18 research outputs found

    Scaling and root planing with and without periodontal flap surgery

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    . Complete removal of calculus is a primary part of achieving a “biologically acceptable” tooth surface in the treatment of periodontitis. Rabbani et al. reported that a single episode of scaling did not completely remove subgingival calculus and that the deeper the periodontal pocket, the less complete the calculus removal. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of scaling relative to calculus removal following reflection of a periodontal flap. Each of 21 patients who required multiple extractions had 2 teeth scaled, 2 teeth scaled following the reflection of a periodontal flap, and 2 teeth serve as controls. Local anesthesia was used. Following extraction, the % of subgingival tooth surfaces free of calculus was determined using the method described by Rabbani with a stereomicroscope. Results showed that while scaling only (SO) and scaling with a flap (SF) increased the % of root surface without calculus, scaling following the reflection of a flap aided calculus removal in pockets 4 mm and deeper. Comparison of SO versus SF at various pocket depths for % of tooth surfaces completely free of calculus showed 1 to 3 mm pockets to be 86% versus 86%, 4 to 6 mm pockets to be 43% versus 76% and >6 mm pockets to be 32% versus 50%. The extent of residual calculus was directly related to pocket depth, was greater following scaling only, and was greatest at the CEJ or in association with grooves, fossae or furcations. No differences were noted between anterior and posterior teeth or between different tooth surfaces.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73823/1/j.1600-051X.1986.tb01461.x.pd

    Probing Polar Molecules with High Harmonic Spectroscopy

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    We bring the methodology of orienting polar molecules together with the phase sensitivity of high harmonic spectroscopy to experimentally compare the phase difference of attosecond bursts of radiation emitted upon electron recollision from different ends of a polar molecule. This phase difference has an impact on harmonics from aligned polar molecules, suppressing emission from the molecules parallel to the driving laser field while favoring the perpendicular ones. For oriented molecules, we measure the amplitude ratio of even to odd harmonics produced when intense light irradiates CO molecules and determine the degree of orientation and the phase difference of attosecond bursts using molecular frame ionization and recombination amplitudes. The sensitivity of the high harmonic spectrum to subtle phase differences in the emitted radiation makes it a detailed probe of polar molecules and will drive major advances in the theory of high harmonic generation.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Attosecond science

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    Attosecond technology builds on, and contributes to, important historic directions in science. For this reason, the science has the depth to yield important discoveries for a long time. Unfortunately the title "attosecond" science biases us to think mostly about dynamics but many of the most important applications of "attosecond technology" may not be related to dynamics at all. This broad set of applications point to the future impact of the technology.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Influência das concavidades radiculares nas perdas clínicas de inserção, detectadas no exame clínico periodontal inicial The influence of root concavities on clinical attachment loss diagnosed at the initial evaluation of periodontal patients

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    O propósito deste estudo foi estabelecer a influência das concavidades radiculares na perda clínica de inserção (PCI) diagnosticada no exame clínico periodontal inicial. Os dados de PCI foram obtidos dos primeiros e segundos pré-molares, caninos, incisivos laterais e centrais superiores e inferiores, de 163 pacientes. Os dados foram coletados das fichas periodontais dos pacientes que procuraram a Clínica do curso de Pós-Graduação em Periodontia da FOUSP. Foi realizada sondagem em todos os dentes para que se obtivesse as seguintes medidas: distância da linha esmalte cemento à margem gengival, profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS) nos sítios distovestibular (DV), centrovestibular (CV), mesiovestibular (MV), distolingual (DL), centrolingual (CL) e mesiolingual (ML). Os dados foram incluídos no estudo quando pelo menos um dos sítios apresentasse PCI<FONT FACE="Symbol"> ³</font> 4 mm. Após a análise estatística (Friedman ANOVA test) CV e CL mostraram valores de PCI estatisticamente menores para todos os dentes superiores e inferiores. Clinicamente CV mostrou os menores valores de perda clínica de inserção entre todos os dentes analisados, seguido de CL. Embora, baseados em nossos resultados, não exista correlação estatística entre PCI e a presença de concavidades radiculares, não podemos subestimar as últimas no exame clínico inicial, diagnóstico, prognóstico, planejamento cirúrgico e na fase de controle e manutenção do tratamento periodontal.<br>The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of root concavities on clinical attachment loss (CAL) that was diagnosed at the initial evaluation of periodontal patients. CAL data were analyzed in the following teeth of 163 patients: upper and lower second and first bicuspids, cuspids, lateral and central incisors. Data were retrieved from the initial dental chart of patients seeking treatment at the Periodontics Graduate Clinic, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo. Probing was accomplished in every tooth. The following measurements were recorded: CEJ-GM, PD and CAL. PD was performed at 6 sites: mesial-buccal (MB), central-buccal (CB), distal-buccal (DB), mesial-lingual (ML), central-lingual (CL) and distal-lingual (DL). Data from all teeth present were included when, at least, one site with CAL<FONT FACE="Symbol"> ³</font> 4mm was observed. After statistical analysis (Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA tests) CB and CL sites showed CAL values statistically lower for all upper teeth and for lower first bicuspid, cuspid and lateral incisors. Clinically, CB showed the lowest CAL values in every analyzed teeth, which was followed by CL. The presence of root concavities should not be underestimated either during clinical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, surgical or supportive periodontal treatment. Nevertheless, based on our results, it was not possible to assure that the differences found in CAL values were due to root concavities