185 research outputs found

    What Can We Learn From the Existing Evidence of the Business Case for Investments in Nursing Care: Importance of Content, Context, and Policy Environment

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    Decisions of health care institutions to invest in nursing care are often guided by mixed and conflicting evidence of effects of the investments on organizational function and sustainability. This paper uses new evidence generated through Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative (INQRI)-funded research and published in peer-reviewed journals, to illustrate where the business case for nursing investments stands and to discuss factors that may limit the existing evidence and its transferability into clinical practice. We conclude that there are 3 limiting factors: (1) the existing business case for nursing investments is likely understated due to the inability of most studies to capture spillover and long-run dynamic effects, thus causing organizations to forfeit potentially viable nursing investments that may improve long-term financial stability; (2) studies rarely devote sufficient attention to describing the content and the organization-specific contextual factors, thus limiting generalizability; and (3) fragmentation of the current health care delivery and payment systems often leads to the financial benefits of investments in nursing care accruing outside of the organization incurring the costs, thus making potentially quality-improving and cost-saving interventions financially unattractive from the organization\u27s perspective. The payment reform, with its emphasis on high-quality affordable patient-centered care, is likely to strengthen the business case for investments in nursing care. Methodologically rigorous approaches that focus on broader societal implications of investments in nursing care, combined with a thorough understanding of potential barriers and facilitators of nursing change, should be an integral part of future research and policy efforts

    Active Management of Third Stage of Labour Saves Facility Costs in Guatemala and Zambia

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    This study calculated the net benefit of using active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) rather than expectant management of the third stage of labour (EMTSL) for mothers in Guatemala and Zambia. Probabilities of events were derived from opinions of experts, publicly available data, and published literature. Costs of clinical events were calculated based on national price lists, observation of resources used in AMTSL and EMTSL, and expert estimates of resources used in managing postpartum haemorrhage and its complications, including transfusion. A decision tree was used for modelling expected costs associated with AMTSL or EMTSL. The base case analysis suggested a positive net benefit from AMTSL, with a net cost-saving of US18,000inGuatemala(with100livessaved)andUS 18,000 in Guatemala (with 100 lives saved) and US 145,000 in Zambia (with 467 lives saved) for 100,000 births. Facilities have strong economic incentives to adopt AMTSL if uterotonics are available

    Costs of Military Eye Injury, Vision Impairment, and Related Blindness and Vision Dysfunction Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) without Eye Injury Prepared by

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    2 TAKE AWAY MESSAGE Based on published data from 2000-2010, the total incident cost of eye injury in the military each year in this timeframe has been 2.282billion,whichrepresentssuperficialeyeinjury,nonsuperficialeyeinjurythatdoesanddoesnotresultinpermanentvisualimpairmentorblindness,andvisionimpairmentrelatedtoTraumaticBrainInjury(TBI).Ifwemultiplytheoneyearcostsby11toaccountfortheperiodfrom20002010,thetotalcosttotheeconomyofallocularinjuryandvisionimpairmentrelatedtoTBIis2.282 billion, which represents superficial eye injury, nonsuperficial eye injury that does and does not result in permanent visual impairment or blindness, and vision impairment related to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). If we multiply the one-year costs by 11 to account for the period from 2000-2010, the total cost to the economy of all ocular injury and vision impairment related to TBI is 25.107 billion. Of that total, the costs incurred in the first year (all for superficial injury, initial medical care for non-superficial injuries, and rehabilitation for bilateral vision impairment) are 634million.Thisismoneythathasalreadybeenspent.ThepresentvalueoftheprojectedDepartmentofVeteransAffairs(VA)benefitsfortheremainderofthelivesofallservicememberswithocularinjuriesinthe11yearsunderstudyis634 million. This is money that has already been spent. The present value of the projected Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits for the remainder of the lives of all service members with ocular injuries in the 11 years under study is 188 million. The present value of the projected costs to the remainder of the economy over the remaining lifetimes of the service members with eye injuries or vision impairment due to TBI is $24.286 billion. This last cost is not to the federal government but to the economy and society as a whole

