286 research outputs found

    Relative efficacy of cocoa pod husk-based compost on growth and nutrient uptake of cocoa seedlings in the nursery

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    The effect of cocoa pod husk-based compost on growth and nutrient uptake of cocoa seedlings was compared with conventional NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer at the nursery in a randomized complete block design experiment. Poly bags were filled with either top soil or compost alone, and also with mixtures of top soil, compost and inorganic fertilizer in various ratios to provide the following treatments: soil alone, compost alone, 1 : 1 soil/compost, soil + fertilizer, 1 : 1 soil/compost + fertilizer, 1 : 2 soil/compost, 1 : 2 soil/compost + fertilizer, 2 : 1 soil/compost, 2 : 1 soil/compost + fertilizer. The fertilizer was added at the rate of 6 g per poly bag. Plant height, girth, leaf area, dry matter yield, and root volume of cocoa seedlings were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the potting media at 24 weeks after sowing. Potting media with the fertilizer additions significantly (P<0.05) produced shorter seedlings with smaller stems and narrower leaves. Root volumes and total dry matter yield of seedlings positively correlated (r = 0.733), and were significantly (P<0.05) higher in soil/compost mixtures than in treatments with fertilizer additions. Irrespective of the potting media, the uptake of N by the seedlings was higher than P and K. However, the addition of fertilizer to the potting media with compost resulted in lower N uptake by the seedlings. The use of compost developed from cocoa pod husk as potting medium or soil amendment for nursing cocoa seedlings enhanced better seedling growth than when used in combination with NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer

    Impact of shade and cocoa plant densities on soil organic carbon sequestration rates in a cocoa growing soil of Ghana

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    Cropping systems have influence on the conservation of soil organic matter. Soil samples were taken from a long term experiment that was designed to study the impact of shade and cocoa plant densities on cocoa yields. The impact of the treatments on soil organic carbon sequestration rates and the gains or losses of soil organic carbon under the treatments with reference to adjacent undisturbed bush were assessed. The experiment was sited at the Bunso substation of the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana on Rhodi-lixic ferralsol with annual precipitation of about 1500 mm. The shade was provided by forest trees of 18 trees ha-1 and no shade, while the cocoa densities were 1111, 1428 and 1667 trees ha-1. Shade effects on organic carbon pools within the top soil (0-30 cm) under cocoa were not significant (p=0.05). Cocoa plant densities per unit area influenced the soil organic carbon pools. The soil organic carbon pools were significantly lower (p=0.05) in the closely planted farms than in the widely spaced farms. There were no soil organic carbon sequestration in the highest cocoa plant density of 1667 trees ha-1 but 250 and 190 kg soil organic carbon ha-1 yr-1 in the top soil (0-15 cm) were sequestered in the soils under cocoa with density of 1111 trees ha-1 for shaded and unshaded farms respectively. Irrespective of the shade conditions, the net gains of carbon in the soils were higher in farms with lower cocoa plant density. The results suggest that cocoa planted at low plant density under shade stores more carbon per unit area of soil than an equivalent area of cocoa planted at high density without shade. It is concluded that cocoa farming could be an effective means to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions in cocoa growing countries.Key words: Soil organic carbon, sequestration rates, cocoa plant density, shade

    Motivational factors influencing farming practices in northern Ghana

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    Socio-economic factors that influence the adoption of management practices and technologies by farmers have received wide attention in the adoption literature, but the effects of socio-psychological farmer features such as perceptions and motivations have been analysed to a lesser extent. Using farm household survey data from three regions in northern Ghana, this study explores farmers’ motivations and perceived adoption impediments for three sustainable intensification practices (SIPs): improved maize varieties, cropping system strategies, and combined SIPs (i.e. improved maize and cropping system strategies), and the effect of motivational factors on decisions to adopt SIPs. First, explorative factor analysis (EFA) was used in identifying factors of motivations and impediments for adoption of SIPs. Then, a multinomial logit model was used to analyze the effect of socio-economic farm characteristics and motivational factors on farmers’ decisions to adopt SIPs. EFA identified three motivational factors: personal satisfaction, eco-diversity and eco-efficiency, which differed in importance between the three regions. Across these regions, higher scores for aspects of personal satisfaction were associated with lower interest in improved maize varieties compared to cropping system strategies, while the opposite was true for eco-efficiency which was related to a stronger preference for improved maize varieties. Uncertainty, absence of social support, and resource constraints were identified as impediment factors. The logit model demonstrated that extension services seemed to support the use of improved maize varieties more than the implementation of cropping system strategies. We conclude that motivational factors significantly influence farmer adoption decisions regarding sustainable intensification practices and should be considered systematically in combination with socio-economic farm features and external drivers to inform on-farm innovation processes and supporting policies.</p

    Convex Regularization Method for Solving Cauchy Problem of the Helmholtz Equation

