1,805 research outputs found

    Understanding a philosophical text. The problem of “meaning” in Jayanta’s Nyāyamañjarī, Book 5

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    The authors make an attempt to comparatively analyse some stances of the Old Indian philosophy of language, exemplified by the Medieval Indian author Jayanta, along with the Western tradition of the analytical philosophy of language, and to highlight the differences as well as the similarities

    The high magnetic coupling passive loop: A steady-state and transient analysis of the thermal behavior

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    This paper deals with a new concept of technology for the mitigation of the magnetic field produced by underground power lines called "High Magnetic Coupling Passive Loop" (HMCPL). The working principle of this technique is the creation of a current with the same amplitude but opposite phase for each source conductor, in order to nullify the magnetic field in a specified region. Since the number of thermal sources in the shielding region is roughy doubled, the aim of the paper is the investigation of the thermal behavior of HMCPL directly buried in the ground, both in transient and in steady-state conditions. The study is carried out with simulations in order to verify any possible configurations of the shield. Results confirm that HMCPL is a safe technology which does not modify the thermal behavior of the power lin

    Educare al nido Competenze didattiche e relazionali

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    In today’s society, the childcare centres are considered a context of learning and a space for relations between adults and children, and no longer a welfare site for the care of children. Therefore, compared to the past, many aspects have changed, from the idea of child and family to the role of the practitioner. This paper focuses on the professional competences of the practitioner in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services, or better to say of the female practitioner, since in services from 0- 3 years of age, both nationally and internationally, it is mainly women who do the work. In Italy, over the last three decades, this professional figure has gained a holistic knowledge that is a meeting point between didactic and relational competences, and defines a new professionalism that has been built and developed both ina theoretical and an empirical way, innervated by pedagogical knowledge, methodological devices, operational tools and relational strategies that, by intersecting, substantivize the educational work.Nella società attuale il nido d’infanzia è considerato un contesto di apprendimento e uno spazio di relazione tra adulti e bambini e non più un luogo assistenziale destinato alla custodia dei piccoli, perciò, rispetto al passato, sono cambiati molti aspetti, dall’idea di bambino e di famiglia al ruolo dell’educatore. Il presente contributo si concentra sulle competenze professionali dell’educatore dei servizi educativi per la prima infanzia, o per meglio dire dell’educatrice, dato che nei servizi 0-3, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, lavorano prevalentemente donne.In Italia, nel corso degli ultimi tre decenni, questa figura professionale ha maturato un sapere olistico che si configura quale punto d’incontro tra le competenze didattiche e relazionali, e che definisce una nuova professionalità che si è costruita e sviluppata sia in direzione teoretica che empirica, innervata da conoscenze pedagogiche, dispositivi metodologici, strumenti operativi e strategie relazionali che, intersecandosi, sostanziano il lavoro educativo