161 research outputs found

    Årsrapport for Energistyrelsens Godkendelsessekretariatet for vindmøller 2010

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    LPG busser i København

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    Når man indsætter et nyt produkt, indeholdende sa meget ny teknologi, så må man regne med forskellige tekniske problemer, og det gjorde vi selvfølgelig også hos Combus. Lad det være sagt med det samme, at selv vore værste scenarier er blevet helt indfriet.Men lad mig opdele emnet i 5 hovedafsnit. a. De tekniske problemer med LPG. b. Uheld og de politiske følgevirkninger. c. Kampagner. d. Leveringstid. e. Andre tekniske problemer


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    Artiklen redegør for de indholdsmæssige, teoretiske og psykometriske overvejelser bag Femfaktorprofilen (e-stimate, 2013). Profilens spørgeramme er en dansk oversættelse og kulturel bearbejdning af 120 item-versionen af IPIP-NEO-testen (Johnson, 2011), der afspejler femfaktormodellen for personlighedstræk. Denne model er anerkendt i videnskabelige kredse, og den danner rammen om langt størstedelen af den internationale forskning, der inddrager personligheden. To grupper udfyldte profilen: hhv. en gruppe af voksne og erhvervsaktive danskere indsamlet fra profilens drift (N = 558) og dels en gruppe indsamlet til lejligheden (N = 410). Faktoranalyse af data fra den første gruppe bekræftede femfaktormodellens overordnede struktur, selvom visse facetter af extraversion og agreeableness byttede plads. Resultaterne viste en dominant/mindre social udgave af extraversion, kaldet Handlekraft; og en social udadvendt/samhørighedsorienteret udgave af agreeableness, kaldet Socialitet. Den anden gruppe dannede grundlag for at udvælge supplerende items og dermed bedre tilpasse profilen til anvendelse i Danmark. Resultaterne diskuteres i forhold til forskellige modeller for personlighedstræk

    Prolonged and persistent diarrhoea is not restricted to children with acute malnutrition:An observational study in Ethiopia

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    Under embargo until: 2020-07-20Objectives: To assess the prevalence of prolonged and persistent diarrhoea, to estimate their co‐occurrence with acute malnutrition and association with demographic and clinical factors. Methods: Case–control study where cases were children under 5 years of age with diarrhoea and controls were children without diarrhoea, frequency‐matched weekly by age and district of residency. Controls for cases 0–11 months were recruited from vaccination rooms, and controls for cases 12–59 months were recruited by house visits using random locations in the catchment area of the study sites. Data were analysed by mixed model logistic regression. Results: We enrolled 1134 cases and 946 controls. Among the cases, 967 (85%) had acute diarrhoea (AD), 129 (11%) had ProD and 36 (3.2%) had PD. More cases had acute malnutrition at enrolment (17% vs. 4%, P < 0.0001) and more were born prematurely (5.7% vs. 1.8%, P < 0.0001) than controls. About 75% of ProPD cases did not have acute malnutrition. Cases with AD and ProPD had different symptomatology, even beyond illness duration. Conclusions: ProPD is common among children presenting with diarrhoea and is not confined to children with acute malnutrition. There is an urgent need for studies assessing causes of ProPD with and without acute malnutrition to develop treatment guidelines for these conditions.acceptedVersio

    Ion channel recordings on an injection-molded polymer chip

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    In this paper, we demonstrate recordings of the ion channel activity across the cell membrane in a biological cell by employing the so-called patch clamping technique on an injection-molded polymer microfluidic device. The findings will allow direct recordings of ion channel activity to be made using the cheapest materials and production platform to date and with the potential for very high throughput. The employment of cornered apertures for cell capture allowed the fabrication of devices without through holes and via a scheme comprising master origination by dry etching in a silicon substrate, electroplating in nickel and injection molding of the final part. The most critical device parameters were identified as the length of the patching capillary and the very low surface roughness on the inside of the capillary. The cross-sectional shape of the orifice was found to be less critical, as both rectangular and semicircular profiles seemed to have almost the same ability to form tight seals with cells with negligible leak currents. The devices were functionally tested using human embryonic kidney cells expressing voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav1.7) and benchmarked against a commercial state-of-the-art system for automated ion channel recordings. These experiments considered current–voltage (IV) relationships for activation and inactivation of the Nav1.7 channels and their sensitivity to a local anesthetic, lidocaine. Both IVs and lidocaine dose–response curves obtained from the injection-molded polymer device were in good agreement with data obtained from the commercial system