925 research outputs found

    Being Mila: Creating An Lgbtq Curriculum That Is Authentic, Follows Policies And Ethics, And Teaches Acceptance

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    The literature and curriculum used in the classroom needs to change to reflect the students that are being taught. With the number of students and families being impacted by LGBTQ issues, one teacher decided to create a project addressing the research question of: How can I create an LGBTQ curriculum that is authentic, follows policies and ethics, and teaches acceptance? It will document the creation of a children’s book about a transgender child, as well as an accompanying Teacher Resource Guide. The author uses related literature reviews to create a book and resource guide that is authentic and developmentally appropriate. She describes the challenges of writing a book and the desire for further implementation of the resources created. The hope is that there will be further curriculum development in the future

    The upper Red River Formation (Ordovician) in western North Dakota

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    The upper Red River Formation in Western North Dakota consists of cyclic sedimentary rocks having four main porosity zones which contain most of the oil and gas found in the formation. It was divided into three distinct units that were traced throughout western North Dakota on mechanical logs. In ascending order these are the P, R, and F intervals which consist of alternating sequences of dolomites, limestones, and anhydrites. Facies changes, occur within the P interval both on a regional and a local scale, typically from dense limestones to porous dolomites. The Kesson anticline and the basin hinge JJ.ne 1-1ere the most active structural area affecting the deposition of upper Red River sediments. A knob or high relief on the anticline had a localized effect on sedimentation. Rapid thinning in all intervals of the Red River near the central part of the state indicate the effect of II the hinge line. Other structural features defined on isopachous maps include the Mercer High, Divide Low, Ward High, and Billings Nose. X-ray and microscopic analysis of selected samples of cores from the upper Red River Formation indicate that the main porosity zones consist primarily of secondary dolomite. Oil accumulations in the Red River Formation are primarily in structural traps, but local changes in lithology and grain size

    Description and Genesis of selected Glacial Deposits, Walsh County, North Dakota

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    Glacial deposits and features in central Walsh County, North Dakota were investigated during the summer of 1965 to determine both their origin and their relationship to the history of glacial Lake Agassiz. The deposits included till and lake sediments exposed in cuts along the Park River, while the features included two end moraines and an esker. The field study consisted of mapping the deposits, studying their morphology and composition, constructing cross-sections, and collecting selected samples. Laboratory studies of these samples included particle size analyses, feldspar staining, magnetic separation, and mineralogical analyses by X-ray diffraction. The glacial feature located on the Grand Forks-Walsh County border is a steep-sided, branching, sinuous ridge. It is 4½ miles long, averages 250 feet in width and it varies in height from 15 feet in the northwest to 75 feet in the east. It is concluded to be a combination esker and an interblock or crevasse filling on the basis of: (1) the sinuous and reticulate form, (2) the composition, which is chiefly gravel and stratified drift, and (3) the size and shape of the feature. The stream that deposited the esker apparently flowed to the southwest and was diverted to the northwest when its path was probably blocked by sediment or blocks of ice. Evidence for this is: (1) a gradual decrease in height from east to northwest, (2) a gradual decrease in particle size in the same direction, and (3) the truncation of one ridge by another. The end moraines located immediately north of the esker are only slightly younger than the esker, and represent brief stands of the glacier prior to the formation of the Edinburg moraine, which lies about 4 miles to the northeast. The southernmost moraine is a small branching, northwestwardly trending ridge which is 6½ miles long and averages 15 feet in height, and 250 feet in width. The northernmost moraine, parallel to the one south of it, is a broad, low, ridge, 6½ miles long, averaging 800 feet in width and 25 feet in height. Both moraines have abundant boulders scattered on their surface and are quite variable in composition; they are composed largely of till and fine to medium sands. Sediments at the Park River site, on the western margin of the Edinburg moraine, indicate that this area was once covered by a proglacial lake. Distorted till and lake sediments indicate subsequent modification by solifluction and frost action. Homme Reservoir sediments one mile east of the Edinburg moraine, reveal evidence of deposition in close association with ice. Furthermore, it is concluded that the processes of glacial, fluviatile, and lacustrine deposition were all occurring at essentially the same time at this site, adding to the complexity of the geologic history. Additional investigations should support the conclusion that these features were deposited approximately 11,740 years ago, the age of the Upper Herman beach

    A Survey of Hgih School Wrestling Weight Control Programs Used Throughout the United States During the 1968-69 Wrestling Season

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    This study was conducted to determine the high school wrestling weight control programs used throughout the United States. It was felt that this information would be useful for coaches or for high school activities associations that are responsible for determining a state’s weight control program. The questionnaire technique was used to gather the data. Each, of the fifty state high school activities associations was contacted and forty-five of them responded to the questionnaire. Forty of these state associations supported or controlled wrestling and gave information about their wrestling programs. Results showed that thirty-five of the forty states had some type of weight control program. Four characteristics made up most of the weight control programs. Weight certification was required by twenty- one states, physician’s weight permit was required by seven states, parent\u27s written approval was required by ten states, and the fifty per cent rule was used in eight states. Thirty-five of the forty states gave a weight allowance during the season. Sixteen of the twenty-one states with weight certification required this certification before any weight allowance was given. Sixteen of the twenty-one states with weight certification required that a boy weigh in at his certified weight every time tie wrestled

    Structural Evolution of the Beaver Lodge Portion of the Nesson Anticline, North Dakota

