55 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Electron Localization in Warm vs. Cold Water Clusters

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    The process of electron localization on a cluster of 32 water molecules at 20, 50, and 300~K is unraveled using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. In warm, liquid clusters, the excess electron relaxes from an initial diffuse and weakly bound structure to an equilibrated, strongly bound species within 1.5 ps. In contrast, on cold, glassy clusters the relaxation processes is not completed and the electron becomes trapped in a metastable surface state with an intermediate binding energy. These results question the validity of extrapolations of the properties of solvated electrons from cold clusters of increasing size to the liquid bulk

    Individual differences and knockout in zebrafish reveal similar cognitive effects of BDNF between teleosts and mammals

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    The remarkable similarities in cognitive performance between teleosts and mammals suggest that the underlying cognitive mechanisms might also be similar in these two groups. We tested this hypothesis by assessing the effects of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is critical for mammalian cognitive functioning, on fish's cognitive abilities. We found that individual differences in zebrafish's learning abilities were positively correlated with bdnf expression. Moreover, a CRISPR/Cas9 mutant zebrafish line that lacks the BDNF gene (bdnf(-/-)) showed remarkable learning deficits. Half of the mutants failed a colour discrimination task, whereas the remaining mutants learned the task slowly, taking three times longer than control bdnf(+/+) zebrafish. The mutants also took twice as long to acquire a T-maze task compared to control zebrafish and showed difficulties exerting inhibitory control. An analysis of habituation learning revealed that cognitive impairment in mutants emerges early during development, but could be rescued with a synthetic BDNF agonist. Overall, our study indicates that BDNF has a similar activational effect on cognitive performance in zebrafish and in mammals, supporting the idea that its function is conserved in vertebrates

    Atomistic Simulation of Water Percolation and Proton Hopping in Nafion Fuel Cell Membrane

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    We have performed a detailed analysis of water clustering and percolation in hydrated Nafion configurations generated by classical molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that at low hydration levels H2O molecules are isolated and a continuous hydrogen-bonded network forms as the hydration level is increased. Our quantitative analysis has established a hydration level (λ) between 5 and 6 H2O/SO3− as the percolation threshold of Nafion. We have also examined the effect of such a network on proton transport by studying the structural diffusion of protons using the quantum hopping molecular dynamics method. The mean residence time of the proton on a water molecule decreases by 2 orders of magnitude when the λ value is increased from 5 to 15. The proton diffusion coefficient in Nafion at a λ value of 15 is about 1.1 × 10−5 cm2/s in agreement with experiment. The results provide quantitative atomic-level evidence of water network percolation in Nafion and its effect on proton conductivity

    Theoretical Studies of Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Hydrated Electrons.

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    A Fear-Inducing Odor Alters PER2 and c-Fos Expression in Brain Regions Involved in Fear Memory

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    Evidence demonstrates that rodents learn to associate a foot shock with time of day, indicating the formation of a fear related time-stamp memory, even in the absence of a functioning SCN. In addition, mice acquire and retain fear memory better during the early day compared to the early night. This type of memory may be regulated by circadian pacemakers outside of the SCN. As a first step in testing the hypothesis that clock genes are involved in the formation of a time-stamp fear memory, we exposed one group of mice to fox feces derived odor (TMT) at ZT 0 and one group at ZT 12 for 4 successive days. A separate group with no exposure to TMT was also included as a control. Animals were sacrificed one day after the last exposure to TMT, and PER2 and c-Fos protein were quantified in the SCN, amygdala, hippocampus, and piriform cortex. Exposure to TMT had a strong effect at ZT 0, decreasing PER2 expression at this time point in most regions except the SCN, and reversing the normal rhythm of PER2 expression in the amygdala and piriform cortex. These changes were accompanied by increased c-Fos expression at ZT0. In contrast, exposure to TMT at ZT 12 abolished the rhythm of PER2 expression in the amygdala. In addition, increased c-Fos expression at ZT 12 was only detected in the central nucleus of the amygdala in the TMT12 group. TMT exposure at either time point did not affect PER2 or c-Fos in the SCN, indicating that under a light-dark cycle, the SCN rhythm is stable in the presence of repeated exposure to a fear-inducing stimulus. Taken together, these results indicate that entrainment to a fear-inducing stimulus leads to changes in PER2 and c-Fos expression that are detected 24 hours following the last exposure to TMT, indicating entrainment of endogenous oscillators in these regions. The observed effects on PER2 expression and c-Fos were stronger during the early day than during the early night, possibly to prepare appropriate systems at ZT 0 to respond to a fear-inducing stimulus

    An ab initio and AIM investigation into the hydration of 2-thioxanthine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hydration is a universal phenomenon in nature. The interactions between biomolecules and water of hydration play a pivotal role in molecular biology. 2-Thioxanthine (2TX), a thio-modified nucleic acid base, is of significant interest as a DNA inhibitor yet its interactions with hydration water have not been investigated either computationally or experimentally. Here in, we reported an <it>ab initio </it>study of the hydration of 2TX, revealing water can form seven hydrated complexes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hydrogen-bond (H-bond) interactions in 1:1 complexes of 2TX with water are studied at the MP2/6-311G(d, p) and B3LYP/6-311G(d, p) levels. Seven 2TX<sup>...</sup>H<sub>2</sub>O hydrogen bonded complexes have been theoretically identified and reported for the first time. The proton affinities (PAs) of the O, S, and N atoms and deprotonantion enthalpies (DPEs) of different N-H bonds in 2TX are calculated, factors surrounding why the seven complexes have different hydrogen bond energies are discussed. The theoretical infrared and NMR spectra of hydrated 2TX complexes are reported to probe the characteristics of the proposed H-bonds. An improper blue-shifting H-bond with a shortened C-H bond was found in one case. NBO and AIM analysis were carried out to explain the formation of improper blue-shifting H-bonds, and the H-bonding characteristics are discussed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>2TX can interact with water by five different H-bonding regimes, N-H<sup>...</sup>O, O-H<sup>...</sup>N, O-H<sup>...</sup>O, O-H<sup>...</sup>S and C-H<sup>...</sup>O, all of which are medium strength hydrogen bonds. The most stable H-bond complex has a closed structure with two hydrogen bonds (N(7)-H<sup>...</sup>O and O-H<sup>...</sup>O), whereas the least stable one has an open structure with one H-bond. The interaction energies of the studied complexes are correlated to the PA and DPE involved in H-bond formation. After formation of H-bonds, the calculated IR and NMR spectra of the 2TX-water complexes change greatly, which serves to identify the hydration of 2TX.</p

    Energy Barriers of Proton Transfer Reactions Between Amino Acid Side Chain Analogs and Water from ab initio Calculations

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    Proton transfer reactions were studied in all titratable pairs of amino acid side chains where, under physiologically reasonable conditions, one amino acid may function as a donor and the other one as an acceptor. Energy barriers for shifting the proton from donor to acceptor atom were calculated by electronic structure methods at the MP2/6‐31++G(d,p) level, and the well‐known double‐well potentials were characterized. The energy difference between both minima can be expressed by a parabola using as argument the donor–acceptor distance R(DA). In this work, the fit parameters of the quadratic expression are determined for each donor–acceptor pair. Moreover, it was found previously that the energy barriers of the reactions can be expressed by an analytical expression depending on the distance between donor and acceptor and the energy difference between donor and acceptor bound states. The validity of this approach is supported by the extensive new data set. This new parameterization of proton transfer barriers between titratable amino acid side chains allows us to very efficiently estimate proton transfer probabilities in molecular modelling studies or during classical molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecular systems