769 research outputs found

    A Parallel SSOR Preconditioner for Lattice QCD

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    A parallelizable SSOR preconditioning scheme for Krylov subspace iterative solvers in lattice QCD applications involving Wilson fermions is presented. In actual Hybrid Monte Carlo and quark propagator calculations it helps to reduce the number of iterations by a factor of 2 compared to conventional odd-even preconditioning. This corresponds to a gain in cpu-time of 30\% - 70\% over odd-even preconditioning.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(algorithms), 3 pages, LaTeX file, 3 epsf-files include

    How to compute Green's Functions for entire Mass Trajectories within Krylov Solvers

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    The availability of efficient Krylov subspace solvers play a vital role for the solution of a variety of numerical problems in computational science. Here we consider lattice field theory. We present a new general numerical method to compute many Green's functions for complex non-singular matrices within one iteration process. Our procedure applies to matrices of structure A=DmA=D-m, with mm proportional to the unit matrix, and can be integrated within any Krylov subspace solver. We can compute the derivatives x(n)x^{(n)} of the solution vector xx with respect to the parameter mm and construct the Taylor expansion of xx around mm. We demonstrate the advantages of our method using a minimal residual solver. Here the procedure requires 11 intermediate vector for each Green's function to compute. As real life example, we determine a mass trajectory of the Wilson fermion matrix for lattice QCD. Here we find that we can obtain Green's functions at all masses m\geq m at the price of one inversion at mass mm.Comment: 11 pages, 2 eps-figures, needs epsf.st

    Preconditioning of Improved and ``Perfect'' Fermion Actions

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    We construct a locally-lexicographic SSOR preconditioner to accelerate the parallel iterative solution of linear systems of equations for two improved discretizations of lattice fermions: the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert scheme where a non-constant block-diagonal term is added to the Wilson fermion matrix and renormalization group improved actions which incorporate couplings beyond nearest neighbors of the lattice fermion fields. In case (i) we find the block llssor-scheme to be more effective by a factor about 2 than odd-even preconditioned solvers in terms of convergence rates, at beta=6.0. For type (ii) actions, we show that our preconditioner accelerates the iterative solution of a linear system of hypercube fermions by a factor of 3 to 4.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 17 Figures include

    SESAM and TXL Results for Wilson Action--A Status Report

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    Results from two studies of full QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions are presented. At beta=5.6, the region 0.83 > m_pi/m_rho > 0.56 at m_pia > 0.23 L^{-1} is explored. The SESAM collaboration has generated ensembles of about 200 statistically independent configurations on a 16^3 x 32-lattice at three different kappa-values and is entering the final phase of data analysis. The TXL simulation on a 24^3 x 40-lattice at two kappa-values has reached half statistics and data analysis has started recently, hence most results presented here are preliminary. The focus of this report is fourfold: we demonstrate that algorithmic improvements like fast Krylov solvers and parallel preconditioning recently introduced can be put into practise in full QCD simulations, we present encouraging observations as to the critical dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in the approach to the chiral limit, we mention signal improvements of noisy estimator techniques for disconnected diagrams to the pi-N sigma term, and we report on SESAM's results for light hadron spectrum, light quark masses, and heavy quarkonia.Comment: 24 pages, tex + postscript figures, to appear in Proceedings of Int. Workshop "Lattice QCD on Parallel Computers", University of Tsukuba, Japa

    A Study of Practical Implementations of the Overlap-Dirac Operator in Four Dimensions

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    We study three practical implementations of the Overlap-Dirac operator Do=(1/2)[1+γ5ϵ(Hw)]D_o= (1/2) [1 + \gamma_5\epsilon(H_w)] in four dimensions. Two implementations are based on different representations of ϵ(Hw)\epsilon(H_w) as a sum over poles. One of them is a polar decomposition and the other is an optimal fit to a ratio of polynomials. The third one is obtained by representing ϵ(Hw)\epsilon(H_w) using Gegenbauer polynomials and is referred to as the fractional inverse method. After presenting some spectral properties of the Hermitian operator Ho=γ5DoH_o=\gamma_5 D_o, we study its spectrum in a smooth SU(2) instanton background with the aim of comparing the three implementations of DoD_o. We also present some results in SU(2) gauge field backgrounds generated at β=2.5\beta=2.5 on an 848^4 lattice. Chiral properties have been numerically verified.Comment: 23 pages latex with 9 postscript figures included by epsf. Some change in referencing and one figure modifie

    Dynamical overlap fermions, results with hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm

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    We present first, exploratory results of a hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm for dynamical, n_f=2, four-dimensional QCD with overlap fermions. As expected, the computational requirements are typically two orders of magnitude larger for the dynamical overlap formalism than for the more conventional (Wilson or staggered) formulations.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm

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    We investigate the critical dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm approaching the chiral limit of standard Wilson fermions. Our observations are based on time series of lengths O(5000) for a variety of observables. The lattice sizes are 16^3 x 32 and 24^3 x 40. We work at beta=5.6, and kappa=0.156, 0.157, 0.1575, 0.158, with 0.83 > m_pi/m_rho > 0.55. We find surprisingly small integrated autocorrelation times for local and extended observables. The dynamical critical exponent zz of the exponential autocorrelation time is compatible with 2. We estimate the total computational effort to scale between V^2 and V^2.25 towards the chiral limit.Comment: 3 pages, Latex with espcrc2.sty and postscript figures, Talk given at Lattice 9

    A study of chiral symmetry in quenched QCD using the Overlap-Dirac operator

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    We compute fermionic observables relevant to the study of chiral symmetry in quenched QCD using the Overlap-Dirac operator for a wide range of the fermion mass. We use analytical results to disentangle the contribution from exact zero modes and simplify our numerical computations. Details concerning the numerical implementation of the Overlap-Dirac operator are presented.Comment: 24 pages revtex with 5 postscript figures included by eps

    Improved Quenched QCD on Large Lattices - First Results

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    Continuing our investigations of quenched QCD with improved fermions we have started simulations for lattice size 32^3 x 64 at beta=6.2. We present first results for light hadron masses at kappa=0.13520, 0.13540, and 0.13555. Moreover we compare our initial experiences on the T3E with those for APE/Quadrics systems.Comment: 3 pages, Latex2e, 4 figures, espcrc2, epsfig and latexsym require

    Domain Wall Fermions with Exact Chiral Symmetry

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    We show how the standard domain wall action can be simply modified to allow arbitrarily exact chiral symmetry at finite fifth dimensional extent. We note that the method can be used for both quenched and dynamical calculations. We test the method using smooth and thermalized gauge field configurations. We also make comparisons of the performance (cost) of the domain wall operator for spectroscopy compared to other methods such as the overlap-Dirac operator and find both methods are comparable in cost.Comment: revtex, 37 pages, 11 color postscript figure