6 research outputs found


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    Abstract Banyuasin Regency is a buffer zone of Palembang. Many of Banyuasin residents work in Palembang, and vice versa, causing a lot of travel between these two regions. The objective of this research was to study the characteristics of the transport, trip generation and attraction, as well as the traveling route in these two areas. Origin and destination interview surveys as well as the calculation of the traffic volume were conducted in this study, followed by the calculation of interaction and connectivity. These studies suggest that the purpose of travel is predominantly for work (30.1%) with a distance of more than 20 km. Generated trips consist of 178 private vehicles, public transport of 270 people, and 99 goods transport vehicles. While the attracted trips consist of 156 private vehicles, public transport of 298, and 116 goods transport vehicles. Only 12 districts have overland routes to Palembang while 7 others do not have a land route to Palembang. Keywords: buffer zone, origin and destination of trip, interaction, connectivity, route   Abstrak Kabupaten Banyuasin merupakan daerah penyangga Kota Palembang. Sebagian penduduk Kabupaten Banyuasin bekerja di Palembang, dan sebaliknya, sehingga banyak perjalanan di antara kedua daerah ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji karakteristik transportasi, bangkitan dan tarikan perjalanan, serta rute perjalanan penduduk di kedua daerah tersebut. Pada studi ini dilakukan survei wawancara asal dan tujuan pergerakan serta perhitungan volume lalulintas, yang dilanjutkan perhitungan interaksi dan konektivitas. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa perjalanan didominasi untuk maksud bekerja (30,1 %) dengan jarak tempuh lebih dari 20 km. Bangkitan perjalan terdiri atas angkutan pribadi 178 orang, angkutan umum 270 orang, dan angkutan barang 99 kendaraan. Sedangkan tarikan perjalanan terdiri atas angkutan pribadi 156 orang, angkutan umum 298 orang, dan angkutan barang 116 kendaraan. Hanya 12 kecamatan yang mempunyai rute perjalanan darat ke Palembang sedangkan 7 kecamatan yang lain belum mempunyai rute darat ke Palembang. Kata-kata kunci: daerah penyangga, asal dan tujuan pergerakan, interaksi, konektivitas, rut


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    Abstract Banyuasin Regency is a buffer zone of Palembang. Many of Banyuasin residents work in Palembang, and vice versa, causing a lot of travel between these two regions. The objective of this research was to study the characteristics of the transport, trip generation and attraction, as well as the traveling route in these two areas. Origin and destination interview surveys as well as the calculation of the traffic volume were conducted in this study, followed by the calculation of interaction and connectivity. These studies suggest that the purpose of travel is predominantly for work (30.1%) with a distance of more than 20 km. Generated trips consist of 178 private vehicles, public transport of 270 people, and 99 goods transport vehicles. While the attracted trips consist of 156 private vehicles, public transport of 298, and 116 goods transport vehicles. Only 12 districts have overland routes to Palembang while 7 others do not have a land route to Palembang. Keywords: buffer zone, origin and destination of trip, interaction, connectivity, route   Abstrak Kabupaten Banyuasin merupakan daerah penyangga Kota Palembang. Sebagian penduduk Kabupaten Banyuasin bekerja di Palembang, dan sebaliknya, sehingga banyak perjalanan di antara kedua daerah ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji karakteristik transportasi, bangkitan dan tarikan perjalanan, serta rute perjalanan penduduk di kedua daerah tersebut. Pada studi ini dilakukan survei wawancara asal dan tujuan pergerakan serta perhitungan volume lalulintas, yang dilanjutkan perhitungan interaksi dan konektivitas. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa perjalanan didominasi untuk maksud bekerja (30,1 %) dengan jarak tempuh lebih dari 20 km. Bangkitan perjalan terdiri atas angkutan pribadi 178 orang, angkutan umum 270 orang, dan angkutan barang 99 kendaraan. Sedangkan tarikan perjalanan terdiri atas angkutan pribadi 156 orang, angkutan umum 298 orang, dan angkutan barang 116 kendaraan. Hanya 12 kecamatan yang mempunyai rute perjalanan darat ke Palembang sedangkan 7 kecamatan yang lain belum mempunyai rute darat ke Palembang. Kata-kata kunci: daerah penyangga, asal dan tujuan pergerakan, interaksi, konektivitas, rut


