1,171 research outputs found

    Developmental stage-specific regulation of the circadian Clock by Temperature in Zebrafish

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    The circadian clock enables animals to adapt their physiology and behaviour in anticipation of the day-night cycle. Light and temperature represent two key environmental timing cues (zeitgebers) able to reset this mechanism and so maintain its synchronization with the environmental cycle. One key challenge is to unravel how the regulation of the clock by zeitgebers matures during early development. The zebrafish is an ideal model for studying circadian clock ontogeny since the process of development occurs ex utero in an optically transparent chorion and many tools are available for genetic analysis. However, the role played by temperature in regulating the clock during zebrafish development is poorly understood. Here, we have established a clock-regulated luciferase reporter transgenic zebrafish line (Tg (−3.1) per1b::luc) to study the effects of temperature on clock entrainment. We reveal that under complete darkness, from an early developmental stage onwards (48 to 72 hpf), exposure to temperature cycles is a prerequisite for the establishment of self-sustaining rhythms of zfper1b, zfaanat2, and zfirbp expression and also for circadian cell cycle rhythms. Furthermore, we show that following the 5–9 somite stage, the expression of zfper1b is regulated by acute temperature shifts

    C. elegans gene regulatory alleles and reporter bashing studies

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    Gene regulation has been studied in C. elegans for over 30 years. In this analysis of 102 publications, we find that most transcriptional cis-regulatory elements are located within 5,000 bp of the transcription start site. Over 75% of studies conclude that transcriptional elements and 5'UTRs activate-, while 3'UTRs repress gene expression. While gene regulatory mutations make up less than 0.8% of alleles in forward genetics screens, recent CRISPR-Cas approaches are increasing the number of tested mutations. This work provides a resource of known gene regulatory sequences in C.elegans

    Social evaluation at a distance – facets of stereotype content about student groups in higher distance education

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    In the academic domain, belonging to a negatively stereotyped group can impair performance and peer relationships. In higher distance education, stereotypes may be particularly influential as face-to-face contact is limited and non-traditional students who are at risk of being stereotyped are overrepresented. Still, research on stereotypes in higher distance education is sparse. The current research addresses this gap by investigating the Big Two of social perception (warmth, competence) and subordinate facets (friendliness, morality, assertiveness, ability, conscientiousness) in the context of higher distance education. It tests a) how well models with warmth/competence or the facets fit the data, b) whether stereotypes in higher distance education depend on the student group, and c) how the Big Two and subordinate facets predict intergroup emotions and behavioral intentions in higher distance education. An online survey with N = 626 students (74% female) of a large distance university showed that a measurement model with four facets (i.e., friendliness, morality, ability, conscientiousness) reveals adequate model fit for 12 student groups. Perceived stereotypes were positive for female students, older students, and students with children. However, migrant as well as younger students were perceived negatively. Across groups, stereotype content facets predicted intergroup emotions and behavioral intentions of facilitation or harm. Implications for the influence of negative stereotypes in higher distance education are discussed

    Adiabatic limit and the slow motion of vortices in a Chern-Simons-Schr\"odinger system

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    We study a nonlinear system of partial differential equations in which a complex field (the Higgs field) evolves according to a nonlinear Schroedinger equation, coupled to an electromagnetic field whose time evolution is determined by a Chern-Simons term in the action. In two space dimensions, the Chern-Simons dynamics is a Galileo invariant evolution for A, which is an interesting alternative to the Lorentz invariant Maxwell evolution, and is finding increasing numbers of applications in two dimensional condensed matter field theory. The system we study, introduced by Manton, is a special case (for constant external magnetic field, and a point interaction) of the effective field theory of Zhang, Hansson and Kivelson arising in studies of the fractional quantum Hall effect. From the mathematical perspective the system is a natural gauge invariant generalization of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation, which is also Galileo invariant and admits a self-dual structure with a resulting large space of topological solitons (the moduli space of self-dual Ginzburg-Landau vortices). We prove a theorem describing the adiabatic approximation of this system by a Hamiltonian system on the moduli space. The approximation holds for values of the Higgs self-coupling constant close to the self-dual (Bogomolny) value of 1. The viability of the approximation scheme depends upon the fact that self-dual vortices form a symplectic submanifold of the phase space (modulo gauge invariance). The theorem provides a rigorous description of slow vortex dynamics in the near self-dual limit.Comment: Minor typos corrected, one reference added and DOI give

