionales (antigüedad en el puesto, antigüedad en la profesión, satisfacción laboral, especialización y turno laboral) y las tres dimensiones del síndrome (cansancio emocional, despersonalización y realización personal) en enfermeros. En este trabajo se realizó un meta-análisis de 81 estudios que cumplían los criterios de inclusión establecidos: 31 sobre antigüedad en el puesto, 29 en experiencia profesional, 37 relacionados con satisfacción laboral, 4 con especialización y 6 con turno laboral. Los tamaños del efecto medio indican que la satisfacción laboral y, en menor medida, la especialización eran factores importantes que influye en el burnout. La heterogeneidad encontrada en las estimaciones de los tamaños del efecto hace necesario realizar el análisis de variables moderadoras, obteniéndose que algunos moderadores son de gran interés en la explicación de las asociaciones. En conclusión, sería importante prevenir las variables moderadoras sustantivas que median estas asociaciones. Los aspectos metodológicos deberían ser mejorados pues parecen explicar algunos de los resultados contradictorios que se encuentran en las investigaciones en este ámbito.Open Access funded by Asociación Española de Psicología ConductualExcellence Research Projects P07HUM-02529 and P11HUM-7771 (Junta de Andalucía-Spain)

    An Explanatory Model of Potential Changes in Burnout Diagnosis According to Personality Factors in Oncology Nurses

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    Burnout in a hospital oncology service takes place when there is a high level of interaction between nurses and patients. The aim of the present study is to identify models that will enable us to accurately classify a person at a given level within each of the three dimensions of burnout, according to the values presented for personality related explanatory variables, for a sample of 96 oncology nurses working in the regional health service of Andalusia (Spain). A quantitative, crosscutting, multicentre, descriptive study was designed, and for this purpose data on sociodemographic and personality variables and on the three dimensions of burnout were compiled. Three categorical-response logit ordinal models were used and the prognostic ratios for each level were obtained, with respect to every other level, according to possible changes in the explanatory variables considered. Certain personality factors are associated with one or more dimensions of burnout syndrome. Thus, nurses are more likely to develop high levels of burnout if they present high levels of neuroticism and low levels of friendliness and responsibility. Further research in this field is needed to confirm and extend these findings.This research was funded by Excellence Research Project P11HUM-7771 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) and by Research Project mP_BS_6 (CEI BioTic Granada and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain)

    Are socio-demographic factors associated to burnout syndrome in police officers? A correlational meta-analysis

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    Abstract Burnout syndrome is considered a long term stress reaction which is seen primarily among professionals who work face-to-face with other people. Socio-demographic characteristics have been suggested as risk factors in the development of burnout, although empirical studies have yield contradictory results. The objective of the present study is to conduct a meta-analytic review of four socio-demographic factors (age, sex, marital status, and number of children) that may be correlated to burnout in police officers. These professionals have been considered a high-risk occupational group to suffer burnout due to specific characteristics of their job. We collected 43 empirical studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria: 23 on age, 32 on sex, 9 on marital status, and 4 on number of children. The bivariate correlation coefficient was used as the effect size measure. The results show that all the average effect were small, and the majority of them were not statistically significant. We can conclude that sex and age are factors to discard in the development of the burnout syndrome in police officers. We found that many studies did not report enough statistical information to estimate effect sizes. This systematic lack of information is likely to contribute finding contradictory results.Burnout syndrome is considered a long term stress reaction which is seen primarily among professionals who work face-to-face with other people. Socio-demographic characteristics have been suggested as risk factors in the development of burnout, although empirical studies have yield contradictory results. The objective of the present study is to conduct a meta-analytic review of four socio-demographic factors (age, sex, marital status, and number of children) that may be correlated to burnout in police officers. These professionals have been considered a high-risk occupational group to suffer burnout due to specific characteristics of their job. We collected 43 empirical studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria: 23 on age, 32 on sex, 9 on marital status, and 4 on number of children. The bivariate correlation coefficient was used as the effect size measure. The results show that all the average effect were small, and the majority of them were not statistically significant. We can conclude that sex and age are factors to discard in the development of the burnout syndrome in police officers. We found that many studies did not report enough statistical information to estimate effect sizes. This systematic lack of information is likely to contribute finding contradictory results

    Bayesian nets as modelling tools in psychology

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    Cada vez son más numerosas las investigaciones que trabajan con un amplio número de variables donde existen relaciones complejas entre ellas. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas estadísticas surgidas en el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial que nos permiten afrontar situaciones de investigación de estas características. Una red bayesiana es un grafo dirigido acíclico que codifica relaciones probabilísticas de dependencia e independencia condicional y que actualiza el modelo con base en las evi-dencias muestrales mediante la regla de Bayes. Este artículo describirá los principios matemático-estadísticos esenciales de las redes bayesianas y las ventajas que tienen frente a otras herramientas multivariantes. Finalmente, revisaremos las aplicaciones, que desde la Psicología, se han aportado, así como se describen sus usos potenciales.There is more and more research projects which have a lot of variables with complex relations between them. Bayes nets are statistical tools emerged from Artificial Intelligence field that allow us to face up these research situations. A Bayes net is a directed acyclic graph that repre-sents conditional dependence and independence probabilistic relations and it uses the Bayes rule to update the model when some evidences are took into account. The paper describes Bayes nets mathematical essentials and the advantages as opposed to others multivariate tools. Finally, we review applications and potential applications of Bayes nets in Psychology

