2,499 research outputs found

    The way forward

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    For the last few decades the study of disks around stars young and old and of different types have progressed significantly. During the same time a completely new discipline, the study of exoplanets, planets orbiting stars other than our Sun, have emerged. Both these fields, which are interconnected, have benefited from the development of new instrumentation, and especially by telescopes and detectors deployed in space. In this chapter we are describing the state of the art of such instruments and make an inventory of what is being currently developed. We also state some of the requirements of the next steps and what type of instruments will lead the way forward.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Molecular Dynamics for Efficient Simulations of High-Fluence Ion-Beam Irradiation of Materials

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    There has been a stagnation in the development of power-storage devices since the lithium-ion battery in 2019, and alternative ways to save power in devices connected to the Internet-of-Things (IoT) are highly sought for. One very promising way is to produce power-saving CMOS-compatible single-electron transistors (SETs) made of silicon, insulated with silica. Excessive silicon introduced into the silica matrix, through ion-induced atomic mixing, will self-assemble into a silicon nanodot acting as the quantum island of the SET during thermal annealing. Molecular dynamics (MD) has been used for decades to simulate the dynamics of atomistic systems exposed to ion beams, which also made MD the perfect choice for this study as well. We implemented a few speed-up models to make the irradiation simulation faster and at the same time more appealing to the industry for testing out irradiation conditions before applying them experimentally. We even included a graphical user interface to make the simulator more user friendly for external audiences. During the study we came up with a reliable way of combining layers of silicon-based materials to merge together the target structures. We used the merged structures to investigate the physical processes related to the irradiation-driven atomic mixing we were looking for. An understanding of the processes helps the community to more accurately apply the irradiation condition in the already available silicon-based processes used by the semiconductor industry when creating CMOS components. We found a connection between the initial momentum transfer from ions hitting a nanopillar perpendicularly at the tip and the ion hammering effect on nanoscale. The built-up tension directed downwards during the ballistic phase of the cascade and the low-energetic collisions of the fading cascade would start to press the atoms laterally outwards. Other noticeable effects during the irradiation were crystalline-to-amorphous phase shifts and local densifications of the silica.Utvecklingen av batterier har drastiskt stagnerat sen upptÀckten av litiumjonbatteriet 2019. Som bÀst undersöks alternativa metoder för att spara ström i apparater som kopplas trÄdlöst till internet och ett vÀldigt lovande alternativ Àr CMOS-kompatibla singelelektrontransistorer (SET) tillverkade av kisel och kiseldioxid. Med hjÀlp av jonstrÄlar kan man orsaka atomblanding över grÀnsskiktena mellan de ledande och isolerande lagren, som i sin tur orsakar ett överskott av obundna kiselatomer i den isolerande kiseldioxidmatrisen. Under uppvÀrmning formar överskottet av kiselatomer nanokristaller inuti isolatorn. Med rÀtt storlek, form och avstÄnd kan dessa nanokristaller fungera som en isolerad "kvantö", pÄ vilken SETens hela grundprincip baseras. Molekyldynamik (MD) har under Ärtionden anvÀnts för att simulera rörelsen i atomistiska system exponerade för jonstrÄlar, vilket gjorde valet av MD perfekt för den hÀr studien. Vi utvecklade uppsnabbningsmodeller för att göra bestrÄlningssimuleringarna mera effektiva och dÀrmed ocksÄ mera attraktiva för industriell applicering. För att göra simulatorn mera anvÀndarvÀnlig har vi ocksÄ utvecklat ett grafiskt anvÀndargrÀnssnitt för att förbereda MD-simuleringarna. Under studien kom vi pÄ ett pÄlitligt sÀtt att kombinera lager av kiselbaserade material för att skapa stabila mÄlstrukturer. Vi anvÀnde strukturerna för att undersöka vilka fysikaliska processer som driver den intressanta atomblandningen. Genom att bilda en bÀttre förstÄelse av processerna kan man lÀttare applicera strÄlningsförhÄllandet i existerande kiselbaserade tillverkningsprocesser inom halvledarindustrin för att skapa CMOS-kompatibla komponenter. Vi upptÀckte en koppling mellan den överförda rörelsemÀngden frÄn de mobila jonerna som trÀffade en nanopelare och jonhamringseffekten pÄ nanoskala. SpÀnningen som byggdes upp lÀngs med pelaren under den ballistiska fasen av jonkaskaderna och de lÄgenergetiska kollisionerna i slutskedet av kaskaderna pressade atomerna vinkelrÀtt utÄt frÄn ursprungsriktningen av jonerna. Andra synliga effekter jonstrÄlen hade pÄ kiselnanostrukturerna var fasövergÄngar frÄn kristallin till amorf fas, samt lokala förtÀtningar i kiseldioxiden