    Temporal Changes in Alcohol-Related Morbidity and Mortality in Germany

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    Aims: Trends in morbidity and mortality, fully or partially attributable to alcohol, for adults aged 18–64 were assessed for Germany. Methods: The underestimation of population exposure was corrected by triangulating survey data with per capita consumption. Alcohol-attributable fractions by sex and two age groups were estimated for major disease categories causally linked to alcohol. Absolute numbers, population rates and proportions relative to all hospitalizations and deaths were calculated. Results: Trends of 100% alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortality over thirteen and eighteen years, respectively, show an increase in rates of hospitalizations and a decrease in mortality rates. Comparisons of alcohol-attributable morbidity including diseases partially caused by alcohol revealed an increase in hospitalization rates between 2006 and 2012. The proportion of alcohol-attributable hospitalizations remained constant. Rates of alcohol-attributable mortality and the proportion among all deaths decreased. Conclusions: The increasing trend in mortality due to alcohol until the mid-1990s has reversed. The constant proportion of all hospitalizations that were attributable to alcohol indicates that factors such as improved treatment and easier health care access may have influenced the general increase in all-cause morbidity. To further reduce alcohol-related mortality, efforts in reducing consumption and increasing treatment utilization are needed

    Potential Lost Productivity Resulting from the Global Burden of Myopia:Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Modeling

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    PURPOSE: We estimated the potential global economic productivity loss resulting from vision impairment (VI) and blindness as a result of uncorrected myopia and myopic macular degeneration (MMD) in 2015.CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Understanding the economic burden of VI associated with myopia is critical to addressing myopia as an increasingly prevalent public health problem.METHODS: We estimated the number of people with myopia and MMD corresponding to critical visual acuity thresholds. Spectacle correction coverage was analyzed against country-level variables from the year of data collection; variation in spectacle correction was described best by a model based on a human development index, with adjustments for urbanization and age. Spectacle correction and myopia data were combined to estimate the number of people with each level of VI resulting from uncorrected myopia. We then applied disability weights, labor force participation rates, employment rates, and gross domestic product per capita to estimate the potential productivity lost among individuals with each level and type of VI resulting from myopia in 2015 in United States dollars (US).Anestimateofcareassociatedproductivitylossalsowasincluded.RESULTS:Peoplewithmyopiaarelesslikelytohaveadequateopticalcorrectioniftheyareolderandliveinaruralareaofalessdevelopedcountry.TheglobalpotentialproductivitylossassociatedwiththeburdenofVIin2015wasestimatedatUS). An estimate of care-associated productivity loss also was included.RESULTS: People with myopia are less likely to have adequate optical correction if they are older and live in a rural area of a less developed country. The global potential productivity loss associated with the burden of VI in 2015 was estimated at US244 billion (95% confidence interval [CI], US49billionUS49 billion-US697 billion) from uncorrected myopia and US6billion(956 billion (95% CI, US2 billion-US$17 billion) from MMD. Our estimates suggest that the Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia Global Burden of Disease regions bear the greatest potential burden as a proportion of their economic activity, whereas East Asia bears the greatest potential burden in absolute terms.CONCLUSIONS: Even under conservative assumptions, the potential productivity loss associated with VI and blindness resulting from uncorrected myopia is substantially greater than the cost of correcting myopia.</p

