4,346 research outputs found

    Linear instability criteria for ideal fluid flows subject to two subclasses of perturbations

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    In this paper we examine the linear stability of equilibrium solutions to incompressible Euler's equation in 2- and 3-dimensions. The space of perturbations is split into two classes - those that preserve the topology of vortex lines and those in the corresponding factor space. This classification of perturbations arises naturally from the geometric structure of hydrodynamics; our first class of perturbations is the tangent space to the co-adjoint orbit. Instability criteria for equilibrium solutions are established in the form of lower bounds for the essential spectral radius of the linear evolution operator restricted to each class of perturbation.Comment: 29 page

    Sky survey at far infrared wavelengths using a balloon-borne telescope

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    Localized sources of far infrared radiation (approximately 50 microns) have been detected during a high altitude balloon flight with a 40 cm telescope and silicon detectors. The flight system is described and preliminary results are presented. A large area of the sky has been scanned for localized sources of far infrared radiation, using a balloon-borne system that was sensitive to wavelengths beyond about 55 microns. Two Molectron silicon bolometers were used, with a Newtonian telescope having a 40 cm primary. The telescope was driven in azimuth at a fixed elevation; this mode of scanning was carried out for the duration of each of two balloon flights. The flight system is described

    On the spectrum and weakly effective operator for Dirichlet Laplacian in thin deformed tubes

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    We study the Laplacian in deformed thin (bounded or unbounded) tubes in ?R3\R^3, i.e., tubular regions along a curve r(s)r(s) whose cross sections are multiplied by an appropriate deformation function h(s)>0h(s)> 0. One the main requirements on h(s)h(s) is that it has a single point of global maximum. We find the asymptotic behaviors of the eigenvalues and weakly effective operators as the diameters of the tubes tend to zero. It is shown that such behaviors are not influenced by some geometric features of the tube, such as curvature, torsion and twisting, and so a huge amount of different deformed tubes are asymptotically described by the same weakly effective operator

    DPP8 and DPP9 structure, mechanism and interaction with SUMO1

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    Analysis of nuclear waste disposal in space, phase 3. Volume 2: Technical report

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    The options, reference definitions and/or requirements currently envisioned for the total nuclear waste disposal in space mission are summarized. The waste form evaluation and selection process is documented along with the physical characteristics of the iron nickel-base cermet matrix chosen for disposal of commercial and defense wastes. Safety aspects of radioisotope thermal generators, the general purpose heat source, and the Lewis Research Center concept for space disposal are assessed as well as the on-pad catastrophic accident environments for the uprated space shuttle and the heavy lift launch vehicle. The radionuclides that contribute most to long-term risk of terrestrial disposal were determined and the effects of resuspension of fallout particles from an accidental release of waste material were studied. Health effects are considered. Payload breakup and rescue technology are discussed as well as expected requirements for licensing, supporting research and technology, and safety testing

    Analysis of nuclear waste disposal in space, phase 3. Volume 1: Executive summary of technical report

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    The objectives, approach, assumptions, and limitations of a study of nuclear waste disposal in space are discussed with emphasis on the following: (1) payload characterization; (2) safety assessment; (3) health effects assessment; (4) long-term risk assessment; and (5) program planning support to NASA and DOE. Conclusions are presented for each task

    The origin and propagation of VVH primary cosmic ray particles

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    Several source spectra were constructed from combinations of 4- and s-process nuclei to match the observed charge spectrum of VVH particles. Their propagation was then followed, allowing for interactions and decay, and comparisons were made between the calculated near-earth spectra and those observed during high altitude balloon flights. None of the models gave good agreement with observations

    Bose-Einstein condensate and Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry on Killing Horizons

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    Local scalar QFT (in Weyl algebraic approach) is constructed on degenerate semi-Riemannian manifolds corresponding to Killing horizons in spacetime. Covariance properties of the CC^*-algebra of observables with respect to the conformal group PSL(2,\bR) are studied.It is shown that, in addition to the state studied by Guido, Longo, Roberts and Verch for bifurcated Killing horizons, which is conformally invariant and KMS at Hawking temperature with respect to the Killing flow and defines a conformal net of von Neumann algebras, there is a further wide class of algebraic (coherent) states representing spontaneous breaking of PSL(2,\bR) symmetry. This class is labeled by functions in a suitable Hilbert space and their GNS representations enjoy remarkable properties. The states are non equivalent extremal KMS states at Hawking temperature with respect to the residual one-parameter subgroup of PSL(2,\bR) associated with the Killing flow. The KMS property is valid for the two local sub algebras of observables uniquely determined by covariance and invariance under the residual symmetry unitarily represented. These algebras rely on the physical region of the manifold corresponding to a Killing horizon cleaned up by removing the unphysical points at infinity (necessary to describe the whole PSL(2,\bR) action).Each of the found states can be interpreted as a different thermodynamic phase, containing Bose-Einstein condensate,for the considered quantum field. It is finally suggested that the found states could describe different black holes.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure. Formula of condensate energy density modified. Accepted for pubblication in Journal of Mathematical Physic