391 research outputs found

    Analysis of Long-Term Cloud Cover, Radiative Fluxes, and Sea Surface Temperature in the Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Grant activities accomplished during this reporting period are summarized. The contributions of the principle investigator are reported under four categories: (1) AHVRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data; (2) GOES (Geostationary Operational Environ Satellite) data; (3) system software design; and (4) ATSR (Along Track Scanning Radiometer) data. The contributions of the associate investigator are reported for:(1) longwave irradiance at the surface; (2) methods to derive surface short-wave irradiance; and (3) estimating PAR (photo-synthetically active radiation) surface. Several papers have resulted. Abstracts for each paper are provided

    Inversion Schemes to Retrieve Atmospheric and Oceanic Parameters from SeaWiFS Data

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    The investigation focuses on two key issues in satellite ocean color remote sensing, namely the presence of whitecaps on the sea surface and the validity of the aerosol models selected for the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS data. Experiments were designed and conducted at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to measure the optical properties of whitecaps and to study the aerosol optical properties in a typical mid-latitude coastal environment. CIMEL Electronique sunphotometers, now integrated in the AERONET network, were also deployed permanently in Bermuda and in Lanai, calibration/validation sites for SeaWiFS and MODIS. Original results were obtained on the spectral reflectance of whitecaps and on the choice of aerosol models for atmospheric correction schemes and the type of measurements that should be made to verify those schemes. Bio-optical algorithms to remotely sense primary productivity from space were also evaluated, as well as current algorithms to estimate PAR at the earth's surface

    Sea surface temperature of the coastal zones of France

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    Thermal gradients in French coastal zones for the period of one year were mapped in order to enable a coherent study of certain oceanic features detectable by the variations in the sea surface temperature field and their evolution in time. The phenomena examined were mesoscale thermal features in the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay, and the northwestern Mediterranean; thermal gradients generated by French estuary systems; and diurnal heating in the sea surface layer. The investigation was based on Heat Capacity Mapping Mission imagery

    Sea surface temperature of the coastal zones of France

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    The results of an investigation to map the various thermal gradients in the coastal zones of France are presented. Paricular emphasis is given to the natural phenomena and man made thermal effluents. It is shown that a close correlation exist between wind speed direction and the offshore width of the effluent

    A statistical algorithm for estimating chlorophyll concentration in the New Caledonian lagoon

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    Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and water turbidity can provide crucial information about the function, health and vulnerability of lagoon ecosystems (coral reefs, sea grasses, etc.). A statistical algorithm is proposed to estimate chlorophyll-a concentration ([chl-a]) in optically complex waters of the New Caledonian lagoon from MODIS-derived remote-sensing reflectance (R-rs). The algorithm is developed via supervised learning on match-ups gathered from 2002 to 2010. The best performance is obtained by combining two models, selected according to the ratio of R-rs in spectral bands centered on 488 and 555 nm: a log-linear model for low [chl-a] (AFLC) and a support vector machine (SVM) model or a classic model (OC3) for high [chl-a]. The log-linear model is developed based on SVM regression analysis. This approach outperforms the classical OC3 approach, especially in shallow waters, with a root mean squared error 30% lower. The proposed algorithm enables more accurate assessments of [chl-a] and its variability in this typical oligo- to meso-trophic tropical lagoon, from shallow coastal waters and nearby reefs to deeper waters and in the open ocean

    Sea surface temperature of the coastal zones of France. Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM)

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    The author has identified the following significant results. HCMM data analysis shows some mesoscale features which were previously expected to occur: summer coastal upwellings in the Gulf of Lions, tidal fronts bordering the English Channel, and cooler surface waters at the continental shelf break. The analysis of the spectral variance density spectra show that the interpretation of the data usually is limited by the HCMM radiometric performance (noise levels) at wavenumbers below 5 km in the oceanic areas; from this analysis it may also be concluded that a decrease of the radiometric noise level down to 0.1 k against an increase of the ground resolution up to 2 km would give a better optimum of the radiometric performances in the oceanic areas. HCMM data appear to be useful for analysis of the sea surface temperature field, particularly in the very coastal area by profiting from the ground resolution of 500 m