    Rising Annual Costs of Dizziness Presentations to U.S. Emergency Departments

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    Objectives Dizziness and vertigo account for roughly 4% of chief symptoms in the emergency department ( ED ). Little is known about the aggregate costs of ED evaluations for these patients. The authors sought to estimate the annual national costs associated with ED visits for dizziness. Methods This cost study of adult U.S. ED visits presenting with dizziness or vertigo combined public‐use ED visit data (1995 to 2009) from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey ( NHAMCS ) and cost data (2003 to 2008) from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey ( MEPS ). We calculated total visits, test utilization, and ED diagnoses from NHAMCS . Diagnosis groups were defined using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's Clinical Classifications Software ( HCUP ‐ CCS ). Total visits and the proportion undergoing neuroimaging for future years were extrapolated using an autoregressive forecasting model. The average ED visit cost‐per‐diagnosis‐group from MEPS were calculated, adjusting to 2011 dollars using the Hospital Personal Health Care Expenditures price index. An overall weighted mean across the diagnostic groups was used to estimate total national costs. Year 2011 data are reported in 2011 dollars. Results The estimated number of 2011 US ED visits for dizziness or vertigo was 3.9 million (95% confidence interval [ CI ] = 3.6 to 4.2 million). The proportion undergoing diagnostic imaging by computed tomography ( CT ), magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ), or both in 2011 was estimated to be 39.9% (39.4% CT , 2.3% MRI ). The mean per‐ ED ‐dizziness‐visit cost was 1,004in2011dollars.Thetotalextrapolated2011nationalcostswere1,004 in 2011 dollars. The total extrapolated 2011 national costs were 3.9 billion. HCUP ‐ CCS key diagnostic groups for those presenting with dizziness and vertigo included the following (fraction of dizziness visits, cost‐per‐ ED ‐visit, attributable annual national costs): otologic/vestibular (25.7%; 768;768; 757 million), cardiovascular (16.5%, 1,489;1,489; 941 million), and cerebrovascular (3.1%; 1059;1059; 127 million). Neuroimaging was estimated to account for about 12% of the total costs for dizziness visits in 2011 ( CT scans 360million,MRIscans360 million, MRI scans 110 million). Conclusions Total U.S. national costs for patients presenting with dizziness to the ED are substantial and are estimated to now exceed $4 billion per year (about 4% of total ED costs). Rising costs over time appear to reflect the rising prevalence of ED visits for dizziness and increased rates of imaging use. Future economic studies should focus on the specific breakdown of total costs, emphasizing areas of high cost and use that might be safely reduced. Resumen Incremento Anual de los Costes de las Atenciones por Mareo en los Servicios de Urgencias de Estados Unidos Objectivos El mareo y el vértigo suman aproximadamente el 4% de los motivos de consulta en el servicio de urgencias ( SU ). Se conoce poco sobre los costes globales de las evaluaciones del SU en estos pacientes. Se buscó estimar los costes anuales nacionales asociados con las visitas al SU por mareo. Metodología Este estudio de costes de visitas al SU de adultos norteamericanos que acudieron con mareo o vértigo combinó los datos públicos de las visitas a los SU (1995 a 2009) recogidos por el National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey ( NHAMCS ) y los costes (2003 a 2008) recogidos por el Medical Expenditure Panel Survey ( MEPS ). Se calcularon el total de visitas, el uso de pruebas diagnósticas y los diagnósticos del SU del NHAMCS . Los grupos diagnósticos se definieron según el Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's Clinical Classifications Software ( HCUP ‐ CCS ). Los datos del año 2011 se documentaron en dólares de 2011. El total de visitas y la proporción de neuroimagen llevada a cabo en los futuros años se extrapoló usando un modelo predictivo autorregresivo. La media del coste por visita al SU por grupo diagnóstico del MEPS se calculó, ajustándose a dólares de 2011, mediante el índice de precios de los Hospital Personal Health Care Expenditures. Se utilizó una media ponderada global entre los grupos diagnósticos para estimar los costes totales nacionales. Resultados El número de visitas al SU en Estados Unidos en 2011 por mareo o vértigo fue de 3,9 millones ( IC 95% = 3,6 a 4,2 millones). El porcentaje de pruebas diagnósticas de imagen llevadas a cabo por tomografía computarizada ( TC ), resonancia magnética ( RM ) o ambas en 2011 se estimó en un 39,9% (39,4% TC , 2,3% RM ). La media de coste por visita al SU por mareo fue de 1.004 dólares de 2011. Los costes totales, extrapolados para todo el país, fueron de 3.900 millones de dólares. Los grupos diagnósticos HCUP ‐ CCS para aquéllos que presentaron mareo o vértigo incluyeron los siguientes (proporción de visitas por mareo; coste por visita al SU ; costes anuales nacionales atribuibles): otológico/vestibular (25,7%; 768 dólares; 757 millones de dólares), cardiovascular (16,5%, 1.489 dólares; 941 millones de dólares) y cerebrovascular (3,1%; 1.059 dólares; 127 millones de dólares). Se estimó una suma en la neuroimagen del 12% del total de costes para las visitas por mareo en 2011 (360 millones de dólares para la TC y 110 millones de dólares para la RM ). Conclusiones Los costes totales en Estados Unidos para los pacientes que acuden por mareo al SU son sustanciales, y se estima que sobrepasan en estos momentos los 4.000 millones de dólares por año (aproximadamente un 4% de los costes totales del SU ). El incremento de los costes con el paso del tiempo parece reflejar el crecimiento de la prevalencia de las visitas al SU por mareo y el aumento de porcentajes de utilización de la neuroimagen. Futuros estudios económicos deberían centrarse en el desglose de los costes totales, y hacer énfasis en las áreas de alto uso y coste que pueden ser reducidas sin riesgo.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99059/1/acem12168.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99059/2/acem12168-sup-0001-DataSupplementS1.pd

