644 research outputs found
Alien Registration- Fudala, Katherine (Augusta, Kennebec County)
Adaptive bone-remodeling theory applied to prosthetic-design analysis
The subject of this article is the development and application of computer-simulation methods to predict stress-related adaptive bone remodeling, in accordance with ‘Wolff's Law’. These models are based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) in combination with numerical formulations of adaptive bone-remodeling theories.\ud
In the adaptive remodeling models presented, the Strain Energy Density (SED) is used as a feed-back control variable to determine shape or bone density adaptations to alternative functional requirements, whereby homeostatic SED distribution is assumed as the remodeling objective.\ud
These models are applied to investigate the relation between ‘stress shielding’ and bone resorption in the femoral cortex around intramedullary prostheses, such as used in Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). It is shown that the amount of bone resorption depends mainly on the rigidity and the bonding characteristics of the implant. Homeostatic SED can be obtained when the resorption process occurs at the periosteal surface, rather than inside the cortex, provided that the stem is adequately flexible
Tłumacz wobec literatury wulgarnej (na przykładzie twórczości Miodraga Bulatovicia)
The author’s style influences translation techniques applied by the translator. The translator of ugly and vulgar literature often tries to ignore certain controversial fragments as they may seem too shocking. The translator tries to create a subtler version and consciously deforms the translation. The aim of this article is to indicate trends deforming the translation of ugly and vulgar literature based on selected works of Miodrag Bulatović.Styl autora oryginału wpływa na rodzaj technik translatorskich stosowanych przez tłumacza. Tłumacz literatury brzydkiej i wulgarnej może stanąć przed dylematem pominięcia w przekładzie pewnych elementów z tekstu wyjściowego, które wydają mu się zbyt kontrowersyjne i szokujące. Próbuje wówczas stworzyć bardziej łagodną wersję tekstu wyjściowego, świadomie deformując przekład. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie elementów stylu serbskiego prozaika Miodraga Bulatovicia oraz wskazanie tendencji w tłumaczeniu literatury brzydkiej i wulgarnej na wybranych przykładach
Opowiadanie Nema povratka Miodraga Bulatovicia – tłumacz jako pośrednik między literaturą serbską a polską
Miodrag Bulatović is a representative of the grotesque avant-garde trend in post-war Serbian literature. In his short stories and novels, he referred to the concepts of evil and moral decay. In the collection of short stories entitled Vuk i zvono he depicted a war-stricken countryside of Montenegro, in which all elements of the world depicted are gradually devoured by fire. Only a few of the short stories from this collection were translated into Polish. In the analytical part of the article, the most important motifs found in the translated texts are discussed. A lot of space was devoted to the artistic layer of the text. A multitude of stylistic devices, antique-drama composition and the presence of the grotesque turned out to be the most important challenge for the translator. The final part of the article summarises the process of translation and indicates various difficulties that have arisen during this process.Miodrag Bulatović jest przedstawicielem groteskowo-awangardowego nurtu powojennej literatury serbskiej, nawiązującym w swoich opowiadaniach i powieściach do tematyki zła i moralnego zniszczenia. Artykuł stanowi podsumowanie pracy tłumacza nad przełożeniem Prologu i pierwszego opowiadania z tomu Vuk i zvono – Nema povratka. Przedstawia problemy translatoryczne i zastosowane strategie ze wskazaniem specyfiki stylu pisarskiego autora oryginału
Consequences of stroke in the light of objective and subjective indices: A review of recent literature
Despite a significant progress in prevention, treatment and management in the past decades, stroke remains the most common disabling chronic condition in adult population. It may be a source of serious temporary or permanent consequences. These consequences should be recognised and measured for defining and implementation of remedial interventions and for optimum utilisation of health care resources.
The aim of this work was to present sequels of stroke, taking into account objective and subjective indices, as documented in the recent literature of the subject. Selected data on mortality and survival following stroke were presented, the up-to-date literature was reviewed and register-based prospective studies were presented on quality of life (QoL) in post-stroke patients. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were summed up, related to efficacy of interventions aimed at improving QoL of the patients. Moreover, the studies were reviewed on burden and QoL experienced by caregivers of post-stroke patients and results were summed up of RCT synthesis aimed at reducing the burden and at improving QoL in the caregivers.
The analysed studies indicated that stroke exerts a long-term, negative effect on patients’ QoL, promoting a decrease in this measure and burdening a significant proportion of the family caregivers. The applied till now different interventions and programmes targeted at the patients and at their carers analysed in RCTs showed no or modest effects on improving of QoL or reducing the caregiver's burden
Miłosierni jak Ojciec. Refleksje o postawie miłosierdzia spowiednika i penitenta w sakramencie pokuty i pojednania
The article yields the study of the attitude of mercy in the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. This attitude is based on the example of Jesus, especially on his life and teaching. Not only confessor but also penitent must be guided by the attitude of mercy.The article yields the study of the attitude of mercy in the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. This attitude is based on the example of Jesus, especially on his life and teaching. Not only confessor but also penitent must be guided by the attitude of mercy
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