24 research outputs found

    Griechisches etymologisches Worterbuch / von Hjalmar Frisk.

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel method for studying cilia forming cells in asymmetric microfluidic environments. It has previously been shown that bending the primary cilium by a fluid flow will give rise to a calcium signal, but the sensitivity for flow direction has so far not been studied. The microfluidic device presented here was designed for control of the local direction of fluid flow on the cellular level, and thus, enables studies of cellular response to a direction controlled cilium movement. Cells seeded on cover slips form cilia with the average length 2.9 µm after three days in culture and 4.3 µm after four days. Distinct calcium peaks were found after the initiation of flow in the channel. By using a microstructured flow system we have been able to study the sensitivity of confluent COS 7 cells expressing primary cilium to changes in fluid flow

    Three dimensional asymmetric microenvironment for cell biological studies

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    We report on a method for three-dimensional cultivation of cells in a microstructured asymmetric environment. In the system an asymmetric environment is created by using diffusion through a gel of extra cellular matrix proteins surrounded by microfluidic flow channels. Individual cells embedded in the gel react on the concentration gradient. The system has been evaluated both for diffusion properties and based on the cellular response.NQ

    Microfluidic device for studies of primary cilium direction sensitivity

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    This paper presents a novel method for studying cilia forming cells in asymmetric microfluidic environments. It has previously been shown that bending the primary cilium by a fluid flow will give rise to a calcium signal, but the sensitivity for flow direction has so far not been studied. The microfluidic device presented here was designed for control of the local direction of fluid flow on the cellular level, and thus, enables studies of cellular response to a direction controlled cilium movement. Cells seeded on cover slips form cilia with the average length 2.9 μm after three days in culture and 4.3 μm after four days. Distinct calcium peaks were found after the initiation of flow in the channel. By using a microstructured flow system we have been able to study the sensitivity of confluent COS 7 cells expressing primary cilium to changes in fluid flow.NQ

    Three dimensional asymmetric microenvironment for cell biological studies

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    We report on a method for three-dimensional cultivation of cells in a microstructured asymmetric environment. In the system an asymmetric environment is created by using diffusion through a gel of extra cellular matrix proteins surrounded by microfluidic flow channels. Individual cells embedded in the gel react on the concentration gradient. The system has been evaluated both for diffusion properties and based on the cellular response.NQ

    Information system database refactoring

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    Bakalaura darbā tika aprakstīti ieteikumi kā, izmantojot restrukturizācijas metodes, uzlabot datu bāzes veiktspēju. Autors ir aplūkojis restrukturizācijas procesa galvenās vadlīnijas, tamdēļ darbs ir vērtīgs gan programmatūras koda izstrādātajiem, gan relāciju datu bāzes speciālistiem. Darbs satur vairākus konkrētus praktiskus ieteikumus datu bāzes projektējuma un informācijas sistēmas ātrdarbības uzlabošanai. Bakalaura darbā tika aplūkotas testēšanas metodes, kas nodrošina restrukturizācijas operāciju kvalitāti. Primāri darbs var kalpot projekta izstrādātājam kā tehniskā rokasgrāmata, bet tā kā darbs satur arī teorētisko daļu, tad tas var noderēt par stimulu dziļākiem pētījumiem restrukturizācijas jomā.This bachelor thesis describes refactoring methods to improve database performance. Author described baselines or refactoring processes, therefore the bachelor thesis is useful for developers and relation data base professionals. Bachelor thesis contains number of practical recommendations for information system performance improvement and data base design. The bachelor thesis describes test methods for quality assurance after refactoring operations. Primarly thesis is a technical manual for system developers, but it contains theoretical part, which may stimulate in-depth research of refactoring

    The understanding of many biological

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    This paper presents a novel method for studying cilia forming cells in asymmetric microfluidic environments. It has previously been shown that bending the primary cilium by a fluid flow will give rise to a calcium signal, but the sensitivity for flow direction has so far not been studied. The microfluidic device presented here was designed for control of the local direction of fluid flow on the cellular level, and thus, enables studies of cellular response to a direction controlled cilium movement. Cells seeded on cover slips form cilia with the average length 2.9 µm after three days in culture and 4.3 µm after four days. Distinct calcium peaks were found after the initiation of flow in the channel. By using a microstructured flow system we have been able to study the sensitivity of confluent COS 7 cells expressing primary cilium to changes in fluid flow