    Nonlocal Effects on the Magnetic Penetration Depth in d-wave Superconductors

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    We show that, under certain conditions, the low temperature behavior of the magnetic penetration depth λ(T)\lambda(T) of a pure d-wave superconductor is determined by nonlocal electrodynamics and, contrary to the general belief, the deviation Δλ(T)=λ(T)λ(0)\Delta\lambda(T) = \lambda(T)-\lambda(0) is proportional to T^2 and not T. We predict that the Δλ(T)T2\Delta\lambda(T)\propto T^2 dependence, due to nonlocality, should be observable experimentally in nominally clean high-T_c superconductors below a crossover temperature T=(ξo/λo)Δo1KT^* = (\xi_o/\lambda_o)\Delta_o \sim 1 K. Possible complications due to impurities, surface quality and crystal axes orientation are discussed.Comment: REVTeX3.0; 4 pages, 1 EPS figure (included); Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Estimation of C. elegans cell- and tissue volumes

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    Although C. elegans is one of the best-studied model organisms, an estimate of its cell sizes and tissues is missing. Here we used the Virtual Worm that is based on electron microscopy images to calculate a zeroth-order approximation of cell and tissue sizes of C. elegans. We conclude that the intestine is the largest tissue, followed by the hypodermis, gonads, body wall muscles, pharynx, and neurons. Thus, we provide an approximation of tissue volumes of young adult C. elegans

    Using the Sun to estimate Earth-like planets detection capabilities. III. Impact of spots and plages on astrometric detection

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    Stellar activity is a potential important limitation to the detection of low mass extrasolar planets with indirect methods (RV, photometry, astrometry). In previous papers, using the Sun as a proxy, we investigated the impact of stellar activity (spots, plages, convection) on the detectability of an Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone (HZ) of solar-type stars with RV techniques. We extend here the detectability study to the case of astrometry. We used the sunspot and plages properties recorded over one solar cycle to infer the astrometric variations that a Sun-like star seen edge-on, 10 pc away, would exhibit, if covered by such spots/bright structures. We compare the signal to the one expected from the astrometric wobble (0.3 {\mu}as) of such a star surrounded by a one Earth-mass planet in the HZ. We also briefly investigate higher levels of activity. The activity-induced astrometric signal along the equatorial plane has an amplitude of typ. less than 0.2 {\mu}as (rms=0.07 {\mu}as), smaller than the one expected from an Earth-mass planet at 1 AU. Hence, for this level of activity, the detectability is governed by the instrumental precision rather than the activity. We show that for instance a one Earth-mass planet at 1 AU would be detected with a monthly visit during less than 5 years and an instrumental precision of 0.8 {\mu}as. A level of activity 5 times higher would still allow such a detection with a precision of 0.35 {\mu}as. We conclude that astrometry is an attractive approach to search for such planets around solar type stars with most levels of stellar activity.Comment: Letter accepted by A&

    Varenicline Reduces Alcohol Intake During Repeated Cycles of Alcohol Reaccess Following Deprivation in Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats

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    Background Most alcoholics experience periods of voluntary alcohol abstinence or imposed alcohol deprivation followed by a return to alcohol drinking. This study examined whether varenicline (VAR) reduces alcohol intake during a return to drinking after periods of alcohol deprivation in rats selectively bred for high alcohol drinking (the alcohol preferring or “P” rats). Methods Alcohol-experienced P rats were given 24-hour access to food and water and scheduled access to alcohol (15% and 30% v/v) for 2 h/d. After 4 weeks, rats were deprived of alcohol for 2 weeks, followed by reaccess to alcohol for 2 weeks, and this pattern was repeated for a total of 3 cycles. Rats were fed either vehicle (VEH) or VAR, in doses of 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mg/kg BW, at 1 hour prior to onset of the daily alcohol reaccess period for the first 5 days of each of the 3 alcohol reaccess cycles. Results Low-dose VAR (0.5 mg/kg BW) reduced alcohol intake during the 5 days of drug treatment in alcohol reaccess cycles 1 and 2. Higher doses of VAR (1.0 mg/kg BW and 2.0 mg/kg BW) reduced alcohol intake during the 5 days of treatment in all 3 alcohol reaccess cycles. The decrease in alcohol intake disappeared with termination of VAR treatment in all alcohol reaccess cycles. Conclusions The results demonstrate that VAR decreases alcohol intake during multiple cycles of alcohol reaccess following alcohol deprivation in rats and suggests that it may prevent a return to heavy alcohol drinking during a lapse from alcohol abstinence in humans with alcohol use disorder