36 research outputs found

    Genome-wide DNA-(de)methylation is associated with Noninfectious Bud-failure exhibition in Almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] D.A.Webb).

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    Noninfectious bud-failure (BF) remains a major threat to almond production in California, particularly with the recent rapid expansion of acreage and as more intensive cultural practices and modern cultivars are adopted. BF has been shown to be inherited in both vegetative and sexual progeny, with exhibition related to the age and propagation history of scion clonal sources. These characteristics suggest an epigenetic influence, such as the loss of juvenility mediated by DNA-(de)methylation. Various degrees of BF have been reported among cultivars as well as within sources of clonal propagation of the same cultivar. Genome-wide methylation profiles for different clones within almond genotypes were developed to examine their association with BF levels and association with the chronological time from initial propagation. The degree of BF exhibition was found to be associated with DNA-(de)methylation and clonal age, which suggests that epigenetic changes associated with ageing may be involved in the differential exhibition of BF within and among almond clones. Research is needed to investigate the potential of DNA-(de)methylation status as a predictor for BF as well as for effective strategies to improve clonal selection against age related deterioration. This is the first report of an epigenetic-related disorder threatening a major tree crop

    Application of genomic and quantitative genetic tools to identify candidate resistance genes for brown rot resistance in peach.

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    The availability of a complete peach genome assembly and three different peach genome sequences created by our group provide new opportunities for application of genomic data and can improve the power of the classical Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) approaches to identify candidate genes for peach disease resistance. Brown rot caused by Monilinia spp., is the most important fungal disease of stone fruits worldwide. Improved levels of peach fruit rot resistance have been identified in some cultivars and advanced selections developed in the UC Davis and USDA breeding programs. Whole genome sequencing of the Pop-DF parents lead to discovery of high-quality SNP markers for QTL genome scanning in this experimental population. Pop-DF created by crossing a brown rot moderately resistant cultivar 'Dr. Davis' and a brown rot resistant introgression line, 'F8,1-42', derived from an initial almond × peach interspecific hybrid, was evaluated for brown rot resistance in fruit of harvest maturity over three seasons. Using the SNP linkage map of Pop-DF and phenotypic data collected with inoculated fruit, a genome scan for QTL identified several SNP markers associated with brown rot resistance. Two of these QTLs were placed on linkage group 1, covering a large (physical) region on chromosome 1. The genome scan for QTL and SNP effects predicted several candidate genes associated with disease resistance responses in other host-pathogen systems. Two potential candidate genes, ppa011763m and ppa026453m, may be the genes primarily responsible for M. fructicola recognition in peach, activating both PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity (ETI) responses. Our results provide a foundation for further genetic dissection, marker assisted breeding for brown rot resistance, and development of peach cultivars resistant to brown rot

    Computational Analysis of AmpSeq Data for Targeted, High-Throughput Genotyping of Amplicons

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    Amplicon sequencing (AmpSeq) is a practical, intuitive strategy with a semi-automated computational pipeline for analysis of highly multiplexed PCR-derived sequences. This genotyping platform is particularly cost-effective when multiplexing 96 or more samples with a few amplicons up to thousands of amplicons. Amplicons can target from a single nucleotide to the upper limit of the sequencing platform. The flexibility of AmpSeq’s wet lab methods make it a tool of broad interest for diverse species, and AmpSeq excels in flexibility, high-throughput, low-cost, accuracy, and semi-automated analysis. Here we provide an open science framework procedure to output data out of an AmpSeq project, with an emphasis on the bioinformatics pipeline to generate SNPs, haplotypes and presence/absence variants in a set of diverse genotypes. Open-access tutorial datasets with actual data and a containerization open source software instance are provided to enable training in each of these genotyping applications. The pipelines presented here should be applicable to the analysis of various target-enriched (e.g., amplicon or sequence capture) Illumina sequence data

    Identification of QTLs for berry acid and tannin in a Vitis aestivalis-derived 'Norton'-based population

