14 research outputs found

    Stereotypical male uniforms, an experimental study on leadership and gender.

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    Within the Swedish prison and probation service 80% of the officers on duty (which is a leadership position) are male. Could this inequality have something to do with the stereotypical male authoritarian uniform used in this specific organization? The purpose of this study was to investigate if the uniform used within the Swedish prison and probation service could influence our leadership aspiration, leadership self-efficacy, group identification (gender), social identity threats and/or family flexibility, and if it affects men and women differently. Participants were divided into three groups and were presented one out of three manipulations (picture of a uniform, casual clothing or no picture), after which they answered a questionnaire measuring their leadership aspiration, leadership self-efficacy, group identification (gender), social identity threats and family flexibility. The results revealed that the uniform does affect our leadership aspiration, and that it affects men and women differently. Also, the results revealed a significant difference to what extent men and women expect to confront social identity threats if they were to work as an officer on duty within the Swedish prison and probation service

    Observing Solvation Dynamics with Simultaneous Femtosecond X-ray Emission Spectroscopy and X-ray Scattering

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    In liquid phase chemistry dynamic solute–solvent interactions often govern the path, ultimate outcome, and efficiency of chemical reactions. These steps involve many-body movements on subpicosecond time scales and thus ultrafast structural tools capable of capturing both intramolecular electronic and structural changes, and local solvent structural changes are desired. We have studied the intra- and intermolecular dynamics of a model chromophore, aqueous [Fe(bpy)3]2+, with complementary X-ray tools in a single experiment exploiting intense XFEL radiation as a probe. We monitored the ultrafast structural rearrangement of the solute with X-ray emission spectroscopy, thus establishing time zero for the ensuing X-ray diffuse scattering analysis. The simultaneously recorded X-ray diffuse scattering patterns reveal slower subpicosecond dynamics triggered by the intramolecular structural dynamics of the photoexcited solute. By simultaneous combination of both methods only, we can extract new information about the solvation dynamic processes unfolding during the first picosecond (ps). The measured bulk solvent density increase of 0.2% indicates a dramatic change of the solvation shell around each photoexcited solute, confirming previous ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Structural changes in the aqueous solvent associated with density and temperature changes occur with ∼1 ps time constants, characteristic for structural dynamics in water. This slower time scale of the solvent response allows us to directly observe the structure of the excited solute molecules well before the solvent contributions become dominant

    Felaktiga utpekanden i vittnessituationer: hur senare händelser kan påverka minnet av en brottssituation

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    Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida vittnen till ett rån kunde peka ut gärningsmannen i en lineup, när en person som de nyligen sett i ett annat sammanhang också fanns med i lineupen. Försöksdeltagarna testades i ett experiment bestående av två filmklipp och en lineup, där gärningsmannen antingen fanns, eller inte fanns med. Detta avsåg att mäta ”unconscious transference effect” och “postevent information effect”, även kallat “misinformation effect”, det vill säga att en senare händelse påverkar minnet av brottssituationen. Det förväntade resultatet var att försöksdeltagarna skulle peka ut en statist ur andra filmklippet, som gärningsmannen från första filmklippet. Dock visade experimentet inget signifikant resultat, då väldigt få pekade ut statisten som gärningsmannen. Resultatet kan ha berott på exponeringstiden av statisten var för lång, eller att lineupen kom för snabbt inpå filmerna, något som kan ha gjort att försöksdeltagare därför fått en för tydlig bild av statisten för att felaktigt peka ut honom i lineupen

    Use of sapropterin dihydrochloride in maternal phenylketonuria. A European experience of eight cases

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    Sapropterin dihydrochloride (SD) is the first drug treatment for phenylketonuria (PKU), but due to the lack of data, its use in maternal PKU must be undertaken with caution as noted in the FDA and EMEA labels. We collected data from eight pregnancies in PKU women treated with SD and we analysed the phenotypes of these patients, their tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) responsiveness, the indications for SD treatment, the efficacy (metabolic control, phenylalanine (Phe) tolerance and offspring outcome) and the safety data. Results showed that in the seven patients known to be responsive to BH4, the use of SD during pregnancy was efficient in terms of metabolic control and Phe tolerance. The indications for giving SD included the failure of the low-Phe diet (n = 3), the fact that some of these women had never experienced the low Phe diet (n = 2), one unexpected pregnancy in a woman currently on SD and one pregnancy where the foetus was known to have PKU. The offspring of these seven pregnancies were all normal babies with normal birth measurements and outcomes. No side effect related to SD was observed in these seven cases. In the eighth case, SD was prescribed as a rescue treatment without previous knowledge of the BH4 responsiveness to a woman who was already 8 weeks pregnant without diet. The birth occurred at 33 weeks of gestational age with Potter syndrome (probably related to the absence of metabolic control during the first trimester) and the baby died in the first hours of life. In conclusion, the data presented here provides the first evidence that treatment with pharmacological doses of SD appears to be efficient and safe in women with PKU during pregnancy. Its use should, however, be restricted to those women previously identified to be clear responders to BH4

    Chronic Fatigue and Dysautonomia following COVID-19 Vaccination Is Distinguished from Normal Vaccination Response by Altered Blood Markers

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    SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination can entail chronic fatigue/dysautonomia tentatively termed post-acute COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PACVS). We explored receptor autoantibodies and interleukin-6 (IL-6) as somatic correlates of PACVS. Blood markers determined before and six months after first-time SARS-CoV-2 vaccination of healthy controls (N = 89; 71 females; mean/median age: 39/49 years) were compared with corresponding values of PACVS-affected persons (N = 191; 159 females; mean/median age: 40/39 years) exhibiting chronic fatigue/dysautonomia (≥three symptoms for ≥five months after the last SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination) not due to SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or confounding diseases/medications. Normal vaccination response encompassed decreases in 11 receptor antibodies (by 25–50%, p p p p < 0.0001) by increased Angiotensin II type 1 receptor antibodies (cut-off ≤ 10.7 U/mL, ROC-AUC = 0.824 ± 0.027), decreased alpha-2B adrenergic receptor antibodies (cut-off ≥ 25.2 U/mL, ROC-AUC = 0.828 ± 0.025) and increased IL-6 (cut-off ≤ 2.3 pg/mL, ROC-AUC = 0.850 ± 0.022). PACVS is thus indicated as a somatic syndrome delineated/detectable by diagnostic blood markers

    Dysfunction of lipid sensor GPR120 leads to obesity in both mouse and human

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    Free fatty acids provide an important energy source as nutrients, and act as signalling molecules in various cellular processes. Several G-protein-coupled receptors have been identified as free-fatty-acid receptors important in physiology as well as in several diseases. GPR120 (also known as O3FAR1) functions as a receptor for unsaturated long-chain free fatty acids and has a critical role in various physiological homeostasis mechanisms such as adipogenesis, regulation of appetite and food preference. Here we show that GPR120-deficient mice fed a high-fat diet develop obesity, glucose intolerance and fatty liver with decreased adipocyte differentiation and lipogenesis and enhanced hepatic lipogenesis. Insulin resistance in such mice is associated with reduced insulin signalling and enhanced inflammation in adipose tissue. In human, we show that GPR120 expression in adipose tissue is significantly higher in obese individuals than in lean controls. GPR120 exon sequencing in obese subjects reveals a deleterious non-synonymous mutation (p.R270H) that inhibits GPR120 signalling activity. Furthermore, the p.R270H variant increases the risk of obesity in European populations. Overall, this study demonstrates that the lipid sensor GPR120 has a key role in sensing dietary fat and, therefore, in the control of energy balance in both humans and rodents