435 research outputs found

    Effects of Pro-Socialization Skills Training On Self-Efficacy in Correctional Institution Inmates

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    Prison inmates released to the community following incarceration often have difficulty adapting socially. Previous research indicates that prison treatment programs aimed at increasing cognitive and prosocial skills can improve ex-felon adaption and decrease recidivism. The current study explored the effects of an 8-week prison treatment program (Transitional Counseling Program [TCP]) designed to teach prosocial skills. This was expected to enhance Bandura\u27s (1977, 1982, 1986) construct of self-efficacy (SE) within inmates. Self-efficacy enhancement was seen as a first step in a program of future research which may show a connection between higher inmate SE at release, improved post prison adaption, and recidivism reduction. Inmate participants were members of three preexisting TCP groups: Prior TCP (n = 5), Current TCP (Il = 8), and Partial TCP (Q = 6). Prior TCP inmates completed training six to eighteen months prior to data collection. Current TCP inmates completed training at the time of the study. Partial TCP inmates completed some training (two to four weeks long) at the time of the study. Fourteen inmates who declined TCP were assigned to a non-equivalent control (Control) group. Measures included a demographic questionnaire (DQ); the SE research scale developed by Sherer, Maddux, Mercandante, Prentice-Dunn, Jacobs and Rogers (1982), containing two subscales: General SE and Social SE; and the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (Shipley) (Zachary, 1986). As predicted, a main effect for treatment was found (f = 3.94, df = 3, 21, Q = .02) using General SE scores as the dependent variable in an analysis of covariance. Six covariates including Shipley IQ, were examined for possible preexisting differences between groups. None of the covariates were significantly related to SE scores. Post hoc comparisons revealed two groups, Current TCP and Control, as significantly different at the .05 level for General SE scores. Prior TCP and Partial TCP means did not differ significantly from the Control group. Total SE scores showed no significant differences between groups using Tukey post hoc criteria. Further research is needed to confirm the causal role of TCP, to explore ways to prevent decay in training effects, and to establish generalizability limits

    The strong Bell inequalities: A proposed experimental test

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    All previous experimental tests of Bell inequalities have required additional assumptions. The strong Bell inequalities (i.e. those requiring no additional assumptions) have never been tested. An experiment has been designed that can, for the first time, provide a definitive test of the strong Bell inequalities. Not only will the detector efficiency loophole be closed; but the locality condition will also be rigorously enforced. The experiment involves producing two Hg-199 atoms by a resonant Raman dissociation of a mercury dimer ((199)Hg2) that is in an electronic and nuclear spin singlet state. Bell inequalities can be tested by measuring angular momentum correlations between the spin one-half nuclei of the two Hg-199 atoms. The method used to make these latter measurements will be described

    Two-Photon Correlations in Atomic Transitions

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    Journals published by the American Physical Society can be found at http://publish.aps.org

    Simulation of non-idealities in frequency compressive receiver components and inputs

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 EECE 1988 F79Master of ScienceElectrical and Computer Engineerin

    Thomas Ades's 'The Exterminating Angel'

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    Thomas Adès's third opera, The Exterminating Angel, is based closely upon Luis Buñuel's 1962 film El ángel exterminador, in which the hosts and guests at a high-society dinner party find themselves inexplicably unable to leave the dining room. Initial critical response to the opera too often focused on superficial similarities and discrepancies between the two works at the expense of attending to the specifically musical ways in which Adès presented the drama. This article explores the role that repetition plays in the opera, and in particular how repetitions serve both as a means of critiquing bourgeois sensibilities and as a representation of (loss of) will. I conclude by drawing on the work of Deleuze in order to situate the climax of the opera against the notion of the eternal return, highlighting how the music articulates the dramatic failure of the characters to escape

    Proposal for a Loophole-Free Test of the Bell Inequalities

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    Journals published by the American Physical Society can be found at http://publish.aps.org/A proposal for an experimental realization of Bohm's spin-1/2 particle version of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment is described. Two Hg-199 atoms, each with nuclear spin 1/2, are produced in an entangled state with total nuclear spin zero. Such a state is obtained by dissociation of dimers of the Hg-199(2) isotopomer using a spectroscopically selective stimulated Raman process. The measurement of nuclear spin correlations between the two atoms in this entangled state is achieved by detection of the atoms using a spin state selective two-photon excitation-ionization scheme. The experiment will not only close the detector efficiency loophole, but in addition will permit enforcement of the locality condition
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