187 research outputs found

    A Detection of Sgr A* in the far infrared

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    We report the first detection of the Galactic Centre massive black hole, Sgr~A*, in the far infrared. Our measurements were obtained with PACS on board the \emph{Herschel} satellite at 100 μm100~\mathrm{\mu m} and 160 μm160~\mathrm{\mu m}. While the warm dust in the Galactic Centre is too bright to allow for a direct detection of Sgr~A*, we measure a significant and simultaneous variation of its flux of ΔFν=^160 μm=(0.27±0.06) Jy\Delta F_{\nu\widehat{=}160 ~\mathrm{\mu m}} = (0.27\pm0.06)~\mathrm{Jy} and ΔFν=^100 μm=(0.16±0.10) Jy\Delta F_{\nu\widehat{=}100 ~\mathrm{\mu m}}= (0.16\pm0.10)~\mathrm{Jy} during one observation. The significance level of the 160 μm160 ~\mathrm{\mu m} band variability is 4.5σ4.5\sigma and the corresponding 100 μm100 ~\mathrm{\mu m} band variability is significant at 1.6σ1.6\sigma. We find no example of an equally significant false positive detection. Conservatively assuming a variability of 25%25\% in the FIR, we can provide upper limits to the flux. Comparing the latter with theoretical models we find that 1D RIAF models have difficulties explaining the observed faintness. However, the upper limits are consistent with modern ALMA and VLA observations. Our upper limits provide further evidence for a spectral peak at 1012 Hz\sim 10^{12} ~ \mathrm{Hz} and constrain the number density of γ100\gamma \sim 100 electrons in the accretion disk and or outflow.Comment: accepted for publication in AP

    Mood and neural responses to social rejection do not seem to be altered in resilient adolescents with a history of adversity.

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    Childhood adversity (CA) increases the risk of subsequent mental health problems. Adolescent social support (from family and/or friends) reduces the risk of mental health problems after CA. However, the mechanisms of this effect remain unclear, and we speculate that they are manifested on neurodevelopmental levels. Therefore, we investigated whether family and/or friendship support at ages 14 and 17 function as intermediate variables for the relationship between CA before age 11 and affective or neural responses to social rejection feedback at age 18. We studied 55 adolescents with normative mental health at age 18 (26 with CA and therefore considered "resilient"), from a longitudinal cohort. Participants underwent a Social Feedback Task in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Social rejection feedback activated the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and the left anterior insula. CA did not predict affective or neural responses to social rejection at age 18. Yet, CA predicted better friendships at age 14 and age 18, when adolescents with and without CA had comparable mood levels. Thus, adolescents with CA and normative mood levels have more adolescent friendship support and seem to have normal mood and neural responses to social rejection.This work was supported by grants from Friends of Peterhouse Medical Fund Cambridge (RG 51114), the Wellcome Trust (RG 074296), and the UK Medical Research Council (MC US A060 0019). JF is supported by the Medical Research Council Doctoral Training/Sackler Fund and the Pinsent Darwin Fund. JS is supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MC US A060 0019). ADA is supported by the Aker Scholarship. SS is supported by the Wellcome Trust (209127/Z/17/Z). IMG is funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award and declares consulting to Lundbeck. ALvH is supported by the Royal Society (DH15017 & RGF\EA\180029 & RGF\RI\180064), and MQ (MQBFC/2). Funders of the authors played no role in the study conduction, analysis performance, or the reporting of the study

    Telemedicine Critical Care-Mediated Mortality Reductions in Lower-Performing Patient Diagnosis Groups: A Prospective, Before and After Study

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies evaluating telemedicine critical care (TCC) have shown mixed results. We prospectively evaluated the impact of TCC implementation on risk-adjusted mortality among patients stratified by pre-TCC performance. DESIGN: Prospective, observational, before and after study. SETTING: Three adult ICUs at an academic medical center. PATIENTS: A total of 2,429 patients in the pre-TCC (January to June 2016) and 12,479 patients in the post-TCC (January 2017 to June 2019) periods. INTERVENTIONS: TCC implementation which included an acuity-driven workflow targeting an identified “lower-performing” patient group, defined by ICU admission in an Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation diagnoses category with a pre-TCC standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of greater than 1.5. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The primary outcome was risk-adjusted hospital mortality. Risk-adjusted hospital length of stay (HLOS) was also studied. The SMR for the overall ICU population was 0.83 pre-TCC and 0.75 post-TCC, with risk-adjusted mortalities of 10.7% and 9.5% (p = 0.09). In the identified lower-performing patient group, which accounted for 12.6% (n = 307) of pre-TCC and 13.3% (n = 1671) of post-TCC ICU patients, SMR decreased from 1.61 (95% CI, 1.21–2.01) pre-TCC to 1.03 (95% CI, 0.91–1.15) post-TCC, and risk-adjusted mortality decreased from 26.4% to 16.9% (p \u3c 0.001). In the remaining (“higher-performing”) patient group, there was no change in pre- versus post-TCC SMR (0.70 [0.59–0.81] vs 0.69 [0.64–0.73]) or risk-adjusted mortality (8.5% vs 8.4%, p = 0.86). There were no pre- to post-TCC differences in standardized HLOS ratio or risk-adjusted HLOS in the overall cohort or either performance group. CONCLUSIONS: In well-staffed and overall higher-performing ICUs in an academic medical center, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation granularity allowed identification of a historically lower-performing patient group that experienced a striking TCC-associated reduction in SMR and risk-adjusted mortality. This study provides additional evidence for the relationship between pre-TCC performance and post-TCC improvement

    Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in pediatric patients: Uncovering a rural health challenge

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    BACKGROUND: METHODS: To investigate factors influencing RESULTS: Of 251 patients, 69 (27%) were from rural areas; 28 (11%) were initially admitted to an OSH. Treatment failure occurred in 39 (16%) patients. Patients from rural areas were more likely to be infected with methicillin-resistant CONCLUSIONS: Children from rural areas face barriers to specialized health care. These challenges may contribute to severe illness and worse outcomes among children wit

    Modifications to student quarantine policies in K-12 schools implementing multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies restores in-person education without increasing SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk, January-March 2021

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether modified K-12 student quarantine policies that allow some students to continue in-person education during their quarantine period increase schoolwide SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk following the increase in cases in winter 2020-2021. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study of COVID-19 cases and close contacts among students and staff (n = 65,621) in 103 Missouri public schools. Participants were offered free, saliva-based RT-PCR testing. The projected number of school-based transmission events among untested close contacts was extrapolated from the percentage of events detected among tested asymptomatic close contacts and summed with the number of detected events for a projected total. An adjusted Cox regression model compared hazard rates of school-based SARS-CoV-2 infections between schools with a modified versus standard quarantine policy. RESULTS: From January-March 2021, a projected 23 (1%) school-based transmission events occurred among 1,636 school close contacts. There was no difference in the adjusted hazard rates of school-based SARS-CoV-2 infections between schools with a modified versus standard quarantine policy (hazard ratio = 1.00; 95% confidence interval: 0.97-1.03). DISCUSSION: School-based SARS-CoV-2 transmission was rare in 103 K-12 schools implementing multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies. Modified student quarantine policies were not associated with increased school incidence of COVID-19. Modifications to student quarantine policies may be a useful strategy for K-12 schools to safely reduce disruptions to in-person education during times of increased COVID-19 community incidence

    Droplet Size Impact on Efficacy of a Dicamba-plus-Glyphosate Mixture

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    Chemical weed control remains a widely used component of integrated weed management strategies because of its cost-effectiveness and rapid removal of crop pests. Additionally, dicamba-plus-glyphosate mixtures are a commonly recommended herbicide combination to combat herbicide resistance, specifically in recently commercially released dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton. However, increased spray drift concerns and antagonistic interactions require that the application process be optimized to maximize biological efficacy while minimizing environmental contamination potential. Field research was conducted in 2016, 2017, and 2018 across three locations (Mississippi, Nebraska, and North Dakota) for a total of six site-years. The objectives were to characterize the efficacy of a range of droplet sizes [150 μm (Fine) to 900 μm (Ultra Coarse)] using a dicamba-plus-glyphosate mixture and to create novel weed management recommendations utilizing pulse-width modulation (PWM) sprayer technology. Results across pooled site-years indicated that a droplet size of 395 μm (Coarse) maximized weed mortality from a dicamba-plus-glyphosate mixture at 94 L ha–1. However, droplet size could be increased to 620 μm (Extremely Coarse) to maintain 90% of the maximum weed mortality while further mitigating particle drift potential. Although generalized droplet size recommendations could be created across site-years, optimum droplet sizes within each site-year varied considerably and may be dependent on weed species, geographic location, weather conditions, and herbicide resistance(s) present in the field. The precise, site-specific application of a dicamba-plus-glyphosate mixture using the results of this research will allow applicators to more effectively utilize PWM sprayers, reduce particle drift potential, maintain biological efficacy, and reduce the selection pressure for the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds

    Endometrial CXCL13 Expression Is Cycle Regulated in Humans and Aberrantly Expressed in Humans and Rhesus Macaques With Endometriosis

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    C-X-C ligand 13 (CXCL13), a regulator of mucosal immunity, is secreted by human endometrial epithelium and may be involved in embryo implantation. However, cyclic expression of human endometrial CXCL13 in health and disease is not well studied. This study examines cycle stage-specific endometrial CXCL13 expression in normal humans when compared to those with biopsy-confirmed, stage 1 to 4 endometriosis using real-time reverse transcriptase, real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Eutopic endometrial CXCL13 expression was also compared between normal, control Rhesus macaques, and macaques with advanced endometriosis. In healthy women, CXLC13 messenger RNA expression was minimal in the proliferative phase and maximal in the secretory phase. However, in the presence of endometriosis, proliferative-phase endometrial expression markedly increased in both humans and rhesus subjects (P < .05). The cross-species and cross-stage concordance suggests a pathophysiologic role for CXCL13 in endometriosis and its use as a biomarker for disease