Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Kuat Tekan Beton dengan Penambahan Admixture Superplasticizer dan Cangkang Sawit Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar


Portland cement, water, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and additives in a certain ratio range widely from chemical additives, fibers, and non-chemical waste items to make concrete. The palm oil waste with  additive superplasticizer were utilized to create the oil palm shells for this research investigation. In this study, the compressive strength test of concrete was performed on 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm cubes. Six cubes make up the test item quantity for the mixing variant. Variations in the proportions of use superplasticizer and oil palm shells derived from the coarse aggregates and water ratios, respectively. There are five different percentages of oil palm sheel that can be used. Their percentages started from are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, to 100%. K 225  was the targeted concrete quality in which it took about fourteen days and twenty eight days to perform the compression test. The shown data showed that the average compressive strength at fourteen days of normal concrete was 18,7 MPa and that each variation of concrete palm oil shell was 25% (10,1 MPa), 50% (7,3 MPa), 75% (5,9 MPa), and 100% (3,1 MPa), while the average compressive strength at twenty eight days of normal concrete was 23,86 MPa and each variation was 25% (10,3 MPa), 50% (7,0 MPa), 75% (4,9 MPa), and 100% (2,9 MPa)

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