178 research outputs found

    Paper Session I-A - An Interstellar Exploration Initiative for Future Flight

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    An example is presented of a Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) that would maintain the rapid rate of aerospace progress we accomplished in the past and culminate in journeys to the stars. Such an SEI would embody extremely long-term goals that: challenge the human spirit, meet human needs and set forth our intention to embark upon a manned interstellar journey within 100 years after the first human exploration of another celestial body (the moon). Near term goals would be the same as current SEI ones (establishment of Space Station Freedom , return to the moon, and manned exploration of Mars) because they are the next logical stepping stones to the stars. The paper shows prospects for the kinds of future technical breakthroughs which would maintain the rapid rate of aerospace progress of our past and how such breakthroughs might phase into SEI architectures during coining years. Finally, it is shown that an SEI that embodies an interstellar initiative would not significantly impact current spaceflight initiatives and plans. However, it would require that a greater fraction of space exploration funding be dedicated towards farout research for future flight

    Fusion Propulsion and Power for Future Flight

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    There are innovative magnetic and electric confinement fusion power and propulsion system designs with potential for: vacuum specific impulses of 1500-2000 seconds with rocket engine thrust/mass ratios of 5-10 g's; environmentally favorable exhaust emissions if aneutronic fusion propellants can be used; a 2 to 3-fold reduction in the mass of hypersonic airliners and SSTO aerospace planes; a 10 to 20 fold reduction in Mars expedition mass and cost (if propellant from planetary atmospheres is used); and feasibility or in-feasibility of these systems could be confirmed with a modest applied research and exploratory development cost

    An XMM-Newton observation of the nova-like variable UX UMa: spatially and spectrally resolved two-component X-ray emission

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    In the optical and ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, UX Ursae Majoris is a deeply eclipsing cataclysmic variable. However, no soft X-ray eclipse was detected in ROSAT observations. We have obtained a 38 ksec XMM-Newton observation to further constrain the origin of the X-rays. The combination of spectral and timing information allows us to identify two components in the X-ray emission of the system. The soft component, dominant below photon energies of 2 keV, can be fitted with a multi-temperature plasma model and is uneclipsed. The hard component, dominant above 3 keV, can be fitted with a kT ~ 5 keV plasma model and appears to be deeply eclipsed. We suggest that the most likely source of the hard X-ray emission in UX UMa, and other systems in high mass transfer states, is the boundary layer.Comment: To appear in MNRAS Letter

    Far Ultraviolet Observations of the Dwarf Nova VW Hyi in Quiescence

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    We present a 904-1183 A spectrum of the dwarf nova VW Hydri taken with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer during quiescence, eleven days after a normal outburst, when the underlying white dwarf accreter is clearly exposed in the far ultraviolet. However, model fitting show that a uniform temperature white dwarf does not reproduce the overall spectrum, especially at the shortest wavelengths. A better approximation to the spectrum is obtained with a model consisting of a white dwarf and a rapidly rotating ``accretion belt''. The white dwarf component accounts for 83% of the total flux, has a temperature of 23,000K, a v sin i = 400 km/s, and a low carbon abundance. The best-fit accretion belt component accounts for 17% of the total flux, has a temperature of about 48,000-50,000K, and a rotation rate Vrot sin i around 3,000-4,000 km/s. The requirement of two components in the modeling of the spectrum of VW Hyi in quiescence helps to resolve some of the differences in interpretation of ultraviolet spectra of VW Hyi in quiescence. However, the physical existence of a second component (and its exact nature) in VW Hyi itself is still relatively uncertain, given the lack of better models for spectra of the inner disk in a quiescent dwarf nova.Comment: 6 figures, 10 printed page in the journal, to appear in APJ, 1 Sept. 2004 issue, vol. 61

    Systems engineering applied to ELT instrumentation: The GMACS case

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    An important tool for the development of the next generation of extremely large telescopes (ELTs) is a robust Systems Engineering (SE) methodology. GMACS is a first-generation multi-object spectrograph that will work at visible wavelengths on the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). In this paper, we discuss the application of SE to the design of next-generation instruments for ground-based astronomy and present the ongoing development of SE products for the GMACS spectrograph, currently in its Conceptual Design phase. SE provides the means to assist in the management of complex projects, and in the case of GMACS, to ensure its operational success, maximizing the scientific potential of GMT.Comment: To appear in Proc. SPIE 10705 (Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, SPIEastro18

    The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph

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    The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is a moderate-resolution spectrograph with unprecedented sensitivity that was installed into the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in May 2009, during HST Servicing Mission 4 (STS-125). We present the design philosophy and summarize the key characteristics of the instrument that will be of interest to potential observers. For faint targets, with flux F(sub lambda) approximates 1.0 X 10(exp -14) ergs/s/cm2/Angstrom, COS can achieve comparable signal to noise (when compared to STIS echelle modes) in 1-2% of the observing time. This has led to a significant increase in the total data volume and data quality available to the community. For example, in the first 20 months of science operation (September 2009 - June 2011) the cumulative redshift pathlength of extragalactic sight lines sampled by COS is 9 times that sampled at moderate resolution in 19 previous years of Hubble observations. COS programs have observed 214 distinct lines of sight suitable for study of the intergalactic medium as of June 2011. COS has measured, for the first time with high reliability, broad Lya absorbers and Ne VIII in the intergalactic medium, and observed the HeII reionization epoch along multiple sightlines. COS has detected the first CO emission and absorption in the UV spectra of low-mass circumstellar disks at the epoch of giant planet formation, and detected multiple ionization states of metals in extra-solar planetary atmospheres. In the coming years, COS will continue its census of intergalactic gas, probe galactic and cosmic structure, and explore physics in our solar system and Galaxy
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