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    In this paper, we introduce the Convex Regularization Method (CRM) for regularizing the (instability) solution of the Helmholtz equation with Cauchy data. The CRM makes it possible for the solution of Helmholtz equation to depend continuously on the small perturbations in the Cauchy data. In addition, the numerical computation of the reg- ularized Helmholtz equation with Cauchy data is stable, accurate and gives high rate of convergence of solution in Hilbert space. Undoubtedly, the error estimated analysis associated with CRM is minimal.Mathematics Subject Classi cation: 44B28; 44B30Keywords: Convex Regularization Method, ill-posed Helmholtz equation with Cauchy data, stable solutio

    Agronomic potentials of quality protein maize hybrids developed in Ghana

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    A quality protein maize (QPM) hybrid programme was started in 1991 to develop and promote high and stableyielding QPM hybrids to increase production of nutritionally superior maize varieties in Ghana. Six 3- way QPM hybrids developed from inbred lines originating from germplasm of the International Centre for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) were evaluated on research stations and in farmers\' fields in Ghana from 1995 to 1996. In the on-station evaluations, grain yields across 10 sites in both years averaged 6.0 ton ha-1 for the three hybrids (GH132-28, GH110-5 and GH2328-88), 5.22 ton ha-1 for Obatanpa, and 3.60 ton ha-1 for the local maize variety. In farmers\' fields, data from over 50 farm sites in 1995 and 1996 showed mean yields of 4.95 ton ha-1 for the three hybrids, and 4.28 ton ha-1 for Obatanpa compared to 3.59 ton ha-1 for farmers\' varieties. On the average, the hybrids were similar to Obatanpa in days to 50 per cent silking, but were shorter in plant height and ear placement. Consumer preference tests showed that the three hybrids were rated similar to the local variety in popular traditional food preparations such as ‘kenkey\' and ‘tuo zafi\'. In 1997, the National Variety Release Committee approved the release of GH132-28, GH110-5, and GH2328-88 under the local names Dadaba, Mamaba, and CIDA-ba, respectively. These hybrids are recommended for planting in all the major agro-ecologies to boost maize production in Ghana.Les variétés de maïs hybride (Zea mays L.) dont les plus sésirées que les variétés de pollinisation libre à cause de leur uniformté et leurs potentiels de rendement plus élevés. Pour augmenter la production de variétés de maïs nutritionnellement supérieures au Ghana, I\'Institut de Recherche de Cultures a mis en place un programme hybrid de maïs protéique de qualité (MPQ) en 1991 pour développer et promouvoir des hybrides de MPQ de rendement élevés et stable. Six hybrids en trois de MPQ développés d\'issu de la même souch provenant de germeplasmes de CIMMYT (Centre International pour I\'amélioration de maïs et de blé) étaient évalués aux stations de recherches et aux champs d\'agriculteurs au Ghana de 1995 à 1996. Dans les évaluations sur place, les rendements de grain à travers 10 sites dans les deux années ont atteint la moyenne de 6.0 ton ha-1 pour les trois hybrids (GH132-28, GH110-5 et GH2328-88), 5.22 ton ha-1 pour \'Obatanpa\' et 3.60 ton ha-1 pour la variétés de maïs local. Sur les champs d\'agriculteurs des données de plus que 50 sites de champs en 1995 et 1996 montraient les rendements moyens de 4.95 ton ha-1 pour les trois hybrids et 4.28 ton ha-1 pour les \'Obatanpa\' comparées à 3.59 ton ha-1 pour les variétés d\'agriculteurs. En moyenne, les hybrides étaient semblables à \'Obatanpa\' en jours jusqu à 50% d\'apparition de soie maïs étaient plus courtes en taille de plante et en placement d\'épi. Les essais de préférence de consommateur montraient que les trios hybrides étaient évalués semblables à la variété locale dans les préparations de nouriture traditionnelle populaire telle que \'kenkey\' et \'tuo zafi\'. En 1997, le comité pour la mise en vente de Variété Nationale a approuvé la mise en vente de GH132-28, GH110-5 et GH2328-88 sous les noms locaux respectifs de Dadaba, Mamaba, et CIDA-ba. Ce hybrides sont recommandés pour la popultion dans toutes les agroéclogies majeures pour stimuler la production de maïs au Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 81-8

    Adverse reaction to Coartem (artemether/lumefantrine) resulting in oculogyric crisis

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    Background Artemether/lumefantrine (AL), sold under the brand name Coartem, is the most common artemisinin-based combination therapy for the treatment of malaria. Drug-induced oculogyric crisis is a neurological disorder characterized by frequent upward deviations of the eye. In the literature, no cases of Coartem-induced oculogyric crisis have been reported in Ghana. Case presentation A 19-year-old male patient, who presented fever measuring 37.9 °C, general body pains, and weakness was prescribed with antimalarial therapy artemether/lumefantrine, Coartem®, from a local pharmacy. Just after initiation of treatment, the patient complained of double vision, involuntary upward eye deviation, and inability to close both eyes. The patient was diagnosed with Coartem-induced oculogyric crisis and was treated with the cessation of the causing agent and intramuscular injection of promethazine hydrochloride. Conclusions When a patient exhibits a neurological disorder, such as oculogyric crisis, with normal conscious state and normal vital signs, special attention should be given to obtaining a history of recently administered medications. Clinicians should recognize adverse reactions to drugs based on a thorough patient history and examination. The goal of this report was to present Coartem-induced oculogyric crisis.This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program funded by the Ministry of Education (2017R1D1A1B04029339) and by grant no 03-2019-0043 from the SNUDH Research Fund

    Pattern and Outcome of Chest Injuries at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania.

