315 research outputs found

    Integration and integration policies: IMISCOE network feasibility study

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    "The feasibility study INTPOL has developed a conceptual frame for the analysis of integration processes and research The social integration of individual migrants into the institutions of the receiving society is differentiated from the effects of the social integration on the social structure of the receiving society and effects on the societal integration or cohesion of the receiving society. Social integration is understood as inclusion of indivudial migrants into the core institutions of the receiving society, with structural, cultural, interactive and identificative integration as dimensions of that process." (excerpt

    Towards a better understanding of human smuggling

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    Contents: What is human smuggling?; How can we know about human smuggling?; Human smuggling as a migration phenomenon; Human smuggling as a business; The social organizing of human smuggling; Fighting against human smuggling


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    This paper has two major 'intentions: 1) to demonstrate that West Germany has become an immigrant society in a trueIy sociologieal'sense; .that the so-called "guest-workers"and their families rather than being migratory workers 'have become part of the social structure;" 2) to "advance a socio-structural concept for the analysis of immigrant worker minonties

    Education and the integration of migrants: challenges for European education systems arising from immigration and strategies for the successful integration of migrant children in European schools and societies

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    Die Studie befasst sich mit der (sozialen Ungleichheit) bei der Bildung von Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund in Europa. Mit Rückgriff auf empirisches Datenmaterial und Erkenntnisse werden die gegenwärtige Situation der Untersuchungsgruppe in den Bildungssystemen und den Schulen beleuchtet, aktuelle Erklärungsansätze für die Ist-Situation dargestellt sowie die Bildungspolitik mitsamt ihren Maßnahmen kritisch analysiert. Im ersten Schritt werden zunächst (1) die Lage der Schüler aus Migrantenfamilien in den Bildungssystemen beschrieben und (2) Erklärungen für die schwachen Schulleistungen auf der Meso- und Makroebene erläutert. Auf dieser Grundlage werden im zweiten Schritt sodann die Bildungspolitik, -programme und -maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Lernmöglichkeiten untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang gilt das Augenmerk (1) der Sozialpolitik, (2) dem Lehrpersonal, (3) den Schulangeboten, (4) der individuellen Unterstützung, (5) der Antidiskriminierungspolitik sowie (6) dem Spracherwerb und sozialen Integration. Die Untersuchung schließt mit einer Reihe von Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen, adressiert an die Kompetenzträger der Schul- und Bildungspolitik. (ICG2

    E-fuels and climate goals : an analysis of the German automotive industry

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    Climate change is increasingly impacting life globally. To reduce damage, stricter governmental regulations have been developed, and companies need to adapt to these changes. The automotive industry is transitioning towards new technologies like electrification or hybrid systems to comply with these regulations. This study investigates how so called “e-fuels” could impact the automotive industry. E-fuels are an innovative alternative to fossil fuels, compatible with a combustion car fleet and can be produced in a CO2 neutral manner. Experts from different areas related to the automotive industry in Germany were interviewed. The potential of e-fuels was evaluated and the importance of an ambidextrous strategy was discussed. Synthesizing the experts’ opinions gives two key problems for e-fuels: Energy efficiency and the lack of accreditation in the current European regulation. A global value chain and technology openness could help to overcome these problems. The potential for e-fuels therefore depends on regulation and is significantly reduced by the current fleet emission regulation in Europe. In fields where no substitution with other technologies is possible, e-fuels will likely become a standard. Manufacturers will continue to sell combustion cars in the next decades, but the ambidextrous approach is restricted by regulations. The simultaneous development of electric and combustion technology is costly and unlikely for most car manufacturers. Thus, many will transition towards complete electrification. Further research should include experts from other related fields and regions beyond Europe to investigate the global potential of e-fuels.As alterações climáticas estão a ter um impacto a nível global. Foram desenvolvidas regulamentações governamentais mais rígidas e as empresas precisam se adaptar a essas mudanças. A indústria automotiva está em transição para novas tecnologias, como eletrificação ou sistemas híbridos. Este estudo investiga como os “e-combustíveis” podem impactar a indústria automotiva. Os e-combustíveis são uma alternativa inovadora aos combustíveis fósseis, compatíveis com carros de combustão e podem ser produzidos de forma neutra em CO2. Foram entrevistados especialistas da indústria automotiva na Alemanha. O potencial dos e-combustíveis foi avaliado e discutida a importância de uma estratégia ambidestra. Dois problemas fundamentais para os e-combustíveis resultaram: a eficiência energética e a falta de credenciamento na atual regulamentação europeia. Uma cadeia de valor global e abertura tecnológica podem ajudar. O potencial dos e-combustíveis depende da regulamentação e é significativamente reduzido pela atual regulamentação de emissões na Europa. Em setores onde a substituição por outras tecnologias não é possível, os e-combustíveis provavelmente se tornarão a norma. Os fabricantes continuarão a vender carros a combustão, mas a abordagem ambidestro é restringida por regulamentos. O desenvolvimento simultâneo de tecnologia elétrica e de combustão é caro e improvável para a maioria dos fabricantes. Muitos farão a transição para a eletrificação total. A pesquisa futura deve incluir especialistas de outros setores e regiões fora da Europa para investigar o potencial dos e-combustíveis

    Transatlantic discourse on integration: citizenship and culture of naturalization

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    "Germany, The United Kingdom and the United States are countries with high numbers of immigration and an increasing number of migrants who obtain the citizenship of the host country. Besides controlling migration inflows strong institutions of integration are needed. Policy makers in all three countries are discussing potential instruments for a better understanding of the rights and responsibilities that come with naturalization, how basic information on the political system, the state and society can be conveyed and how a feeling of belonging to the host nation can be encouraged. These aspects are central points of a larger complex, which could be called a culture of integration. In the United States this culture of integration and naturalization has a long tradition: citizenship courses and citizenship tests are to ensure that naturalization applicants receive civic education; through "civil religion" and an almost holy significance of the American nation for the individual, a strong patriotism and a feeling of national loyalty expressed by symbols, celebrations and festival days Americans and immigrants are united beyond ethnic belonging or different religious denominations. This strong patriotism is passed on by national institutions (schools, army) and in everyday life. The significance of belonging and identifying with the United States is also expressed in very festive naturalization ceremonies. Even if organised as large-scale events the naturalization ceremonies still have collective and binding effects. Naturalization in the United States is very much seen as a step in the integration process, not as its completion. Access to American citizenship consequently is relatively easy. In the United Kingdom policy makers are also discussing ways of making the acquisition of citizenship more valuable. The currently applied “mail order approach” will be reformed. Naturalization ceremonies are planned to give added significance to naturalization. The wording of the current oath of allegiance will be modified to a more modern citizenship pledge. Germany is also rethinking its traditional approach to naturalization. With the reform of the Citizenship Law in 2000 it was made easier for immigrants to acquire the German citizenship. As part of the development of a new culture of integration, including a nation-wide integration program, the symbolic side of naturalization is promoted by introducing naturalization ceremonies. They are meant as a gesture of welcome and can be understood as an offer to identify as part of a new German nation."[author´s abstract