7 research outputs found

    İslam hukukunda müslüman olmayanlara yönelik kısıtlamalar

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    ÖZETİlahi mesnede dayanan İslam Hukuku sadece inanan insan topluluğuna değil, müslüman olmayan, Allah`ın emr ve yasaklarına riayet etmeyen ve Son Peygamber`in yolundan gitmeyen insanlara bile, sadece insan olduklarına göre önem vermiş ve onların hakları üzerinde ihtimamla durmuştur. İslam Devletinin her bir vatandaşının temel hak ve hürriyetleri olduğu gibi gayri müslim vatandaşların da bu hak ve hürriyetlerden istifade etme hakları vardır. Fakat İslam Devleti, dini hükümler zemininde yönetilen bir devlet şekli olduğuna göre dini mensubiyetinden dolayı devletin vatandaşı olan veya vize ile ülkeye girme hakkına sahip gayri müslimlerin hak ve hürriyetlerine sınırlamalar getirilebilir. Onlara getirilen sınırlamaların daha çok aile, miras, yargı, ceza ve s. hukuk dallarında ve siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik alanlarda gerçekleştiği görülmektedir. Gayri müslim tebaa her ne kadar bazı hukuku ve sosyal alanlarda kısıtlamalara maruz kalabilirlerse de, onların kendi dinleri ve inançları doğrultusunda her hangi bir baskı altında kalmadan yaşamlarını sürdürürler. Müslümanlar tarafından onlara karşı yapılacak her hangi bir haksız fiile göre Allah Resulu`nun zemm ve itabına maruz kalınacağına dair haberler, aynı zamanada onların bir emanet olarak vasıflandırlması onların haklarına verilen değer ve ehemiyetin göstergesidir. Zimmet ve ya eman anlaşması ile İslam Devleti karşısında uhdelikleri olan gayri müslimlerin haklarına sınırlamalar tatbik edilirken, diger devletlerin de o devletin müslüman vatandaşlarına karşı tutum ve davaranışları da mütekabiliyet prensibi çerçevesinde dikkate alınması gereken hususlardandır. Bu durum daha çok sosyo-ekonomik meselelerle ilişkilidir. ABSTRACTIslamic jurisprudence that is based on the revelation paid attention to human beings, not just the muslim ones but also to the ones who are not muslims, who do not obey the orders and bans of Allah and who do not follow the last Prophet’s way. Islam paid attention to all these people just because of that they are human beings and it accentuated their rights. Like any member of the Islamic State, the non-muslim citizens also have basic rights and freedom. But for the reason that Islamic State is a kind of state which is administrated under religious orders, it may limit the rights and freedom of its citizens, both the muslim ones and the non-muslim ones. The limitations that are put into practice about non-muslim citizens mostly in family, heritage, judgement and ciriminal law and social and economic fields. Although the non-muslim citizens are exposed to some limitations in social and judicial fields, they live without any oppression in terms of their believes. The Prophet muhammad's sayings/deeds which say that if any muslim make anything unjust to the non-muslim ones he or she will be rebuked by the Prophet himself and the description of them as a trust are indicators of the attention and value about them. The non-muslim people who live under the Islamic State with a zimmet treaty or eman treaty, when they are limited in terms of some rights, the attitude and treatments of the non-muslim states to their muslim citizens should be considered in the frame of reciprocity pirinciple. This is rather related with socio-economic issues