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    Chest injuries constitute a continuing challenge to the trauma or general surgeon practicing in developing countries. This study was conducted to outline the etiological spectrum, injury patterns and short term outcome of these injuries in our setting. This was a prospective study involving chest injury patients admitted to Bugando Medical Centre over a six-month period from November 2009 to April 2010 inclusive. A total of 150 chest injury patients were studied. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 3.8:1. Their ages ranged from 1 to 80 years (mean = 32.17 years). The majority of patients (72.7%) sustained blunt injuries. Road traffic crush was the most common cause of injuries affecting 50.7% of patients. Chest wall wounds, hemothorax and rib fractures were the most common type of injuries accounting for 30.0%, 21.3% and 20.7% respectively. Associated injuries were noted in 56.0% of patients and head/neck (33.3%) and musculoskeletal regions (26.7%) were commonly affected. The majority of patients (55.3%) were treated successfully with non-operative approach. Underwater seal drainage was performed in 39 patients (19.3%). One patient (0.7%) underwent thoracotomy due to hemopericardium. Thirty nine patients (26.0%) had complications of which wound sepsis (14.7%) and complications of long bone fractures (12.0%) were the most common complications. The mean LOS was 13.17 days and mortality rate was 3.3%. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, associated injuries, the type of injury, trauma scores (ISS, RTS and PTS) were found to be significant predictors of the LOS (P < 0.001), whereas mortality was significantly associated with pre-morbid illness, associated injuries, trauma scores (ISS, RTS and PTS), the need for ICU admission and the presence of complications (P < 0.001). Chest injuries resulting from RTCs remain a major public health problem in this part of Tanzania. Urgent preventive measures targeting at reducing the occurrence of RTCs is necessary to reduce the incidence of chest injuries in this region

    Combined Inflammatory and Metabolic Defects Reflected by Reduced Serum Protein Levels in Patients with Buruli Ulcer Disease

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    Buruli ulcer is a skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans that is spreading in tropical countries, with major public health and economic implications in West Africa. Multi-analyte profiling of serum proteins in patients and endemic controls revealed that Buruli ulcer disease down-regulates the circulating levels of a large array of inflammatory mediators, without impacting on the leukocyte composition of peripheral blood. Notably, several proteins contributing to acute phase reaction, lipid metabolism, coagulation and tissue remodelling were also impacted. Their down-regulation was selective and persisted after the elimination of bacteria with antibiotic therapy. It involved proteins with various functions and origins, suggesting that M. ulcerans infection causes global and chronic defects in the host’s protein metabolism. Accordingly, patients had reduced levels of total serum proteins and blood urea, in the absence of signs of malnutrition, or functional failure of liver or kidney. Interestingly, slow healers had deeper metabolic and coagulation defects at the start of antibiotic therapy. In addition to providing novel insight into Buruli ulcer pathogenesis, our study therefore identifies a unique proteomic signature for this disease

    Fertilizer produced from abattoir waste can contribute to phosphorus sustainability, and biofortify crops with minerals

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    Our food security depends on finding a sustainable alternative to rock phosphate for fertilizer production. Furthermore, over 2 billion people worldwide are currently affected by micronutrient deficiencies, and crop concentrations of essential minerals are declining. This paper examines whether a novel multi-element fertilizer, Thallo®, can produce crop yields comparable to conventional rock phosphate derived fertilizers, and have an additional benefit of increasing essential mineral concentrations. Thallo®, produced from abattoir and recycled industrial by-products, was tested against conventional mineral fertilizers in a pot trial with wheat and grass. In soil, yields were comparable between the fertilizer types, but, in a low-nutrient substrate, Thallo® showed a yield benefit. Elemental concentrations in the plant material typically reflected the relative concentrations in the fertilizer, and Thallo® fertilized plants contained significantly more of some essential elements, such as selenium and zinc. Furthermore, concentrations of the toxic element cadmium were significantly lower in Thallo® fertilized crops. Among the fertilizers, manganese concentrations were greatest in the Thallo®, but within the fertilized plants, they were greatest under the mineral fertilizer, showing the complexity of assessing whether nutrients will be taken up by crops. In summary, fertilizers from livestock waste have the potential to improve wheat and grass concentrations of essential elements while maintaining yields