51 research outputs found

    Further characterization of changes in axial strain elastograms due to the presence of slippery tumor boundaries.

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    Elastography measures tissue strain, which can be interpreted under certain simplifying assumptions to be representative of the underlying stiffness distribution. This is useful in cancer diagnosis where tumors tend to have a different stiffness to healthy tissue and has also shown potential to provide indication of the degree of bonding at tumor-tissue boundaries, which is clinically useful because of its dependence on tumor pathology. We consider the changes in axial strain for the case of a symmetrical model undergoing uniaxial compression, studied by characterizing changes in tumor contrast transfer efficiency (CTE), inclusion to background strain contrast and strain contrast generated by slip motion, as a function of Young's modulus contrast and applied strain. We present results from a finite element simulation and an evaluation of these results using tissue-mimicking phantoms. The simulation results show that a discontinuity in displacement data at the tumor boundary, caused by the surrounding tissue slipping past the tumor, creates a halo of "pseudostrain" across the tumor boundary. Mobile tumors also appear stiffer on elastograms than adhered tumors, to the extent that tumors that have the same Young's modulus as the background may in fact be visible as low-strain regions, or those that are softer than the background may appear to be stiffer than the background. Tumor mobility also causes characteristic strain heterogeneity within the tumor, which exhibits low strain close to the slippery boundary and increasing strain toward the center of the tumor. These results were reproduced in phantom experiments. In addition, phantom experiments demonstrated that when fluid lubrication is present at the boundary, these effects become applied strain-dependent as well as modulus-dependent, in a systematic and characteristic manner. The knowledge generated by this study is expected to aid interpretation of clinical strain elastograms by helping to avoid misinterpretation as well as provide additional diagnostic criteria stated in the paper and stimulate further research into the application of elastography to tumor mobility assessment

    Ultrasound Tomography Evaluation of Breast Density: A Comparison With Noncontrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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    Objectives Ultrasound tomography (UST) is an emerging whole-breast 3-dimensional imaging technique that obtains quantitative tomograms of speed of sound of the entire breast. The imaged parameter is the speed of sound which is used as a surrogate measure of density at each voxel and holds promise as a method to evaluate breast density without ionizing radiation. This study evaluated the technique of UST and compared whole-breast volume averaged speed of sound (VASS) with MR percent water content from noncontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Materials and methods Forty-three healthy female volunteers (median age, 40 years; range, 29-59 years) underwent bilateral breast UST and MRI using a 2-point Dixon technique. Reproducibility of VASS was evaluated using Bland-Altman analysis. Volume averaged speed of sound and MR percent water were evaluated and compared using Pearson correlation coefficient.Results The mean ± standard deviation VASS measurement was 1463 ± 29 m s (range, 1434-1542 m s). There was high similarity between right (1464 ± 30 m s) and left (1462 ± 28 m s) breasts (P = 0.113) (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.98). Mean MR percent water content was 35.7% ± 14.7% (range, 13.2%-75.3%), with small but significant differences between right and left breasts (36.3% ± 14.9% and 35.1% ± 14.7%, respectively; P = 0.004). There was a very strong correlation between VASS and MR percent water density (r = 0.96, P < 0.0001).Conclusions Ultrasound tomography holds promise as a reliable and reproducible 3-dimensional technique to provide a surrogate measure of breast density and correlates strongly with MR percent water content

    Immunization of young heifers with staphylococcal immune evasion proteins before natural exposure to Staphylococcus aureus induces a humoral immune response in serum and milk

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of mastitis in dairy cattle, causes severe mastitis and/or chronic persistent infections with detrimental effects on the cows' wellbeing, lifespan and milk production. Despite years of research there is no effective vaccine against S. aureus mastitis. Boosting of non-protective pre-existing immunity to S. aureus, induced by natural exposure to S. aureus, by vaccination may interfere with vaccine efficacy. The aim was to assess whether experimental immunization of S. aureus naïve animals results in an immune response that differs from immunity following natural exposure to S. aureus. Results: First, to define the period during which calves are immunologically naïve for S. aureus, Efb, LukM, and whole-cell S. aureus specific serum antibodies were measured in a cohort of newborn calves by ELISA. Rising S. aureus specific antibodies indicated that from week 12 onward calves mounted an immune response to S. aureus due to natural exposure. Next, an experimental immunization trial was set up using 8-week-old heifer calves (n = 16), half of which were immunized with the immune evasion molecules Efb and LukM. Immunization was repeated after one year and before parturition and humoral and cellular immunity specific for Efb and LukM was determined throughout the study. Post-partum, antibody levels against LukM and EfB were significantly higher in serum, colostrum and milk in the experimentally immunized animals compared to animals naturally exposed to S. aureus. LukM specific IL17a responses were also significantly higher in the immunized cows post-partum. Conclusions: Experimental immunization with staphylococcal immune evasion molecules starting before natural exposure resulted in significantly higher antibody levels against Efb and LukM around parturition in serum as well as the site of infection, i.e. in colostrum and milk, compared to natural exposure to S. aureus. This study showed that it is practically feasible to vaccinate S. aureus naïve cattle and that experimental immunization induced a humoral immune response that differed from that after natural exposure only.</p

    On the Comparative Suitability of Strain Relaxation and Stress Relaxation Compression for Ultrasound Poroelastic Tissue Characterization

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    Poroelastic tissue strain imaging measures the time-varying and spatially varying deformation of a soft-tissue matrix during compression as the tissue fluid flows out of the compartmental boundaries. With the help of ultrasound, it has been carried out by observing the evolution of the images of the ultrasound echo strain over time, which shows that, in a stress-relaxation experiment (constantly applied global axial strain), a front of negative dilatation (volumetric strain) propagates slowly from the boundaries of a sample toward the center of the compressed region. The fitting of equations that predict this behavior to experimental data has earlier allowed quantitative imaging of the product of aggregate modulus and permeability of a tissue phantom, HAk, and its Poisson's ratio, ν. An ability to image and measure such novel tissue characteristics is likely to benefit biomedical research and have a wide range of clinical applications, including the assessment of lymphoedema, the diagnosis of cancer, the prediction of anticancer drug effectiveness, and monitoring of the tissue response to various treatments. This method is problematic, however, for application in vivo because the calculation of the volumetric strain requires the lateral and elevational strains, which are not easily measured accurately with conventional ultrasound strain imaging. This paper investigates for the first time whether the ultrasound observation in a strain-relaxation experiment (constantly applied uniaxial stress) could be used to observe the same mechanical behavior and provide the same information about the properties of a poroelastic sample as in a stress-relaxation experiment. The analytical theory was used to demonstrate that the propagation of dilatation shown in stress relaxation should also be observable in strain relaxation and that it should be detectable using axial strain, which is relatively easily measured in vivo. Finite element modeling (FEM) was employed to simulate all strain components within a homogeneous poroelastic material first during strain relaxation and then during stress relaxation, again demonstrating their equivalence for the observation of the propagation of a dilatation. The validity of using the strain relaxation conditions as an alternative to stress relaxation for measuring a poroelastic material's response was further confirmed by a fitting of the analytical models to the results of FEM. This allowed for an inversion of the time-varying volumetric strain, to recover the images of HAk and ν, for either loading configuration. The strain-relaxation configuration offers not only an opportunity to derive the same important quantitative poroelastic properties of the tissue as stress relaxation but also the potential to avoid the difficulties and errors associated with the estimation of strain along the axes perpendicular to the imaging axis, thus offering opportunities for easier clinical translation.</jats:p

    Investigating elastic properties of soft biological tissues

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    Characterization of PVA cryogel for intravascular ultrasound elasticity imaging

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