    Диспансерний нагляд та результати лікування хворих з хронічним остеомієлітом

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    The article analyses results of a retrospective study of 224 patients with chronic osteomyelitis of long bones. The dispensary observation was carried out according to the authors’ system from 2005 to 2010. The influence of such factors as duration the disease, the patients’ age and etiology of osteomyelitis was studied. No statistically reliable difference in the development of the disease relapses depending upon the etiology of the examined pathology was revealed. As a result of the dispensary observation of patients with chronic osteomyelitis it became possible to succeed with reduction in the number of the disease relapses on average by a factor of 37. In patients with relapses of the disease the process was controlled with help of conservative methods of treatment in 81.5 % of cases.Представлен анализ результатов ретроспективного исследования 224 больных с хроническим остеомиелитом длинных костей. Диспансерное наблюдение осуществляли по разработанной авторами схеме с 2005 по 2010 гг. Изучали влияние таких факторов, как длительность заболевания, возраст пациентов и этиология остеомиелита. Статистически достоверной разницы при возникновении рецидивов заболевания в зависимости от этиологии исследуемой патологии не выявлено. В результате диспансеризации больных с хроническим остеомиелитом удалось снизить количество рецидивов заболевания в среднем в 37 раз. У пациентов с рецидивом заболевания в 81,5% случаев процесс купировали с помощью консервативных методов лечения.Представлено аналіз результатів ретроспективного дослідження 224 хворих з хронічним остеомієлітом довгих кісток. Диспансерне спостереження здійснювали за розробленою авторами схемою з 2005 до 2010 рр. Вивчали вплив таких факторів, як тривалість захворювання, вік пацієнтів і етіологія остеомієліту. Статистично вірогідної різниці у виникненні рецидивів захворювання залежно від етіології досліджуваної патології не виявлено. У результаті диспансеризації хворих з хронічним остеомієлітом вдалося знизити кількість рецидивів захворювання в середньому в 37 разів. У пацієнтів з рецидивом захворювання в 81,5 % випадків процес припиняли за допомогою консервативних методів лікування

    Urethral Stricture is an Unpleasant Complication after Prostate Surgery: A Critical Review of Current Literature

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    Urethral stricture is narrowing of the urethra due to inflammation that results in scarring. Prostatectomies for benign and malign prostatic diseases are common surgical procedures among men mainly after their fifties. Urethral stricture or bladder neck contraction following transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is seen in up to 19% of men in different series. Urethral stricture after laser prostatectomy is less frequently reported than TURP, which is about 3.6%. Open prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia is the oldest technique, nonetheless, it is a reasonable alternative for patients with larger prostates. Urethral stricture is reported in 1.9-4.8% of patients after open prostatectomy. Radical prostatectomy (RP) is the most common surgical procedure done worldwide for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Contracture of the bladder neck at the level of the anastomosis is a well-recognized complication after RP occurring in 0.4-32% of patients. Strictures are mainly treated with endoscopic procedures. Rarely, urethroplasty with buccal mucosa grafts is needed for more complicated cases

    Correlation Of Serum Androgens And Pituitary Hormone Levels With Serum Psa Less Than 2.5 Ng/Ml

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    The aim of this clinical study was to determine whether there is a relationship between total serum testosterone, free testosterone, FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. We postulated that such a correlation existed then the use of hormone specific reference ranges might enhance the usefullness of PSA concentrations 40 years of age visiting our urology outpatient clinics. PSA was correlated to age (r = 0.23, p = 0.019), but there none between serum testosterone and age. No significant correlation was noted between testosterone or free testosterone and serum PSA levels, and none between serum FSH or LH and PSA. In age specific reference groups (41-49; 50-59; 60-69 years), we found no significant correlation between PSA and hormone concentrations., In this population of eugonadal men with serum PSA values less than 2.5 ng/ml, serum androgens and pituitary hormones do not appear to correlate with serum PSA.PubMedScopu

    Urbanization and Urban Public Policy in Baku

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    The five articles in this issue of the CAD focus on 1) urban governance and planning in Baku, Azerbaijan, particularly with regard to recent urban reconstruction projects; 2) Baku’s efforts to emulate Dubai’s model of development; 3) the socio-economic repercussions of rural migration to Baku; 4) Azerbaijan’s infrastructure development policy and urban transportation planning challenges in Baku; and 5) grassroots urban redevelopment initiatives in Baku and the extent to which they are constrained by Azerbaijan’s centralized governance system.ISSN:1867-932