    Active Management of Third Stage of Labour Saves Facility Costs in Guatemala and Zambia

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    This study calculated the net benefit of using active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) rather than expectant management of the third stage of labour (EMTSL) for mothers in Guatemala and Zambia. Probabilities of events were derived from opinions of experts, publicly available data, and published literature. Costs of clinical events were calculated based on national price lists, observation of resources used in AMTSL and EMTSL, and expert estimates of resources used in managing postpar\uadtum haemorrhage and its complications, including transfusion. A decision tree was used for modelling expected costs associated with AMTSL or EMTSL. The base case analysis suggested a positive net benefit from AMTSL, with a net cost-saving of US18,000inGuatemala(with100livessaved)andUS 18,000 in Guatemala (with 100 lives saved) and US 145,000 in Zambia (with 467 lives saved) for 100,000 births. Facilities have strong economic incentives to adopt AMTSL if uterotonics are available

    A Social Model for Health Promotion for an Aging Population: Initial Evidence on the Experience Corps Model

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    This report evaluates whether a program for older volunteers, designed for both generativity and health promotion, leads to short-term improvements in multiple behavioral risk factors and positive effects on intermediary risk factors for disability and other morbidities. The Experience Corps® places older volunteers in public elementary schools in roles designed to meet schools\u27 needs and increase the social, physical, and cognitive activity of the volunteers. This article reports on a pilot randomized trial in Baltimore, Maryland. The 128 volunteers were 60-86 years old; 95% were African American. At follow-up of 4-8 months, physical activity, strength, people one could turn to for help, and cognitive activity increased significantly, and walking speed decreased significantly less, in participants compared to controls. In this pilot trial, physical, cognitive, and social activity increased, suggesting the potential for the Experience Corps to improve health for an aging population and simultaneously improve educational outcomes for children

    Impact of Depression on Work Productivity and Its Improvement after Outpatient Treatment with Antidepressants

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    AbstractObjectiveDepressive disorders influence socioeconomic burden at both the individual and organizational levels. This study estimates the lost productive time (LPT) and its resulting cost among workers with major depressive disorder (MDD) compared with a comparison group. It also estimates the change in productivity after 8 weeks of outpatient psychiatric treatment with antidepressants.MethodsWorking patients diagnosed with MDD without other major physical or mental disorders were recruited (n = 102), along with age- and sex-matched healthy controls from the Seoul Metropolitan area (n = 91). The World Health Organization's Health and Work Performance Questionnaire and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression were utilized to measure productivity and severity of depression, respectively, at baseline and at 8 weeks of treatment.ResultsThe LPT from absenteeism and presenteeism (reduced performance while present at work) was significantly higher among the MDD group. Workers with MDD averaged costs due to LPT at 33.4% of their average annual salary, whereas the comparison group averaged costs of 2.5% of annual salary. After 8 weeks of treatment, absenteeism and clinical symptoms of depression were significantly reduced and associated with significant improvement in self-rated job performance (31.8%) or cost savings of $7508 per employee per year.ConclusionsWe confirmed that significant productivity loss arises from MDD and that this loss can be reduced with psychiatric intervention after a time period as short as 8 weeks. Mental health professionals should work with employers to devise a cost-effective system to provide workers with accessible quality care