    AVHRR and VISSR satellite instrument calibration results for both Cirrus and marine stratocumulus IFO periods

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    Accurate characterizations of some cloud parameters are dependent upon the absolute accuracy of satellite radiance measurements. Visible wavelength measurements from both the AVHRR and VISSR instruments are often used to study cloud characteristics. Both of these instruments were radiometrically calibrated prior to launch, but neither has an onboard device to monitor degradation after launch. During the FIRE/SRB cirrus Intensive Field Operation (IFO), a special effort was made to monitor calibration of these two instruments onboard the NOAA-9 and GOES-6 spacecraft. In addition, several research groups have combined their efforts to assess the long-term performance of both instruments. These results are presented, and a limited comparison is made with the ERBE calibration standard

    Methodology for Jointly Assessing Myocardial Infarct Extent and Regional Contraction in 3-D CMRI

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    Automated extraction of quantitative parameters from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images (CMRI) is crucial for the management of patients with myocardial infarct. This work proposes a post-processing procedure to jointly analyze Cine and Delayed-Enhanced (DE) acquisitions in order to provide an automatic quantification of myocardial contraction and enhancement parameters and a study of their relationship. For that purpose, the following processes are performed: 1) DE/Cine temporal synchronization and 3D scan alignment, 2) 3D DE/Cine rigid registration in a region about the heart, 3) segmentation of the myocardium on Cine MRI and superimposition of the epicardial and endocardial contours on the DE images, 4) quantification of the Myocardial Infarct Extent (MIE), 5) study of the regional contractile function using a new index, the Amplitude to Time Ratio (ATR). The whole procedure was applied to 10 patients with clinically proven myocardial infarction. The comparison between the MIE and the visually assessed regional function scores demonstrated that the MIE is highly related to the severity of the wall motion abnormality. In addition, it was shown that the newly developed regional myocardial contraction parameter (ATR) decreases significantly in delayed enhanced regions. This largely automated approach enables a combined study of regional MIE and left ventricular function

    Passive remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol and atmospheric correction for the aerosol effect

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    The launch of ADEOS in August 1996 with POLDER, TOMS, and OCTS instruments on board and the future launch of EOS-AM 1 in mid-1998 with MODIS and MISR instruments on board start a new era in remote sensing of aerosol as part of a new remote sensing of the whole Earth system (see a list of the acronyms in the Notation section of the paper). These platforms will be followed by other international platforms with unique aerosol sensing capability, some still in this century (e.g., ENVISAT in 1999). These international spaceborne multispectral, multiangular, and polarization measurements, combined for the first time with international automatic, routine monitoring of aerosol from the ground, are expected to form a quantum leap in our ability to observe the highly variable global aerosol. This new capability is contrasted with present single-channel techniques for AVHRR, Meteosat, and GOES that although poorly calibrated and poorly characterized already generated important aerosol global maps and regional transport assessments. The new data will improve significantly atmospheric corrections for the aerosol effect on remote sensing of the oceans and be used to generate first real-time atmospheric corrections over the land. This special issue summarizes the science behind this change in remote sensing, and the sensitivity studies and applications of the new algorithms to data from present satellite and aircraft instruments. Background information and a summary of a critical discussion that took place in a workshop devoted to this topic is given in this introductory paper. In the discussion it was concluded that the anticipated remote sensing of aerosol simultaneously from several space platforms with different observation strategies, together with continuous validations around the world, is expected to be of significant importance to test remote sensing approaches to characterize the complex and highly variable aerosol field. So far, we have only partial understanding of the information content and accuracy of the radiative transfer inversion of aerosol information from the satellite data, due to lack of sufficient theoretical analysis and applications to proper field data. This limitation will make the anticipated new data even more interesting and challenging. A main concern is the present inadequate ability to sense aerosol absorption, from space or from the ground. Absorption is a critical parameter for climate studies and atmospheric corrections. Over oceans, main concerns are the effects of white caps and dust on the correction scheme. Future improvement in aerosol retrieval and atmospheric corrections will require better climatology of the aerosol properties and understanding of the effects of mixed composition and shape of the particles. The main ingredient missing in the planned remote sensing of aerosol are spaceborne and ground-based lidar observations of the aerosol profiles