109 research outputs found

    Estrategias didácticas como alternativa del trabajo de aula para estimular el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales en el subnivel Básica Superior

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    Ante los retos por perfeccionar los aprendizajes, es pertinente que el docente emplee herramientas metodológicas competentes que generen un verdadero aprovechamiento de cada una de las demandas propensas al progreso autónomo del estudiante, tanto en el ambiente personal como colectivo. Lograr aprendizajes trascendentes involucra privilegiar estrategias metodológicas con un propósito definido, qué llevado al ámbito de los aprendizajes, se transforme en un sistema de procedimientos y recursos afectivos, cognitivos y psicomotores. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo de investigación fue reflexionar acerca de las estrategias didácticas como alternativas del trabajo de aula para el estímulo del aprendizaje en los estudiantes del subnivel de básica superior en la asignatura Ciencias Naturales. Esta investigación se desarrolló en la Escuela de Educación Básica Holger Montenegro Molina del cantón Buena Fe, en el periodo lectivo 2021 - 2022. El diseño fue un enfoque cuanti-cualitativo mediante la investigación exploratoria, descriptiva y bibliográfica con la aplicación de la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario efectuado a una población finita con una muestra representativa compuesta de 12 docentes y 292 estudiantes del subnivel de educación Básica Superior. Los resultados de la aplicación de estrategias metodologías permitieron al docente obtener logros significativos relacionados con el aprendizaje colaborativo, activo, innovador, crítico y reflexivo. Fortaleciendo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la permanencia de los estudiantes en el nivel de educación general básica superior con docentes capacitados, flexibles, creativos e innovadores que potencien la calidad de la educación.PALABRAS CLAVE: Estrategias didácticas; trabajo de aula; aprendizaje; Ciencias Naturales.Didactic strategies as alternatives for classroom work to stimulate the learning of Natural Sciences in the Higher Elementary SchoolABSTRACTFaced with the challenges of improving learning, it is pertinent that the teacher uses competent methodological tools that generate a real use of each of the demands for the student's autonomous progress, both in the personal and collective environment. Achieving transcendent learning involves privileging methodological strategies with a defined purpose, which, when taken to the learning environment, becomes a system of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor procedures and resources. The main objective of this research work was to reflect on didactic strategies as alternatives of classroom work to stimulate learning in students of the upper basic level in the subject of Natural Sciences. This research was developed in the Holger Montenegro Molina School of Basic Education in the Buena Fe canton, in the 2021 - 2022 school year. The design was a quantitative-qualitative approach through exploratory, descriptive, and bibliographic research with the application of the survey technique and as an instrument a questionnaire made to a finite population with a representative sample composed of 8 teachers and 208 students of the sub-level of higher basic education. The results of the application of methodological strategies allowed the teacher to obtain significant achievements related to collaborative, active, innovative, critical and reflective learning. Strengthening the teaching-learning process and the permanence of students in the upper basic general education level with trained, flexible, creative and innovative teachers who enhance the quality of education.KEYWORDS: Didactic strategies; Classroom work; Learning; Natural Sciences

    Incremento del rendimiento y calidad nutricional del arroz con fertilización NPK complementada con micronutrientes

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la fertilización NPK complementada con micronutrientes sobre el rendimiento y calidad nutricional del arroz. Se condujo un experimento en diez fincas arroceras de la zona de San Jacinto, Rocafuerte, Manabí. En cada finca se establecieron dos parcelas de 100 m2, donde una recibió fertilización NPK + micronutrientes y la otra solo fertilización convencional con NPK. En ambos casos la dosis de fertilización fue de 180, 70 y 60 kg ha-1 de N, P y K, respectivamente. En el primer caso se utilizaron fertilizantes compuestos que incluyeron micronutrientes y en el segundo caso fertilizantes convencionales. Los datos fueron analizados con prueba estadística de t de Student para observaciones pareadas. Las principales variables registradas fueron rendimiento y contenido nutricional del grano. Se evidenció un incremento en rendimiento del 36,85% con la fertilización NPK + micronutrientes en relación al tratamiento control con NPK. De forma similar el contenido proteico, Fe y Zn se incrementó en 18,33, 31,58 y 33,33%, respectivamente, con la aplicación de micronutrientes, en contraste a la fertilización tradicional con NPK. Los resultados mostraron que la aplicación de micronutrientes contribuyó significativamente al incremento del rendimiento y calidad del grano de arroz.

    El cacao, de recurso agrario a potencial turístico cultural. Motivaciones de sus productores en la zona centro norte de Manabí, Ecuador

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    The situation of the production of cocoa in the province of Manabi (Ecuador) is presented, together with its development possibilities with the introduction of a sustainable cultural revaluation policy. Cocoa producers generally carry out their activities in rural areas and urban peripheries where living conditions are often precarious; each productive unit (farm) has an approximately extension of five hectares, and 90% of their maintenance is carried out by the family. The objective of this research was to identify the different groups of producers, based on their motivations, for the production of cocoa in the north central area of Manabi, Ecuador. The work comprised two stages: (1) exploratory, where data from official bodies was processed on the ARC GIS software; (2) field work, in which a Likert scale questionnaire was used. The sample is made up of 196 cocoa producers. The research design is flexible, with a quantitative and qualitative approach; exploratory in nature. There are two large groups of producers. The first set of producers related to the simple commercialization of cocoa and the second set of producers that shows a significant appropriation of the product as a reflection of the local culture. A positive context is glimpsed for initiatives around agricultural tourism.Se presenta la situación productiva del cacao en la provincia de Manabí (Ecuador), así como sus posibilidades de desarrollo regido por una política de revalorización cultural sostenible. Los productores de cacao, por lo general, desarrollan sus actividades en zonas rurales y periferias urbanas, las condiciones de vida muchas veces son precarias; el 90% de sus unidades productivas, denominadas fincas, con una extensión promedio de cinco hectáreas y su mantenimiento se caracteriza por ser de responsabilidad familiar. El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar los diferentes grupos de productores, a partir de sus motivaciones, para el cultivo y producción del cacao en la zona centro norte de Manabí, Ecuador. El trabajo se dividió en dos etapas: (1) exploratoria, mediante la utilización de datos provenientes de organismos oficiales, los mismos que fueron procesados con el software ARC GIS; (2) trabajo de campo utilizando un cuestionario con escala de Likert. La muestra está conformada por 196 productores de cacao. El diseño de investigación es flexible, de enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo; de carácter exploratorio. Existen dos grandes conjuntos de productores. El primer conjunto de productores relacionado con la simple comercialización del cacao y el segundo conjunto de productores que muestra una significante apropiación del producto como reflejo de la cultura local. Se vislumbra un contexto positivo para las iniciativas en torno al turismo agrario