    Burnout and Professional Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Nursing Students without Clinical Experience: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Burnout affects many healthcare professionals, especially nurses, causing serious health problems and disrupting the work environment. Academic burnout may also be experienced, leading students to feel unable to cope with their education. As a result, they may lose interest and even consider abandoning their studies. Hence, burnout syndrome can affect both the mental health and the professional future of those affected. To evaluate academic burnout in nursing students who had no clinical experience before starting their practical training, a cross-sectional study involving 212 third-year nursing students at the University of Granada was conducted. Data were collected using the Granada Burnout Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Fear of CoronaVirus-19 Scale. High levels of burnout were present in 37.8% of the students. Moreover, 21.5% and 8.7% had borderline cases of anxiety or depression, respectively. Another 30.8% and 9.2%, respectively, were considered likely to present these conditions. According to the predictive models of burnout dimensions obtained, neuroticism is a predictor of all three burnout dimensions. Furthermore, anxiety, depression, extraversion, responsibility and engagement are predictors of some dimensions of the syndrome. Many nursing students present high levels of burnout, which is related to certain personality variables and to the presence of anxiety and/or depression. The level of professional engagement is inversely associated with the impact of burnout. The participants in this study have normalised their return to the pre-pandemic study routine (in-person classes), and fear of COVID-19 was not a significant predictor of any dimension of burnout.FEDER/Consejeria de Universidad, Investigacion e Innovacion de la Junta de Andalucia P20-0062

    The effect of mindfulness training on burnout syndrome in nursing: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    El síndrome de Burnout es un riesgo laboral común para el personal de enfermería. El entrenamiento en mindfulness se ha propuesto como una intervención válida para el burnout. Para este estudio se realizó una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis. Se consultaron las bases de datos CINAHL, LILACS, Medline, ProQuest, PsycINFO, Scielo y Scopus, utilizando la ecuación de búsqueda “Nurs* AND burnout AND mindfulness”. No hubo restricción en el año de publicación. Los artículos fueron seleccionados para su análisis de acuerdo con las recomendaciones PRISMA. El meta-análisis se llevó a cabo con el software Review Manager 5.3. La muestra fue de 17 artículos y se incluyeron 632 enfermeros. El entrenamiento de atención plena reduce los niveles de burnout, encontrando puntuaciones más bajas para el cansancio emocional y la despersonalización y más altas para la realización personal. Las diferencias en las medias fueron 1,32 (IC 95%: -9,41-6,78), 1,91 (IC 95%: -4,50-0,68) y 2,12 (IC 95%: -9,91-14,14), respectivamente, entre los grupos de intervención y control. El mindfulness reduce el desgaste emocional y, por lo tanto, los niveles de burnout entre las enfermeras. Sin embargo, se requieren más ensayos clínicos aleatorios.Proyecto de Excelencia Junta de Andalucía P11HUM-777

    Coping Strategies in Elderly Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    The author(s) disclose the receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: this study was supported by a grant from the Education Ministry (Program FPU16/01437), Madrid, Spanish Government.In Spain, 34,331 new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in 2018 and 15,923 individuals died from this disease in the same year. The highest incidence of colorectal cancer is among individuals aged 65–75 years and the physiological consequences of aging, alongside the effects of the disease and its treatment, can exacerbate their physical deterioration and cognitive impairment and reduce their social relationships. The learning of coping strategies may help to improve the quality of life of patients after cancer diagnosis. To test the hypothesis that the utilization of coping strategies can improve the quality of life of elderly patients with colorectal cancer, PubMed and EBSCO databases were searched, up to 2021, using the following terms: “coping strategies and colorectal cancer” with “anxiety”, “quality of life”, “depression”, “unmet needs”, “optimism”, “intimacy”, “distress”, “self-efficacy” and “self-esteem” with Boolean operators “AND”, “OR”. The literature search retrieved 641 titles/abstracts written in English. After an exhaustive analysis, only 7 studies met the inclusion criteria. Randomized evidence was scant and was reported only in 3/7 of the studies analyzed. Data from available randomized evidence support that patients improved on their depression and quality of life and felt more prepared to deal with their cancer. Coping strategies in patients with colorectal cancer were effective in improving patient adaptation to their new situation. Healthcare professionals working with these patients should receive training in this complementary treatment, to be able to conduct comprehensive care in order to improve the quality of life of these patients.Education Ministry, Madrid, Spanish Government FPU16/0143

    A Multicentre Study of Psychological Variables and the Prevalence of Burnout among Primary Health Care Nurses

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    Nurses in primary health care (PHC) have multiple responsibilities but must often work with limited resources. The study’s aim was to estimate burnout levels among PHC nurses. A Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, multicentre study of 338 nurses working in PHC in the Andalusian Public Health Service (Spain) is presented. A total of 40.24% of the nurses studied had high levels of burnout. The dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation were significantly associated with anxiety, depression, neuroticism, on-call duty and seniority-profession and inversely related to agreeableness. In addition, depersonalisation was significantly associated with gender, and emotional exhaustion correlated inversely with age. Personal achievement was inversely associated with anxiety and depression and positively correlated with agreeableness, extraversion and responsibility. There is a high prevalence of burnout among nurses in PHC. Those most likely to suffer burnout syndrome are relatively young, suffer from anxiety and depression and present high scores for neuroticism and low ones for agreeableness, responsibility and extraversion.Funding for this study was provided by the Andalusian Government Excellence Project (P11HUM-7771