18,913 research outputs found

    Satellite-aided mobile communications limited operational test in the trucking industry

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    An experiment with NASA's ATS-6 satellite, that demonstrates the practicality of satellite-aided land mobile communications is described. Satellite communications equipment for the experiment was designed so that it would be no more expensive, when mass produced, than conventional two-way mobile radio equipment. It embodied the operational features and convenience of present day mobile radios. Vehicle antennas 75 cm tall and 2 cm in diameter provided good commercial quality signals to and from trucks and jeeps. Operational applicability and usage data were gathered by installing the radio equipment in five long-haul tractor-trailer trucks and two Air Force search and rescue jeeps. Channel occupancy rates are reported. Air Force personnel found the satellite radio system extremely valuable in their search and rescue mission during maneuvers and actual rescue operations. Propagation data is subjectively analyzed and over 4 hours of random data is categorized and graded as to signal quality on a second by second basis. Trends in different topographic regions are reported. An overall communications reliability of 93% was observed despite low satellite elevation angles ranging from 9 to 24 degrees

    Position surveillance using one active ranging satellite and time-of-arrival of a signal from an independent satellite

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    Position surveillance using one active ranging/communication satellite and the time-of-arrival of signals from an independent satellite was shown to be feasible and practical. A towboat on the Mississippi River was equipped with a tone-code ranging transponder and a receiver tuned to the timing signals of the GOES satellite. A similar transponder was located at the office of the towing company. Tone-code ranging interrogations were transmitted from the General Electric Earth Station Laboratory through ATS-6 to the towboat and to the ground truth transponder office. Their automatic responses included digital transmissions of time-of-arrival measurements derived from the GOES signals. The Earth Station Laboratory determined ranges from the satellites to the towboat and computed position fixes. The ATS-6 lines-of-position were more precise than 0.1 NMi, 1 sigma, and the GOES lines-of-position were more precise than 1.6 NMi, 1 sigma. High quality voice communications were accomplished with the transponders using a nondirectional antenna on the towboat. The simple and effective surveillance technique merits further evaluation using operational maritime satellites

    Bending rigidity of charged lipid bilayer membranes

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    Evaluation of solar cell welds by scanning acoustic microscopy

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    Scanning laser acoustic microscopy was used to nondestructively evaluate solar cell interconnect bonds made by resistance welding. Both copper-silver and silver-silver welds were analyzed. The bonds were produced either by a conventional parallel-gap welding technique using rectangular electrodes or new annular gap design with a circular electrode cross section. With the scanning laser acoustic microscope, it was possible to produce a real time television image which reveales the weld configuration as it relates to electrode geometry. The effect of electrode misalinement with the surface of the cell was also determined. A preliminary metallographic analysis was performed on selected welds to establish the relationship between actual size and shape of the weld area and the information available from acoustic micrographs

    Fundamental and harmonic emission in interplanetary type 2 radio bursts

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    Three interplanetary type II radio bursts which show two prominent and long duration bands in their dynamic spectra were analyzed in detail and compared to similar bands in meter wavelength type II events. These bands, which differ by a factor of about two in frequency, were interpreted in terms of fundamental and harmonic emission. The fundamental component has a greater average intensity than the harmonic, due largely to short intense brightenings. The fundamental spectral profile is more narrow than that of the harmonic, with harmonic band typically exhibiting a larger bandwidth to frequency ratio than the fundamental by a factor of two. The fundamental has a larger source size than the harmonic, 160 degrees versus 110 degrees, on average, as viewed from the Sun. Two of the events have source positions which correlate well with the associated flare positions

    Proposed satellite laser ranging and very long baseline interferometry sites for crustal dynamics investigations

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    Recommendations are presented for a global network of 125 sites for geodetic measurements by satellite laser ranging and very long baseline interferometry. The sites were proposed on the basis of existing facilities and scientific value for investigation of crustal dynamics as related to earthquake hazards. Tectonic problems are discussed for North America peripheral regions and for the world. The sites are presented in tables and maps, with bibliographic references

    Plant community structure mediates potential methane production and potential iron reduction in wetland mesocosms.