    Leadership in stable environment : shaping young future leaders

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    A good leadership can for example be characterized by good communication skills, inspiration, self-awareness, the ability to make decisions and a structured way of working. Previous research indicate that stable environment can be seen as a leadership school for future leaders, both in equestrian sport and other professions. The purpose of this study was to explore how the stable environment and equestrian sport shapes the future leaders. The research questions were: How could the leadership within the stables affect the youths? What factors can influence youths when forming their leadership skills? Which qualities can the youths get from the stable environment when forming their leadership skills? The results of this study show that leadership was a central part of learning and playing. When you were a leader in a sport association it was important to have support from the association board. The study shows that associations gives good influences on youth’s leadership skills since it emphasizes personal growth and democracy. Within the sport there were standards and invisible rules, defined by its leaders, that had great impact on the youths. Today the sport has an educational purpose in our society. Equestrian sport is more than just horseback riding and the leadership within the equestrian sport is complex. The study also shows that communication and trust was important to be able to convey a message to the horse. In the stable there were a lot of standards and invisible rules that hade a background from to the military. Through these standards the youth learned to be responsible, effective and focused. Another thing that this study showed was that the stable environment was a place where itÂŽs fun to practice leadership for future tasks. Through this they can grow into the role as a leader and become more confident in themselves. The stable ensures that youths feels important, learns to take control and take on more responsibilities. The conclusion of this study shows that thanks to the standards and settings in the stable it shapes the youths in their leadership skills and gives them qualities like responsibility, effectivity, accuracy and focus that can become important in the future. At the same time, leaders in equestrian sport must be a role model who is open and humble. The study shows that while leadership within equestrian sport is complex, it gives lots of people meaningful occupation, were both internal and external factors affects youths when developing their leadership skills. Through the practice of being a leader in the stable environment self-confidence increases and can lead to assignments in leadership roles in the future.Flera egenskaper Ă€r viktiga för ett lyckat ledarskap. Egenskaper som ofta tas upp som viktiga Ă€r exempelvis att vara bra pĂ„ kommunikation, engagerad och att vilja utvecklas, medvetenhet om sina egna styrkor och svagheter, vara intresserad av andra, kunna fatta beslut och vara strukturerad. Ridsporten och framförallt stallet ses ibland som en stark ledarskola dĂ€r framtidens ledare formas. Ridsporten ses som en av de största ungdomsidrotterna enligt Svenska Ridsportförbundet. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka hur stallmiljö och ridsport kan forma framtidens ledare, genom att svara pĂ„ följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: ‱ Hur utövas ledarskap i stallmiljön som kan pĂ„verka barn och unga? ‱ Vilka faktorer i stallmiljö kan bidra till att barn och unga blir framtida ledare? ‱ Vilka ledaregenskaper kan barn och unga utveckla genom stallmiljö för att forma ett framtida ledarskap? Studiens resultat visade att egenskaper som barn och unga lĂ€r sig genom normer som finns i framförallt stallmiljö men Ă€ven generellt inom idrotten var att bli ansvarstagande, punktliga, effektiva, mĂ„lmedvetna, tydliga, ha disciplin och vara fokuserad. Litteraturstudien visade Ă€ven pĂ„ att stallet blir en plats dĂ€r det Ă€r roligt att fĂ„ praktisera sitt ledarskap inför framtida uppgifter. Det ger Ă€ven unga flickor en naturlig ledarutbildning eftersom de blir tydliga och bestĂ€mda samt att hĂ„rt arbete och kompetens premieras. Samtidigt fĂ„r de möjlighet att vĂ€xa in i sin roll som ledare och genom detta bli mer trygg med sig sjĂ€lv. Viktiga egenskaper för att vara ledare Ă€r bland annat att vara ödmjuk, trygg, glad och en förebild för andra. FortsĂ€ttningsvis visar studien att stallet gör unga tjejer mer sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndiga, noggranna och ordningsamma. De normer och osynliga regler som finns inom idrotten bestĂ€ms bland annat av ledare och bidrar till stort inflytande pĂ„ barn och unga. Stallmiljö och ridsport har ett stort antal normer och osynliga regler som tydligt kopplas till den militĂ€ra stallbackskulturen. SĂ€kerhet och gemenskap ses Ă€ven som viktiga faktorer i stallmiljö. I stallet kan barn och unga fĂ„ en betydande roll och kĂ€nna sig viktiga, genom detta ökar deras sjĂ€lvförtroende och de fĂ„r bĂ€ttre kontroll. Faktorer som kan ha betydelse och pĂ„verka barn och unga kan bĂ„de vara interna och externa. Som ledare inom en förening Ă€r det viktigt att fĂ„ stöd frĂ„n sin förening. De föreningsdrivna organisationerna ger gott inflytande pĂ„ barns ledarskap eftersom de betonar utveckling och demokrati. Idrottsrörelsen har idag en uppfostrande roll i samhĂ€llet. Ridsporten ses idag som nĂ„got mer Ă€n bara ridning och ledarskapet inom ridsport Ă€r komplext. Studien visar att kommunikation genom kroppssprĂ„k och tillit Ă€r viktigt för att kunna förmedla budskap till hĂ€sten vilket kan ha en betydande roll inom ledarskap. Litteraturstudien undersöker hur ridsportens ledare formas av stallmiljö. Tack vare stallmiljöns normer formas barn och unga i sitt ledarskap och fĂ„r med sig egenskaper frĂ„n stallet som exempelvis ansvarstagande, effektivitet, noggrannhet och fokus som kan vara viktiga i framtiden. Som ledare inom ridsporten kan denne vara en trygg förebild som Ă€r öppen och ödmjuk. Det framkom att ledarskapet inom ridsport Ă€r komplext samtidigt som det ger mĂ„nga ledare en meningsfull sysselsĂ€ttning, dĂ€r bĂ„de interna och externa faktorer pĂ„verkar barn och unga nĂ€r de formar sitt ledarskap. Genom att praktisera sitt ledarskap i stallet ökar sjĂ€lvförtroendet hos individen och denne kan dĂ„ ta sig an ledaruppdrag Ă€ven utanför stallmiljön