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    Acidity and tannins are among the grape berry quality traits that influence wine quality. Despite advantageous environmental tolerances of Vitis aestivalis-derived 'Norton', its acidity and tannin concentrations often deviate from expectations set for V. vinifera. Identification of the genetic determinants of malic acid, tartaric acid, pH, and tannin can assist in the improvement of new hybrid cultivars. For this purpose, a 'Norton' and V. vinifera 'Cabernet Sauvignon' hybrid population containing 223 individuals was used to construct a linkage map containing 384 simple sequence repeat (SSR) and 2,084 genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)-derived single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The resulting map was 1,441.9 cM in length with an average inter-marker distance of 0.75 cM and spanned 19 linkage groups (LGs). Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected for malic acid, tartaric acid, pH, and tannin. QTLs for malic acid (LG 8) and pH (LG 6) were observed across multiple years and explained approximately 17.7% and 18.5% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Additionally, QTLs for tartaric acid were identified on linkage groups 1, 6, 7, 9, and 17 and tannin on LG 2 in single-year data. The QTLs for tartaric acid explained between 8.8−14.3% and tannin explained 24.7% of the phenotypic variation. The markers linked to these QTLs can be used to improve hybrid cultivar breeding through marker-assisted selection

    A Next-generation Marker Genotyping Platform (AmpSeq) in Heterozygous Crops: A Case Study for Marker-assisted Selection in Grapevine

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    Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is often employed in crop breeding programs to accelerate and enhance cultivar development, via selection during the juvenile phase and parental selection prior to crossing. Next-generation sequencing and its derivative technologies have been used for genome-wide molecular marker discovery. To bridge the gap between marker development and MAS implementation, this study developed a novel practical strategy with a semi-automated pipeline that incorporates traitassociated single nucleotide polymorphism marker discovery, low-cost genotyping through amplicon sequencing (AmpSeq) and decision making. The results document the development of a MAS package derived from genotyping-by-sequencing using three traits (flower sex, disease resistance and acylated anthocyanins) in grapevine breeding. The vast majority of sequence reads ( ⩾99%) were from the targeted regions. Across 380 individuals and up to 31 amplicons sequenced in each lane of MiSeq data, most amplicons (83 to 87%) had o10% missing data, and read depth had a median of 220–244 × . Several strengths of the AmpSeq platform that make this approach of broad interest in diverse crop species include accuracy, flexibility, speed, high-throughput, lowcost and easily automated analysis

    Next Generation Mapping of Enological Traits in an F2 Interspecific Grapevine Hybrid Family

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    In winegrapes (Vitis spp.), fruit quality traits such as berry color, total soluble solids content (SS), malic acid content (MA), and yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) affect fermentation or wine quality, and are important traits in selecting new hybrid winegrape cultivars. Given the high genetic diversity and heterozygosity of Vitis species and their tendency to exhibit inbreeding depression, linkage map construction and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping has relied on F1 families with the use of simple sequence repeat (SSR) and other markers. This study presents the construction of a genetic map by single nucleotide polymorphisms identified through genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology in an F2 mapping family of 424 progeny derived from a cross between the wild species V. riparia Michx. and the interspecific hybrid winegrape cultivar, ‘Seyval’. The resulting map has 1449 markers spanning 2424 cM in genetic length across 19 linkage groups, covering 95% of the genome with an average distance between markers of 1.67 cM. Compared to an SSR map previously developed for this F2 family, these results represent an improved map covering a greater portion of the genome with higher marker density. The accuracy of the map was validated using the well-studied trait berry color. QTL affecting YAN, MA and SS related traits were detected. A joint MA and SS QTL spans a region with candidate genes involved in the malate metabolism pathway. We present an analytical pipeline for calling intercross GBS markers and a high-density linkage map for a large F2 family of the highly heterozygous Vitis genus. This study serves as a model for further genetic investigations of the molecular basis of additional unique characters of North American hybrid wine cultivars and to enhance the breeding process by marker-assisted selection. The GBS protocols for identifying intercross markers developed in this study can be adapted for other heterozygous species