19 research outputs found

    Erfahrungen deutscher Studierender an der University of Denver, Colorado : Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur subjektiven Bedeutung eines Auslandsstudienaufenthaltes in den USA: Erfahrungen deutscher Studierender an der University of Denver, Colorado : Eine qualitative Untersuchungzur subjektiven Bedeutung eines Auslandsstudienaufenthaltes in den USA

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    Ein Studium im Ausland zu absolvieren hat unter deutschen Studierenden in den letzten Jahren stark an Popularität gewonnen. Die zunehmende Internationalisierung bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für ein Auslandsstudium. Gleichwohl ergibt sich aus dem anhaltenden Globalisierungstrend die Notwendigkeit als auch die Nützlichkeit eines derartigen Aufenthaltes. Internationale und interkulturelle Begegnungen sind wesentliche Bestandteile unseres alltäglichen Handelns geworden. Die Fähigkeit, in verschiedenen kulturellen Kontexten erfolgreich agieren zu können, so genannte interkulturelle Kommunikation, erscheint wichtiger denn je. Auslandserfahrung gilt demnach als ein notwendiges Element ‚moderner’ Biografien. Studienaufenthalte außerhalb der eigenen Ländergrenzen bieten die Möglichkeit, fremde Kulturen und Menschen sowie deren Sitten und Gebräuche kennen zu lernen. Neben Faszination bedeutet das Leben in einem fremdkulturellen Umfeld jedoch nicht selten eine große Herausforderung. Demzufolge entstand auch die Idee zu dieser Arbeit aus der Auseinandersetzung mit meinen persönlichen Erfahrungen, im Ausland zu leben und zu studieren. Um einen Einblick in die Erfahrungswelten deutscher Studierender in den USA zu erhalten, wurde eine qualitative Untersuchung durchgeführt, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit ausführlich dokumentiert ist. Die empirische Basis bilden acht Textkorpora, die mit Hilfe von offenen Interviews erhoben und qualitativ ausgewertet wurden

    Efficient Approach for Direct Robust Surface Grafting of Polyethyleneimine onto a Polyester Surface during Moulding

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    This paper uses a very effective way for surface modification of thermoplastic polymers during moulding. It is based on a grafting reaction between a thin layer of a functional polymer, deposited on a substrate in advance, and a polymer melt. In this paper, a glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate (PETG) that was brought in contact with a polyethyleneimine layer during fused filament fabrication is investigated. The focus of this paper is the investigation of the reaction product. Grafting was realised by the formation of stable amide bonds by amidation of ester groups in the main chain of a PETG. XPS investigations revealed that the conversion of amino groups was very high, the distribution was even, and the quantity of amino groups per polyester surface area was still very high. The surface properties of the produced polyester part were mainly characterised by polyethyleneimine. The grafting was able to resist several cycles of extraction in alkaline solutions. The stability was only limited by saponification of the polyester. The degree of surface modification was dependent on the molar mass of polyethyleneimine. This could be rationalised, because grafting only occurred with the one polyethyleneimine molecule that is in close vicinity to the polyester surface when both components come in contact. Fused deposition modelling was chosen as the model process with control over each processing step. However, any other moulding process may be applied, particularly injection moulding for mass production

    Incorporating Willingness-to-Pay Data into Online Recommendations for Value-Added Services.

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    When managing their growing service portfolio, many manufacturers in B2B markets face twosignificant problems: They fail to communicate the value of their service offerings to their customers,and they lack the capabilities to generate profits with value-added services. To tackle these two issues,we design and evaluate a collaborative filtering recommender system which (a) makes individualizedrecommendations of potentially interesting value-added services when customers express interest in aparticular physical product and also (b) obtains estimations of a customer’s willingness-to-pay toallow for a dynamic, value-based pricing of those services. The recommender system is based on anadapted conjoint analysis method combined with a stepwise componential segmentation algorithm tocollect preference and willingness-to-pay data for value-added services. Compared to other conjointbasedrecommendation approaches, our system requires significantly less customer input beforemaking a recommendation and at the same time does not suffer from the usual cold-start problem ofrecommender systems. And, as is shown in an empirical evaluation with a representative sample of428 customers in the machine tool market, our approach does not diminish the predictive accuracy ofthe recommendations offered

    Wood-Derived Tar as a Carbon Binder Precursor for Carbon and Graphite Technology

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    <p>In addition to the many benefits of coal tar pitch, these materials are known to contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. For this reason, studies are being developed to elaborate new, ecologically friendly, alternative binders for carbon–graphite technology. This article presents the results of wood tar recovered during thermal degradation of selected types of woods as alternative binders in the manufacture of carbon materials. Two kinds of wood tars obtained from different raw materials were analyzed. Sawdust thermal conversion makes it possible to obtain carbon binders with a lower coking value and quinoline-insoluble matters in comparison to coal tar pitch. These binders produce significantly reduced emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in carbon–graphite technology. Carbon samples manufactured using wood-derived binders with carbon fillers showed similar density and mechanical compression strength values compared to those based on conventional coal tar pitch binders. </p