    Refugee Integration Outcomes cohort study: Evidence for policy and planning

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    Evidence on refugee integration outcomes in the UK is lacking, partly due to an absence of datasets which permit refugees to be identified. The RIO longitudinal cohort study designed in collaboration with the Home Office aims to address this by linking administrative data longitudinally. RIO covers cohorts granted asylum and refugees resettled in England & Wales via the Vulnerable Persons and Vulnerable Children’s resettlement Schemes between 2015 and 2020. Linked data include the Personal Demographics Service from the NHS and Exit Checks from the Home Office. Census 2021 data have also been linked to the study. Deterministic linkage algorithms addressed different naming conventions across a wide set of cultures and administrative data quality. Associative linkage methods were developed to match residuals from the deterministic stage to their corresponding household if present. We conducted our own internal quality analysis to assess the quality of our linkage algorithms to improve our methodology ahead of incorporating new administrative data such as HMRC and DWP data. Experimental analysis has looked at social and economic outcomes for these refugee cohorts. Linkage to NHS data helps us understand access to health services and time taken to access these services once resettled. Census 2021 data provide a rich understanding of integration outcomes up to 6 years after arrival or grant of asylum. We demonstrate the potential of linked census data to provide evidence on housing, education, health, access to the labour market, education, households and secondary migration but also how this varies for asylum and refugee cohorts but also by age, sex and geographical region. RIO is aligned to the ONS strategic objective of inclusivity and recommendations made by the UK National Statistician’s Inclusive Data Task Force. RIO will ultimately help inform local authorities, government, charities and other organisations with resource allocation for these vulnerable populations. We are planning to make this dataset available to Accredited Researchers via the ONS Secure Research Service and the Integrated Data Service (IDS)

    Physiological changes to the swallowing mechanism following (Chemo)radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: a systematic review

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    Emerging research suggests that preventative swallowing rehabilitation, undertaken before or during (chemo)radiotherapy ([C]RT), can significantly improve early swallowing outcomes for head and neck cancer (HNC) patients. However, these treatment protocols are highly variable. Determining specific physiological swallowing parameters that are most likely to be impacted post-(C)RT would assist in refining clear targets for preventative rehabilitation. Therefore, this systematic review (1) examined the frequency and prevalence of physiological swallowing deficits observed post-(C)RT for HNC, and (2) determined the patterns of prevalence of these key physiological deficits over time post-treatment. Online databases were searched for relevant papers published between January 1998 and March 2013. A total of 153 papers were identified and appraised for methodological quality and suitability based on exclusionary criteria. Ultimately, 19 publications met the study’s inclusion criteria. Collation of reported prevalence of physiological swallowing deficits revealed reduced laryngeal excursion, base-of-tongue (BOT) dysfunction, reduced pharyngeal contraction, and impaired epiglottic movement as most frequently reported. BOT dysfunction and impaired epiglottic movement showed a collective prevalence of over 75 % in the majority of patient cohorts, whilst reduced laryngeal elevation and pharyngeal contraction had a prevalence of over 50 %. Subanalysis suggested a trend that the prevalence of these key deficits is dynamic although persistent over time. These findings can be used by clinicians to inform preventative intervention and support the use of specific, evidence-based therapy tasks explicitly selected to target the highly prevalent deficits post-(C)RT for HNC

    A prospective investigation of swallowing, nutrition, and patient-rated functional impact following altered fractionation radiotherapy with concomitant boost for oropharyngeal cancer

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    Altered fractionation radiotherapy for head and neck cancer has been associated with improved locoregional control, overall survival, and heightened toxicity compared with conventional treatment. Swallowing, nutrition, and patient-perceived function for altered fractionation radiotherapy with concomitant boost (AFRT-CB) for T1–T3 oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) have not been previously reported. Fourteen consecutive patients treated with AFRT-CB for oropharyngeal SCC were recruited from November 2006 to August 2009 in a tertiary hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Swallowing, nutrition, and patient-perceived functional impact assessments were conducted pretreatment, at 4–6 weeks post-treatment, and at 6 months post-treatment. Deterioration from pretreatment to 4–6 weeks post-treatment in swallowing, nutrition, and functional impact was evident, likely due to the heightened toxicity associated with AFRT-CB. There was significant improvement at 6 months post-treatment in functional swallowing, nutritional status, patient-perceived swallowing, and overall function, consistent with recovery from acute toxicity. However, weight and patient perception of physical function and side effects remained significantly worse than pretreatment scores. The ongoing deficits related to weight and patient-perceived outcomes at 6 months revealed that this treatment has a long-term impact on function possibly related to the chronic effects of AFRT-CB