105 research outputs found

    Risk Factors for the Development of Cataract in Children with Uveitis

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    PURPOSE: To determine the risk factors for the development of cataract in children with uveitis of any etiology. DESIGN: Cohort study. METHODS: Two hundred forty-seven eyes of 140 children with uveitis were evaluated for the development of vision-affecting cataract. Demographic, clinical, and treatment data were collected between the time of presentation and the first instance cataract was recorded or findings at final follow-up. Main outcome measures included the prevalence of cataract and distribution by type of uveitis, incidence of new onset cataract time to cataract development, and risk factors for the development of cataract. RESULTS: The prevalence of cataract in our cohort was 44.2% and was highest among eyes with panuveitis (77.1%), chronic anterior uveitis (48.3%), and intermediate uveitis (48.0%). The overall incidence of newly diagnosed cataract was 0.09 per eye-year, with an estimated 69% to develop uveitis-related cataract with time. The main factors related with cataract development were the number of uveitis flares per year (hazard ratio [HR] = 3.06 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 2.15–4.35], P < .001), cystoid macular edema (HR = 2.87 [95% CI, 1.41–5.82], P = .004), posterior synechia at presentation (HR = 2.85 [95% CI, 1.53–5.30], P = .001), and use of local injections of corticosteroids (HR = 2.37 [95% CI, 1.18–4.75], P = .02). Treatments with systemic and topical corticosteroids were not significant risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that development of cataract is common among pediatric eyes with uveitis and is most strongly related to the extent of inflammation recurrences and ocular complications. We suggest that controlling the inflammation, even using higher doses of systemic and topical corticosteroids, is of importance in preventing ocular complications, such as cataract. Uveitis accounts for 10–15% of blindness in the developed world.1 Although pediatric uveitis is relatively uncommon, accounting for only 5–10% of all uveitis cases,2 it affects young patients, who in most cases are otherwise healthy. Vision loss results from ongoing inflammation that leads to ocular structural changes, such as cataract, corneal opacities, optic neuropathy, and retinal lesions. The most common causes of vision loss in children with uveitis are cataract, glaucoma, and chronic cystoid macular edema (CME).2, 3 In addition, any chronic visual obstruction can result in the development of amblyopia in younger children, with vision loss persisting after the inciting cause is treated.4 Such changes, together with the need for long-term treatment and continuous monitoring, can have a profound impact on their development, independence, and education. The prevalence of cataract in eyes with uveitis ranges from 20–64%,4, 5, 6, 7 and it is the most common complication of uveitis in children,8 occurring in approximately 35% of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated uveitis9 and increasing ≀80% in adults.10, 11 Cataract progression can be the result of persistent intraocular inflammation,12, 13 can be caused by surgery for uveitis complications (eg, trabeculectomies and repair of retinal detachments), or can be a consequence of uveitis treatment, particularly the use of local or systemic corticosteroids.14, 15, 16, 17 It results in reduced visual acuity and can have a detrimental effect on the development and academic achievements of these children.18 Studies have examined risk factors for the development of cataract among children with JIA-associated uveitis, identifying risk factors such as the presence of posterior synechiae (PS) at presentation,12, 19 the use of systemic corticosteroids,13 topical corticosteroid therapy exceeding 3 drops a day,12 or persistent, uncontrolled active inflammation,3 while early treatment with methotrexate delayed cataract progression.19 However, JIA is a unique cause of uveitis, often localized to the anterior chamber, with frequent intraocular structural changes and the early use of systemic immunosuppressive agents. It may not represent the same risks as other causes of pediatric uveitis. We examined disease- and treatment-related risk factors for cataract development in children with uveitis of any etiology. We investigated clinical and ophthalmologic characteristics, as well as treatment strategies in relation to the time interval between the first presentation with uveitis and cataract development