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    Abstract Wetlands are the largest natural source of methane to the atmosphere, but factors controlling methane emissions from wetlands are a major source of uncertainty in greenhouse gas budgets and projections of future climate change. We conducted a controlled outdoor mesocosm experiment to assess the effects of plant community structure (functional group richness and composition) on potential methane production and potential iron reduction in freshwater emergent marshes. Four plant functional groups (facultative annuals, obligate annuals, reeds, and tussocks) were arranged in a full-factorial design and additional mesocosms were assigned as no-plant controls. Soil samples from the top 10 cm were collected three times during the growing season to determine potential methane production and potential iron reduction (in unamended soils and in soils amended with 200 mM formate). These data were compared to soil organic matter, soil pH, and previously published data on above and belowground plant biomass. We found that functional group richness was less important than the presence of specific functional groups (reeds or tussocks) in mediating potential iron reduction. In our mesocosms, where oxidized iron was abundant and electron donors were limiting, iron reducing bacteria outcompeted methanogens, keeping methane production barely detectable in unamended lab incubations. When the possibility of re-oxidizing iron was eliminated via anaerobic incubations and the electron donor limitation was removed by adding formate, potential methane production increased and followed the same patterns as potential iron reduction. Our findings suggest that in the absence of abundant oxidized iron and/or the presence of abundant electron donors, wetlands dominated by either reeds or tussocks may have increased methane production compared to wetlands dominated by annuals. Depending on functional traits such as plant transport and rhizospheric oxygenation capacities, this could potentially lead to increased methane emissions in some wetlands. Additional research examining the role these plant functional groups play in other aspects of methane dynamics will be useful given the importance of methane as a greenhouse gas

    Crossover from Isotropic to Directed Percolation

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    Percolation clusters are probably the simplest example for scale--invariant structures which either are governed by isotropic scaling--laws (``self--similarity'') or --- as in the case of directed percolation --- may display anisotropic scaling behavior (``self--affinity''). Taking advantage of the fact that both isotropic and directed bond percolation (with one preferred direction) may be mapped onto corresponding variants of (Reggeon) field theory, we discuss the crossover between self--similar and self--affine scaling. This has been a long--standing and yet unsolved problem because it is accompanied by different upper critical dimensions: dcI=6d_c^{\rm I} = 6 for isotropic, and dcD=5d_c^{\rm D} = 5 for directed percolation, respectively. Using a generalized subtraction scheme we show that this crossover may nevertheless be treated consistently within the framework of renormalization group theory. We identify the corresponding crossover exponent, and calculate effective exponents for different length scales and the pair correlation function to one--loop order. Thus we are able to predict at which characteristic anisotropy scale the crossover should occur. The results are subject to direct tests by both computer simulations and experiment. We emphasize the broad range of applicability of the proposed method.Comment: 19 pages, written in RevTeX, 12 figures available upon request (from [email protected] or [email protected]), EF/UCT--94/2, to be published in Phys. Rev. E (May 1994

    Stratospheric measurement requirements and satellite-borne remote sensing capabilities

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    The capabilities of specific NASA remote sensing systems to provide appropriate measurements of stratospheric parameters for potential user needs were assessed. This was used to evaluate the capabilities of the remote sensing systems to perform global monitoring of the stratosphere. The following conclusions were reached: (1) The performance of current remote stratospheric sensors, in some cases, compares quite well with identified measurement requirements. Their ability to measure other species has not been demonstrated. (2) None of the current, in-situ methods have the capability to satisfy the requirements for global monitoring and the temporal constraints derived from the users needs portion of the study. (3) Existing, non-remote techniques will continue to play an important role in stratospheric investigations for both corroboration of remotely collected data and in the evolutionary development of future remote sensors

    The Relationship Between Moisture Content and X-Ray Sensitivity of Oat Seeds, Avena sativa

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    About a decade ago, Gustafsson (3) reported that the sensitivity of barley seeds to x-ray treatment was positively related to their moisture content. Sensitivity was measured by germination percentage and vigor of seedlings produced from treated seeds. However, Caldecott (1) recently has shown that barley seeds with a moisture percentage between 8 and 16 were more resistant to x-ray damage than those with either a lower or higher water content. These conflicting results probably are related to differences in methods used to temper the seeds by the two investigators. Gustafsson (3) soaked the seeds in water while Caldecott (1) placed them in desicators with different relative humidities. Metabolic activity and x-ray sensitivity of seed would be expected to be enhanced more by the first method. For a discussion of the physical significance of moisture content of seeds on x-ray sensitivity the reader is referred to a paper by Caldecott (2). This paper reports experiments conducted to determine the relationships between moisture content of seeds and x-ray sensitivity in hexaploid oats
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