661 research outputs found

    El uso del conocimiento en la sociedad

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    La corriente economica principal adolece de dos grandes errores: transplanta los metodos de las ciencias puras en las que se puede obtener y controlar toda la informacion pertinente al estudio de los fenomenos sociales; reduce el analisis economico al formalismo matematico de la logica pura de la eleccion. Pero cuando se reconoce que el conocimiento esta disperso entre los diversos miembros de la sociedad y que cada persona posee fragmentos de conocimiento a los que solo ella tiene acceso en razon de sus circunstancias especificas de tiempo y lugar, el problema economico esencial es el de la coordinacion y utilizacion de los saberes individuales, es decir, de la transmision y uso de los conocimientos relevantes para tomar las decisiones economicas, que nunca estan al alcance de un individuo o una autoridad central.The major economic approach suffers from two serious errors: it transplants the methods of the pure sciences -in which all relevant information can be obtained and controlled- to the study of social phenomenal and it reduces economic analysis to the mathematical formalism of the pure logic of choice. But when it is recognized that knowledge is dispersed among diverse members of society and that each person possesses fragments of knowledge to which only that person has access due to his/her specific circumstances of time and place, the essential economic problem becomes that of the coordination and use of individual knowledges, that is, of the transmission and use of the relevant knowledges for making economic decisions, which are never within the reach of an individual or a central authority

    Libertad y libertades

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    La coerción y el estado

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    Economic vs. juristic thinking in Carl Menger’s principles of economics

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    Austrian Economic School is increasingly being treated as one of the most significant and ever more influential bodies of ideas affecting the contemporary economic science. It is well known that Carl Menger, the founder of the Austrian School, was a lawyer by education. The paper is devoted to the degree to which his legal education influenced his economic theorizing. After a close examination of the Menger’s conceptual apparatus and the epistemological ramifications of the key notions underlying his thinking, the paper concludes that the juristic background of the far-reaching theoretical contributions contained in Menger’s Principles was truly decisive. That holds true despite the fact that Menger only exceptionally utilized the juristic vocabulary. The key ingredients of his theoretical creation? such as the individual autonomy, the coincidence of the wills in concluding a contract the effective protection of property and making transactions based on the individual motivation to further one’s own interests to the utmost? are clearly inspired and in many ways influenced by private law, particularly the doctrines underlying the Roman Law and the Austrian Civil Code

    Governance, Coordination and Evaluation: the case for an epistemological focus and a return to C.E. Lindblom

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    While much political science research focuses on conceptualizing and analyzing various forms of governance, there remains a need to develop frameworks and criteria for governance evaluation (Torfing et al 2012). The post-positivist turn, influential in recent governance theory, emphasizes the complexity, uncertainty and the contested normative dimensions of policy analysis. Yet a central evaluative question still arises concerning the capacity of governance networks to facilitate ‘coordination’. The classic contributions of Charles Lindblom, although pre-dating the contemporary governance literature, can enable further elaboration of and engagement with this question. Lindblom’s conceptualisation of coordination challenges in the face of complexity shares with post-positivism a recognition of the inevitably contested nature of policy goals. Yet Lindblom suggests a closer focus on the complex, dynamically evolving, broadly ‘economic’ choices and trade-offs involved in defining and delivery policy for enabling these goals to be achieved and the significant epistemological challenges that they raise for policy-makers. This focus can complement and enrich both post-positivist scholarship and the process and incentives-orientated approaches which predominate in contemporary political science research on coordination in governance. This is briefly illustrated through a short case study evaluating governance for steering markets towards delivering low and zero carbon homes in England

    Liberalization, globalization and the dynamics of democracy in India

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    In the closing decades of the twentieth century there has been an almost complete intellectual triumph of the twin principles of marketization (understood here as referring to the liberalization of domestic markets and freer international mobility of goods, services, financial capital and perhaps, more arguably, labour) and democratization . A paradigm shift of this extent and magnitude would not have occurred in the absence of some broad consensus among policymakers and (sections of) intellectuals around the globe on the desirability of such a change. There seems to be a two-fold causal nexus between marketization and democracy. The first is more direct, stemming from the fact of both systems sharing certain values and attitudes in common. But there is also a second more indirect chain from marketization to democracy, which is predicated via three sub-chains (i) from marketization to growth, (ii) from growth to overall material development welfare and (iii) from material development to social welfare and democracy. We examine each of these sub-links in detail with a view to obtaining a greater understanding of the hypothesized role of free markets in promoting democracies. In the later part of the paper we examine the socio-economic outcomes governing the quality of democracy in a specifically Indian context