    Mutations in the CYP27B1 gene cause vitamin D dependent rickets in pugs

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    Rickets is a disorder of bone development and can be the result of either dietary or genetic causes. Here, related pugs from 2 litters were included. Three pugs had clinical signs including, lameness, bone deformities, and dyspnea. One other pug was found dead. Radiographs of 2 affected pugs, 5 and 6 months old, showed generalized widening, and irregular margination of the physes of both the appendicular and the axial skeleton with generalized decrease in bone opacity and bulbous swelling of the costochondral junctions. Two pugs had low serum calcium and 1,25 (OH)(2)D-3 concentrations. Test results further indicated secondary hyperparathyroidism with adequate concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Necropsy revealed tongue-like projections of cartilage extending into the metaphysis consistent with rickets, loss of metaphyseal mineralization and lung pathology. Vitamin D-dependent rickets was diagnosed. A truncating mutation in the 1 alpha-hydroxylase gene (CYP27B1) was identified by genome sequence analysis of the pugs with VDDR type 1A. Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1A can occur in young pugs, and if left untreated is a life-threatening condition. Early medical intervention can reverse clinical signs and should be instituted as soon as possible

    Association of anthropometric measures across the life-course with refractive error and ocular biometry at age 15 years

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    YesBackground A recent Genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAS) of refractive error reported shared genetics with anthropometric traits such as height, BMI and obesity. To explore a potential relationship with refractive error and ocular structure we performed a life-course analysis including both maternal and child characteristics using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort. Methods Measures collected across the life-course were analysed to explore the association of height, weight, and BMI with refractive error and ocular biometric measures at age 15 years from 1613children. The outcome measures were the mean spherical equivalent (MSE) of refractive error (dioptres), axial length (AXL; mm), and radius of corneal curvature (RCC; mm). Potential confounding variables; maternal age at conception, maternal education level, parental socio-economic status, gestational age, breast-feeding, and gender were adjusted for within each multi-variable model. Results Maternal height was positively associated with teenage AXL (0.010 mm; 95% CI: 0.003, 0.017) and RCC (0.005 mm; 95% CI: 0.003, 0.007), increased maternal weight was positively associated with AXL (0.004 mm; 95% CI: 0.0001, 0.008). Birth length was associated with an increase in teenage AXL (0.067 mm; 95% CI: 0.032, 0.10) and flatter RCC (0.023 mm; 95% CI: 0.013, 0.034) and increasing birth weight was associated with flatter RCC (0.005 mm; 95% CI: 0.0003, 0.009). An increase in teenage height was associated with a lower MSE (βˆ’β€‰0.007 D; 95% CI: βˆ’β€‰0.013, βˆ’β€‰0.001), an increase in AXL (0.021 mm; 95% CI: 0.015, 0.028) and flatter RCC (0.008 mm; 95% CI: 0.006, 0.010). Weight at 15 years was associated with an increase in AXL (0.005 mm; 95% CI: 0.001, 0.009). Conclusions At each life stage (pre-natal, birth, and teenage) height and weight, but not BMI, demonstrate an association with AXL and RCC measured at age 15 years. However, the negative association between refractive error and an increase in height was only present at the teenage life stage. Further research into the growth pattern of ocular structures and the development of refractive error over the life-course is required, particularly at the time of puberty

    DT-diaphorase activity in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines: a role for fos/jun regulation

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    To assess the potential differential lung tumour expression of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase (NQO1), the human (h) NQO1 promoter was characterized in gene transfer studies. A deletion panel of 5β€² flanking hNQO1 promoter constructs was made and tested in transient transfection assays in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines. The largest hNQO1 construct (–1539/+115) containing the antioxidant response element (ARE), exhibited robust levels of reporter activity in the NSCLC (H460, H520, and A549) cell lines and expression was over 12 to 77-fold higher than the minimal (–259/+115) promoter construct. In contrast, there was little difference in promoter activity between the largest and minimal promoter construct in the SCLC (H146, H82 and H187) cell lines. Deletion of the sites for NFΞΊB and AP-2 and the XRE did not significantly affect hNQO1 promoter activity in either the NSCLC or SCLC cell lines. Robust promoter activity in NSCLC lines was mediated by a 359 bp segment of the proximal promoter that contained a canonical AP-1 binding site, TGACTCAG, within the ARE. Gel supershift assays with various specific Fos/Jun antibodies identified Fra1, Fra2 and Jun B binding activity in NSCLC cells to a promoter fragment (–477 to –438) spanning the AP-1 site, whereas SCLC do not appear to express functional Fra or Jun B. These results suggest a possible role for AP-1 activity in the differential expression of hNQO1 in NSCLC. Β© 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    HCMV Targets the Metabolic Stress Response through Activation of AMPK Whose Activity Is Important for Viral Replication