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    The structural development in the area of Beaver Lodge Field, Williams County, North Dakota, has been determined from Cambrian (Deadwood) through Late Cretaceous (Greenhorn) time. Detailed structural data defines two areas of structural closure occurring along a basement structural trend. One of these is the site of a Precambrian topographic high. Detailed isopachous data indicated that this high was the site of structural activity during deposition of many of the units studied. Significant growth occurred during Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Early Devonian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, and Jurassic times. A possibility for petroleum accumulation exists along the flanks of the Precambrian high, where a productive sand zone in the Deadwood Formation is absent over the high

    Can LAW be justified to prevent financial instability? A cost-benefit analysis of leaning against the wind (LAW) in Norway : Evidence from a Bayesian VAR model

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    Since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, there has been an ongoing debate about how central banks can prevent future financial crises by mitigating the build-up of financial imbalances. We analyse the effect of incorporating financial stability considerations through monetary policy by "leaning against the wind" (LAW), which involves keeping a slightly tighter monetary policy for the purpose of mitigating financial instability. The benefits of LAW are lower probability and severity of a financial crisis in the future, while the cost is higher unemployment. We model LAW as a one-time monetary policy shock using a structural Bayesian VAR model on Norwegian data, inspired by Robstad (2018). Then, we analyse the cost-benefit trade-off of LAW in Norway using a modified version of the framework in Svensson (2017a), and contribute to the literature by including house price growth as an indicator explaining the probability of a crisis. We find that LAW is clearly unjustified when using household credit growth as an indicator of financial instability. This conclusion also is robust to any reasonable changes in the underlying estimates and assumptions. When using house price growth, we actually find that LAW is justified in the benchmark model, although only by a very small margin. However, this conclusion is not at all robust, as reasonable changes to the underlying estimates and assumptions easily change the conclusion, making LAW unjustified. Hence, we cannot use this result to conclude that LAW is an advisable policy in Norway. In sum, the numerical results do not find evidence that LAW is justified in Norway. Furthermore, Norway has a well-equipped macroprudential policy toolkit to counteract financial imbalances, arguably reducing the effect of and need for LAW. We therefore recommend that Norges Bank should not "lean against the wind", unless the Norwegian economy experiences extraordinary circumstances where the macroprudential policy tools clearly are insufficient to secure financial stability.nhhma

    Using Local Entropy Generation Rate in Air-Side Heat Exchanger Design

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    Students’ mathematical beliefs and motivation in the context of inquiry-based mathematics teaching

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    In this paper, we investigate the learning experiences, beliefs and motivations of students in classes where the mathematics teachers have received support for using inquiry-based learning activities. Data were collected from 248 students in the age-range 11–16 using electronic questionnaires. Our results show that key features of inquiry-based mathematics were only moderately reflected in these students’ beliefs about the subject, their dispositions towards mathematics were less positive across the transition from primary to secondary school, and with respect to motivation this decline was stronger for girls than for boys. Furthermore, medium to strong correlations between belief- and motivation subdomains were found, for instance, students who view mathematics as a creative subject and/or have a growth mindset of mathematics also tend to find this subject enjoyable and perceive it as useful. Finally, our results indicate that inquiry-based teaching has a potential for fostering positive dispositions towards mathematics, as students who often experience inquiry-related activities in class also tend to see mathematics as a creative and interesting subject that will be useful for them in the future

    Hjemmekontor - medfører det økt eller svekket innflytelse for ansatte?

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    Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan økt bruk av hjemmekontor påvirker arbeidstakeres muligheter for innflytelse. Den tar spesielt for seg hvordan økt fysisk avstand og nye kommunikasjonskanaler kan påvirke maktfordelingen i organisasjoner. For å svare på problemstillingen ble det benyttet sekundære kilder. Drøftingen av arbeidstakeres muligheter for innflytelse er basert på studier av hjemmekontors konsekvenser for autonomi, kontrollbruk, samhandling og samarbeid med tillitsvalgte. Det vises til tre ulike systemiske former for makt (Lawrence et al., 2001), som muligens kan påvirkes av hjemmekontor. Disse er strukturmakt, normativ makt og ideologisk makt (Jacobsen & Thorsvik, 2019, s. 160-161). De tre formene for systemisk makt blir i undersøkelsen drøftet i lys av Bourdieus teori om maktfordeling i samfunnet, med særlig vekt på hans kapital-begrep (Bugge, 2001). Funn viser at hjemmekontor i ansattes eget perspektiv medfører økt innflytelse over eget arbeid (Drange et al., 2020; Ødegaard & Andersen, 2021; Krane et al., 2021), at den uformelle samhandlingen mellom arbeidstakere blir redusert fra hjemmekontor (Knardahl, 2020; Paoli, 2020), og at kommunikasjon med tillitsvalgte blir noe svekket (Ødegaard & Andersen, 2020; Ingelsrud & Bernstrøm, 2021). Analysen konkluderer med at hjemmekontor kan medføre endringer i ansattes innflytelse, men at det er situasjonsspesifikt om den øker eller svekkes. Det avhenger blant annet av hvor stor del av arbeidsstokken som benytter seg av hjemmekontor, og hvor ofte det benyttes, samt hvordan maktforholdene i organisasjoner var utformet i utgangspunktet. Generelt synes et mønster om at hjemmekontor medfører økt innflytelse over eget arbeid og organiseringen av dette, men svekket innflytelse over andres arbeid og svekket innflytelse over utformingen av organisasjonsstrukturen

    Barns taushet om seksuelle overgrep

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