400 research outputs found

    An Optimization Scheduling Model for Wind Power and Thermal Power with Energy Storage System considering Carbon Emission Trading

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    Wind power has the characteristics of randomness and intermittence, which influences power system safety and stable operation. To alleviate the effect of wind power grid connection and improve power system’s wind power consumptive capability, this paper took emission trading and energy storage system into consideration and built an optimization model for thermal-wind power system and energy storage systems collaborative scheduling. A simulation based on 10 thermal units and wind farms with 2800 MW installed capacity verified the correctness of the models put forward by this paper. According to the simulation results, the introduction of carbon emission trading can improve wind power consumptive capability and cut down the average coal consumption per unit of power. The introduction of energy storage system can smooth wind power output curve and suppress power fluctuations. The optimization effects achieve the best when both of carbon emission trading and energy storage system work at the same time

    Effect of the Ratio of Materials Used in Fermented Total Mixed Ration on the Aerobic Stability of the TMR Compared with a Mixed-Silage

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    Fermented Total Mixed Ration (TMR) is an important forage for livestock, but if it has a high content of protein, the aerobic stability is poor (Wang, 2008). There is little published information about the aerobic stability of fermented TMR. This experiment was undertaken to study the effects of the ratio of materials used in TMR and mixed-silage on the pH, the numbers of lactobacillus, mould and yeast, and the temperature of the fermented TMR and mix-silage after opening

    Joint Scheduling Optimization of Virtual Power Plants and Equitable Profit Distribution Using Shapely Value Theory

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    The installation capacity of wind and solar photovoltaic power is continually increasing, which makes renewable energy grid connection and power generation an important link of China’s power structure optimization. A virtual power plant (VPP) is an important way to help distributed energy resource grid connection and promote renewable energy industry development. To study the economic scheduling problem of various distributed energy resources and the profit distribution problem of VPP alliance, this study builds a separate operation scheduling model for individual VPP and a joint operation scheduling model for VPP alliance, as well as the profit distribution model. The case study verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model. The sensitivity analysis provides information about VPP decision-making in accordance with the policy environment development trend

    Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Robust Superhydrophobic Coating on Metallic Engineering Materials

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    Creating a robust superhydrophobic surface on the conventional engineering materials at mass production is of great importance for self–cleaning, anti–icing, non–wetting surface and low flow resistance in industrial applications. Herein, we report a roll–to–roll strategy to create durable and robust superhydrophobic surfaces with designed micro–/nano– scale hierarchical structures on many conventional engineering materials by combining electrical discharge machining, coating of carbon nanoparticles, and followed by oil penetration and drying. The treated surface shows good superhydrophobic properties with static water contact angle of 170±2o and slide angle of 3±1o. The treated surface also exhibits good resilience and maintains the performance after tested in various harsh conditions including water flushing for several days, sand abrasion, scratching with sandpapers and corrosive solution. Significantly, the superhydrophobic surfaces also shows a high efficiency of self–cleaning properties even after oil–contamination during applications

    Effects of Sangu Decoction on Osteoclast Activity in a Rat Model of Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis

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    Bone metastasis (BM) is a major clinical problem for which current treatments lack full efficacy. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Sangu Decoction (SGD) has been widely used to treat BM in China. However, no in vivo experiments to date have investigated the effects of TCM on osteoclast activity in BM. In this study, the protective effect and probable mechanism of SGD were evaluated. The model was established using the breast cancer MRMT-1 cells injected into the tibia of rat. SGD was administrated, compared with Zoledronic acid as a positive control. The development of the bone tumor and osteoclast activity was monitored by radiological analysis. TRAP stain was used to identify osteoclasts quantity and activity. TRAP-5b in serum or bone tumor and TRAP mRNA were also quantified. Radiological examination showed that SGD inhibited tumor proliferation and preserved the cortical and trabecular bone structure. In addition, a dramatic reduction of TRAP positive osteoclasts was observed and TRAP-5b levels in serum and bone tumor decreased significantly. It also reduced the mRNA expression of TRAP. The results indicated that SGD exerted potent antiosteoclast property that could be directly related to its TRAP inhibited activity. In addition it prevented bone tumor proliferation in BM model