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    Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection induces several metabolic activities that have been found to be important for viral replication. The cellular AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a metabolic stress response kinase that regulates both energy-producing catabolic processes and energy-consuming anabolic processes. Here we explore the role AMPK plays in generating an environment conducive to HCMV replication. We find that HCMV infection induces AMPK activity, resulting in the phosphorylation and increased abundance of several targets downstream of activated AMPK. Pharmacological and RNA-based inhibition of AMPK blocked the glycolytic activation induced by HCMV-infection, but had little impact on the glycolytic pathway of uninfected cells. Furthermore, inhibition of AMPK severely attenuated HCMV replication suggesting that AMPK is an important cellular factor for HCMV replication. Inhibition of AMPK attenuated early and late gene expression as well as viral DNA synthesis, but had no detectable impact on immediate-early gene expression, suggesting that AMPK activity is important at the immediate early to early transition of viral gene expression. Lastly, we find that inhibition of the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase (CaMKK), a kinase known to activate AMPK, blocks HCMV-mediated AMPK activation. The combined data suggest a model in which HCMV activates AMPK through CaMKK, and depends on their activation for high titer replication, likely through induction of a metabolic environment conducive to viral replication

    HPRT Deficiency Coordinately Dysregulates Canonical Wnt and Presenilin-1 Signaling: A Neuro-Developmental Regulatory Role for a Housekeeping Gene?

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    We have used microarray-based methods of global gene expression together with quantitative PCR and Western blot analysis to identify dysregulation of genes and aberrant cellular processes in human fibroblasts and in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells made HPRT-deficient by transduction with a retrovirus stably expressing an shRNA targeted against HPRT. Analysis of the microarray expression data by Gene ontology (GO) and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) as well as significant pathway analysis by GeneSpring GX10 and Panther Classification System reveal that HPRT deficiency is accompanied by aberrations in a variety of pathways known to regulate neurogenesis or to be implicated in neurodegenerative disease, including the canonical Wnt/Ξ²-catenin and the Alzheimer's disease/presenilin signaling pathways. Dysregulation of the Wnt/Ξ²-catenin pathway is confirmed by Western blot demonstration of cytosolic sequestration of Ξ²-catenin during in vitro differentiation of the SH-SY5Y cells toward the neuronal phenotype. We also demonstrate that two key transcription factor genes known to be regulated by Wnt signaling and to be vital for the generation and function of dopaminergic neurons; i.e., Lmx1a and Engrailed 1, are down-regulated in the HPRT knockdown SH-SY5Y cells. In addition to the Wnt signaling aberration, we found that expression of presenilin-1 shows severely aberrant expression in HPRT-deficient SH-SY5Y cells, reflected by marked deficiency of the 23 kDa C-terminal fragment of presenilin-1 in knockdown cells. Western blot analysis of primary fibroblast cultures from two LND patients also shows dysregulated presenilin-1 expression, including aberrant proteolytic processing of presenilin-1. These demonstrations of dysregulated Wnt signaling and presenilin-1 expression together with impaired expression of dopaminergic transcription factors reveal broad pleitropic neuro-regulatory defects played by HPRT expression and suggest new directions for investigating mechanisms of aberrant neurogenesis and neuropathology in LND and potential new targets for restoration of effective signaling in this neuro-developmental defect

    MEF2C Enhances Dopaminergic Neuron Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in a Parkinsonian Rat Model

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can potentially differentiate into any cell type, including dopaminergic neurons to treat Parkinson's disease (PD), but hyperproliferation and tumor formation must be avoided. Accordingly, we use myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C) as a neurogenic and anti-apoptotic transcription factor to generate neurons from hESC-derived neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs), thus avoiding hyperproliferation. Here, we report that forced expression of constitutively active MEF2C (MEF2CA) generates significantly greater numbers of neurons with dopaminergic properties in vitro. Conversely, RNAi knockdown of MEF2C in NPCs decreases neuronal differentiation and dendritic length. When we inject MEF2CA-programmed NPCs into 6-hydroxydopamineβ€”lesioned Parkinsonian rats in vivo, the transplanted cells survive well, differentiate into tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons, and improve behavioral deficits to a significantly greater degree than non-programmed cells. The enriched generation of dopaminergic neuronal lineages from hESCs by forced expression of MEF2CA in the proper context may prove valuable in cell-based therapy for CNS disorders such as PD

