Structural Evolution of the Beaver Lodge Portion of the Nesson Anticline, North Dakota


The structural development in the area of Beaver Lodge Field, Williams County, North Dakota, has been determined from Cambrian (Deadwood) through Late Cretaceous (Greenhorn) time. Detailed structural data defines two areas of structural closure occurring along a basement structural trend. One of these is the site of a Precambrian topographic high. Detailed isopachous data indicated that this high was the site of structural activity during deposition of many of the units studied. Significant growth occurred during Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Early Devonian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, and Jurassic times. A possibility for petroleum accumulation exists along the flanks of the Precambrian high, where a productive sand zone in the Deadwood Formation is absent over the high

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