    Encapsulation of caffeine into starch matrices: Bitterness evaluation and suppression mechanism

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    In this study, caffeine (CA) was encapsulated into food-grade starch matrices, including swelled starch (SS), porous starch (PS), and V-type starch (VS). The bitterness of the microcapsules and suppression mechanisms were investigated using an electronic tongue, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and the in vitro release kinetics of CA. All the CA-loaded microcapsules showed a lower bitterness intensity than the control. The MD results proved that the weak interactions between starch and CA resulted in a moderate CA release rate for SS-CA microcapsules. The PS-CA microcapsule presented the longest CA release, up to 40 min, whereas the VS-CA microcapsule completely released CA in 9 min. The CA release rate was found to be related to the microcapsule structure and rehydration properties. A low CA bitterness intensity could be attributed to a delay in the CA release rate and resistance to erosion of the microcapsules. The results of this work are valuable for improving starch-based microcapsules (oral-targeted drug-delivery systems) by suppressing the bitterness of alkaloid compounds

    Plastome phylogenomics and morphological traits analyses provide new insights into the phylogenetic position, species delimitation and speciation of Triplostegia (Caprifoliaceae)

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    Background The genus Triplostegia contains two recognized species, T. glandulifera and T. grandifora, but its phylogenetic position and species delimitation remain controversial. In this study, we assembled plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) cistrons sampled from 22 wild Triplostegia individuals, each from a separate population, and examined these with 11 recently published Triplostegia plastomes. Morphological traits were measured from herbarium specimens and wild material, and ecological niche models were constructed. Results Triplostegia is a monophyletic genus within the subfamily Dipsacoideae comprising three monophyletic species, T. glandulifera, T. grandifora, and an unrecognized species Triplostegia sp. A, which occupies much higher altitude than the other two. The new species had previously been misidentifed as T. glandulifera, but difers in taproot, leaf, and other characters. Triplotegia is an old genus, with stem age 39.96Ma, and within it T. glandulifera diverged 7.94Ma. Triplostegia grandifora and sp. A diverged 1.05Ma, perhaps in response to Quaternary climate fuctuations. Niche overlap between Triplostegia species was positively correlated with their phylogenetic relatedness. Conclusions Our results provide new insights into the species delimitation of Triplostegia, and indicate that a taxonomic revision of Triplostegia is needed. We also identifed that either rpoB-trnC or ycf1 could serve as a DNA barcode for Triplostegi

    Simultaneous compression of the passively mode-locked pulsewidth and pulse train

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    Simultaneous compression of the passively mode-locked pulse width and pulse train have been achieved by using a plano-convex unstable resonator hybrided by a nonlinear Sagnac ring interferometer. The greater than 30 mJ single pulse energy of a lone oscillator and less than or equal to 10 ps pulsewidth have been obtained. Using this system, the LAGEOS and ETALON satellites' laser ranging have been performed successfully

    Monolayer hydrophilic MoS2 with strong charge trapping for atomically thin neuromorphic vision systems

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    Effective control of electrical and optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional layered materials, one of the key requirements for applications in advanced optoelectronics with multiple functions, has been hindered by the difficulty of elemental doping, which is commonly utilized in Si technology. In this study, we proposed a new method to synthesize hydrophilic MoS2 monolayers through covalently introducing hydroxyl groups during their growth process. These hydroxyl groups exhibit a strong capability of charge trapping, and thus the hydrophilic MoS2 monolayers achieve excellent electrical, optical, and memory properties. Optical memory transistors, made from a single component of monolayer hydrophilic MoS2, exhibit not only excellent light-dependent and time-dependent photoelectric performance, but also good photo-responsive memory characteristics with over multi-bit storage and more than 104 switching ratios. Atomically thin neuromorphic vision systems (with a concept of proof of 10 × 10 neuromorphic visual image) are manufactured from arrays of hydrophilic MoS2 optical memory transistors, showing high quality image sensing and memory functions with a high color resolution. These results proved our new concepts to realize image memorization and simplify the pixel matrix preparation process, which is a significant step toward the development of future artificial visual systems