    Divergent Effects of Human Cytomegalovirus and Herpes Simplex Virus-1 on Cellular Metabolism

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    Viruses rely on the metabolic network of the host cell to provide energy and macromolecular precursors to fuel viral replication. Here we used mass spectrometry to examine the impact of two related herpesviruses, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), on the metabolism of fibroblast and epithelial host cells. Each virus triggered strong metabolic changes that were conserved across different host cell types. The metabolic effects of the two viruses were, however, largely distinct. HCMV but not HSV-1 increased glycolytic flux. HCMV profoundly increased TCA compound levels and flow of two carbon units required for TCA cycle turning and fatty acid synthesis. HSV-1 increased anapleurotic influx to the TCA cycle through pyruvate carboxylase, feeding pyrimidine biosynthesis. Thus, these two related herpesviruses drive diverse host cells to execute distinct, virus-specific metabolic programs. Current drugs target nucleotide metabolism for treatment of both viruses. Although our results confirm that this is a robust target for HSV-1, therapeutic interventions at other points in metabolism might prove more effective for treatment of HCMV

    Evaluation of 309 Environmental Chemicals Using a Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Adherent Cell Differentiation and Cytotoxicity Assay

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    The vast landscape of environmental chemicals has motivated the need for alternative methods to traditional whole-animal bioassays in toxicity testing. Embryonic stem (ES) cells provide an in vitro model of embryonic development and an alternative method for assessing developmental toxicity. Here, we evaluated 309 environmental chemicals, mostly food-use pesticides, from the ToxCastβ„’ chemical library using a mouse ES cell platform. ES cells were cultured in the absence of pluripotency factors to promote spontaneous differentiation and in the presence of DMSO-solubilized chemicals at different concentrations to test the effects of exposure on differentiation and cytotoxicity. Cardiomyocyte differentiation (Ξ±,Ξ² myosin heavy chain; MYH6/MYH7) and cytotoxicity (DRAQ5β„’/Sapphire700β„’) were measured by In-Cell Westernβ„’ analysis. Half-maximal activity concentration (AC50) values for differentiation and cytotoxicity endpoints were determined, with 18% of the chemical library showing significant activity on either endpoint. Mining these effects against the ToxCast Phase I assays (∼500) revealed significant associations for a subset of chemicals (26) that perturbed transcription-based activities and impaired ES cell differentiation. Increased transcriptional activity of several critical developmental genes including BMPR2, PAX6 and OCT1 were strongly associated with decreased ES cell differentiation. Multiple genes involved in reactive oxygen species signaling pathways (NRF2, ABCG2, GSTA2, HIF1A) were strongly associated with decreased ES cell differentiation as well. A multivariate model built from these data revealed alterations in ABCG2 transporter was a strong predictor of impaired ES cell differentiation. Taken together, these results provide an initial characterization of metabolic and regulatory pathways by which some environmental chemicals may act to disrupt ES cell growth and differentiation

    The Parkinson's Disease-Linked Protein DJ-1 Associates with Cytoplasmic mRNP Granules During Stress and Neurodegeneration.

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    Mutations in the gene encoding DJ-1 are associated with autosomal recessive forms of Parkinson's disease (PD). DJ-1 plays a role in protection from oxidative stress, but how it functions as an "upstream" oxidative stress sensor and whether this relates to PD is still unclear. Intriguingly, DJ-1 may act as an RNA binding protein associating with specific mRNA transcripts in the human brain. Moreover, we previously reported that the yeast DJ-1 homolog Hsp31 localizes to stress granules (SGs) after glucose starvation, suggesting a role for DJ-1 in RNA dynamics. Here, we report that DJ-1 interacts with several SG components in mammalian cells and localizes to SGs, as well as P-bodies, upon induction of either osmotic or oxidative stress. By purifying the mRNA associated with DJ-1 in mammalian cells, we detected several transcripts and found that subpopulations of these localize to SGs after stress, suggesting that DJ-1 may target specific mRNAs to mRNP granules. Notably, we find that DJ-1 associates with SGs arising from N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) excitotoxicity in primary neurons and parkinsonism-inducing toxins in dopaminergic cell cultures. Thus, our results indicate that DJ-1 is associated with cytoplasmic RNA granules arising during stress and neurodegeneration, providing a possible link between DJ-1 and RNA dynamics which may be relevant for PD pathogenesis
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