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    Occupational safety and health are indispensable in the process of building infrastructure. Planning in carrying out occupational safety and health (OHS) for building construction projects aims to prevent workers in the field (handymen) from work accidents and avoid disease so that the construction process can run smoothly and the work completed in a timely way.Occupational safety and health (OHS) in english "Work and Health Safety" means to prevent accidents and ensure the health of field workers who do building construction work. No one in the world wants to have an accident while doing a job. Occupational safety and health also mean a science and its application in an effort to prevent the possibility of accidents and diseases while carrying out work. Occupational safety and health have the goal of preventing, reducing, even reducing the risk of zero accidents.Work accidents that occur during the construction process due to the lack of knowledge from implementation contractors Pilar Mas Perkasa Inc. on the importance of occupational safety and health for workers and their employees. Based on the fact obtained in the field, it is necessary to review and evaluate the implementation of occupational safety and health in Pilar Mas Perkasa Inc. as an implementing contactor. In this assignment, the writer together with the team provided OHS counseling for ironing work on the construction project of Talang Ubi Hospital building in Pali Regency, South Sumatra. This service partner is Pilar Mas Perkasa In


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    Learning is part of one's efforts to be more advanced. By learning can change one's fate for the better than ever, from the inconserable to the understanding, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. By learning will add knowledge so that it can be useful for the crowd. Vocational school is one of the high schools that produces graduates who are ready for work. One of the vocational schools in Palembang is SMKN 2 which is located on Demang Lebar Daun street. SMKN 2 has a major in Geomatics Engineering that studies mapping. Department of Geomatic Engineering (mapping) is a major that no other should be able to apply the theory obtained from teachers to programs that are digital. The program that students must understand is the Autocad program, which points to the contours of a location or place. Teachers who teach geomatics techniques only teach contouring but give no deeper explanation of the continuation of a region's contours. Because with the contours of an area we can plan a connecting road from village to city by making road planning

    Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Penambahan Admixture Superplasticizer Dan Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar

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    Beton dibentuk berdasarkan campuran yang terdiri dari semen portland, agregat kasar dan halus, air, serta bahan tambahan kimia dengan jumlah perbandingan tertentu, serat hingga limbah nonkimia. Penggunaan cangkang kelapa sawit yang diberi tambahan admixture superplasticizer menjadi fokus penelitian ini. Jumlah benda uji kubus ukuran 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm yang digunakan untuk menguji kuat tekan beton sebanyak 6 buah yang mewakili setiap variasi campuran. Perubahan proporsi cangkang kelapa sawit ditentukan dari proporsi agregat kasar dan proporsi superplasticizer yang digunakan ditentukan dari proporsi air. Variasi menggunakan cangkang kelapa sawit adalah 0%, 25%, 75%, 100%. Uji tekan dilakukan pada hari ke 14 dan hari ke 28 dengan mutu beton rencana adalah K 225. Pada penelitian ini kuat tekan rata-rata beton normal selama empat belas hari adalah 18,7 MPa, dan variasi masing-masing beton cangkang kelapa sawit adalah 25% (10,1 MPa), 50% (7,3 MPa), 75% (5,9 MPa), dan 100 % (3,1 MPa), sementara itu kuat tekan rata-rata beton biasa setelah dua puluh delapan hari adalah 23,86 MPa, dan variasi untuk beton cangkang kelapa adalah 25% (10,3 MPa), 50% (7,0 MPa), 75% (4,9 MPa), dan % (2,9 MPa)

    Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Kuat Tekan Beton dengan Penambahan Admixture Superplasticizer dan Cangkang Sawit Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar

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    Portland cement, water, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and additives in a certain ratio range widely from chemical additives, fibers, and non-chemical waste items to make concrete. The palm oil waste with  additive superplasticizer were utilized to create the oil palm shells for this research investigation. In this study, the compressive strength test of concrete was performed on 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm cubes. Six cubes make up the test item quantity for the mixing variant. Variations in the proportions of use superplasticizer and oil palm shells derived from the coarse aggregates and water ratios, respectively. There are five different percentages of oil palm sheel that can be used. Their percentages started from are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, to 100%. K 225  was the targeted concrete quality in which it took about fourteen days and twenty eight days to perform the compression test. The shown data showed that the average compressive strength at fourteen days of normal concrete was 18,7 MPa and that each variation of concrete palm oil shell was 25% (10,1 MPa), 50% (7,3 MPa), 75% (5,9 MPa), and 100% (3,1 MPa), while the average compressive strength at twenty eight days of normal concrete was 23,86 MPa and each variation was 25% (10,3 MPa), 50% (7,0 MPa), 75% (4,9 MPa), and 100% (2,9 MPa)