    My Religious Identity : An Unfinished Project

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    The matter of identity is ever present in academic, and non-academic, discourses on religion and interreligious relations: identity as a category of something that can be nailed down, established and maintained with the help of definitions and logic; identity as a matter of something stable and even rigid. This is significant in deliberations regarding syncretism. In this paper, references are made to a previous study in which it is argued that a ‘religious approach’ to syncretism is wiser in several respects than what may be labelled a ‘logical approach’. The opposition should by no means be pushed too far, and there are of course many interesting in-between positions. Nonetheless, fundamentally one could have one approach rather than another and this indeed forms a watershed: the one and not the other as the point of departure. This paper starts in the question of ‘identity’. The aim is to bring light to a different approach altogether, an approach that is made possible through a reading of Emmanuel Levinas. Although interreligious relations and syncretism are not thematised in the texts read, it is suggested that reading them is fruitful. Giving space to the unexpected, the unforeseeable, the impossible, means also giving space to ‘human’ and to God. Here is a watershed, which has little to do with ‘religion’, ‘religious belief and practice’, religious belonging and adherence; what is at stake is whether there is a strong value in the unknown, the unknowable and the impossible, or not. The argument here is that this is crucial when issues of religious identity are tabled

    The Effect of Increasing Rates of Biochar on Corn Grown in Salinas Clay Loam

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    In order to sustain the ever growing global population, agriculture needs to not only increase yields but to increase yields in a way that is sustainable and is either environmentally neutral or has a positive effect on the environment. Biochar offers a solution to this challenge with numerous environmental benefits, as well as agricultural benefits (Lehman and Joseph 2009). The agricultural benefits of biochar have been well documented in tropical climates, with the benefits of biochar for other climates, such as temperate climates and Mediterranean climates, relatively unknown (Blackwell et. al. 2009). To determine the effect of biochar on agricultural soil in the Mediterranean climate of California’s Central Coast, a greenhouse trial growing corn was set up to compare the effect of three different rates of biochar, .25, .5, and .75 tons/acre, to corn that was grown without a biochar amendment. The corn plants were allowed to grow for eight weeks before being harvested and tested to determine the following: dry weight (g), moisture (%), nitrogen (%), phosphorous (%), potassium (%), zinc (mg/kg), manganese (mg/kg), boron (mg/kg), calcium (%), magnesium (%), iron (mg/kg), copper (mg/kg), sulfur (%), aluminum (mg/kg), and molybdenum (mg/kg). The testing revealed that there was no significant difference for any of the metrics that were tested for any rate of biochar
